3 The peak of the shadow level

You know, Sanshoyu Hanzo is a shadow-level powerhouse known as a demigod.

Being able to be called a demigod, one can imagine how powerful the sansho fish Hanzo was during this period.

And Xintian is just a special Jōnin.

Even though water-type ninjutsu, in terms of attribute restraint, restrains fire-type ninjutsu, but the difference in strength makes Xintian’s water formation wall unable to completely offset Sanjiao Yu Hanzo’s detonating flame formation.

But, that’s enough!

Sanjiao Yu Hanzo’s detonating flame formation, which was weakened by Xintian’s water formation wall, hit Xintian, and it was no longer fatal!

Shinten’s scream was not so much a scream, but a scream that was deliberately called out to Tsunade!

The purpose is to be able to hold Tsunade for ten seconds and not let Tsunade escape from his embrace.

[It is detected that the master has hugged Tsunade, and the ten-second countdown begins. 】

[Ten, nine, eight…three, two, one]

[The ten-second countdown is over. 】

[Congratulations to the master for completing the first sign-in and obtaining the peak Tsunade’s ability during the Fourth War of the Ninja World. 】

It’s done!

Xintian’s heart is full of joy.

At the same time, Xintian could feel that a huge energy poured into his body, washing his body.

Xintian felt that his body seemed to be immersed in the warmest and most comfortable hot spring water, and every cell in his body seemed to be chirping happily.

Xintian only felt as if he had been reborn, and even the pain behind his back from the scorching injuries caused by the detonating flames of Sanshoyu Hanzo seemed to have completely dissipated.

At the same time, a diamond-shaped pattern appeared on Xintian’s forehead.

Cool, so cool.

When this feeling disappeared, Xintian could feel that his chakra volume and body quality had undergone a qualitative leap.

At the same time, Shinten’s medical ninjutsu, magic physical art, psychic skills, etc., etc., which Shinten does not know at all, seems to be engraved in Shinten’s instinct at this moment, such as arm commanding.

Is this the Chakra of the peak Tsunade during the Fourth World War?

Is this the ability of the peak Tsunade during the Fourth World War?

This is the period of the Fourth World War. Is the peak Tsunade strong?

Xintian originally thought that he was ready to accept the strength of Tsunade at that time, but when Xintian really felt this power, Xintian understood the power of this power.

This is completely different from Xintian’s original strength!

Just the amount of chakra, the current Xintian is hundreds of times that of the original self, not to mention other secret techniques of ninjutsu.

Now Xintian’s strength can completely slaughter thousands of his former self, and it is easy and effortless.

Is this the power of the shadow level, or even the peak of the shadow level, the super shadow level?

Xintian couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Tsunade didn’t know Xintian’s inner sigh, she looked at the screaming Xintian, her face was a little unbearable, and her heart was a little complicated.

She also did not expect that at this time, there would actually be a Konoha ninja with the courage to come and save herself.

You know, this is her, Jiraiya, the battle between Orochi and Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Except for her, Jiraiya and Orochimaru, almost no ninja dared to intervene in this battlefield at this time.

After all, in this battlefield, the strength has not reached a certain level. If you join in, you will be killed or injured.

Although people may die at any time in the battlefield, every ninja cherishes his life.

Tsunade did not expect that one day, he would be protected like this by other ninjas.

Although this ninja,The force may not be particularly strong, but Tsunade is still very moved.

But, who is this ninja? Why am I not impressed.

Looking at Junxiu Xintian’s face, Tsunade felt a little embarrassed.

Tsunade has so many subordinates, how can he remember every subordinate?

She has beautiful and prominent facial features, a perfect face, fair skin like jade, and short black hair.

God is like a jade tree, two thick eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, as if enduring some kind of pain.

The lips that were soaked in blood and the pupils that looked like black jade all said that this was a good-looking man.

Tsunade’s heart also unconsciously set off ripples.

He looks so handsome, and I still have such a handsome ninja?

I’m sorry I didn’t remember you before, but I will definitely remember you in the future.

“Are you all right?” Tsunade glanced at Xintian more, then gently pushed Xintian.

“I’m fine, thank you Tsunade-sama for your concern, are you all right?” When Xintian heard Tsunade’s words, he regained his senses and let go of Tsunade.

Just immersed in the joy of gaining power again, Xintian didn’t feel anything yet.

Now that he came back to his senses, Xintian felt that his back was really hurting.

The detonating flame formation of Sanshoyu Hanzo is no joke.

Xintian’s back was definitely severely burned.

It’s just that Xintian obtained Tsunade’s peak ability during the Fourth World War, and his body’s ability to recover is also very strong, and the injuries on his back are constantly recovering.

Of course, apart from the pain in his back, Shinten also felt the warmth of Tsunade.

Tsunade’s body, fleshy, feels very comfortable.

Tsunade got up, left Shinten’s embrace, and then supported Shinten with his backhand.

Xintian was also confused, and instinctively put his right hand on Tsunade’s shoulder.

Damn, what’s the situation?

Soon, Xintian also reacted.

Tsunade wouldn’t think that I was seriously injured and that I had lost the ability to stand alone.

“I’m fine, thank you, I owe you a favor. If I can go back alive, I will repay you.”

Tsunade said solemnly.

Tsunade didn’t react to the situation just now.

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