43 Kushina and Mikoto

“Sister Tsunade, welcome back.”

At the corner of the intersection, a girl with long beautiful red hair happily waved her right hand at Tsunade.

She has a hairpin pinned to her left bun, and a cuff on her left wrist.

She has a delicate face, beautiful long red hair that falls down softly, her curled eyelashes fluttering slightly, and below it are a pair of big eyes like magnificent black gems.

This red-haired girl is the mother of Naruto in the original novel, Uzumaki Kushina.

It’s just that the current Uzumaki Kushina is still very young. He hasn’t graduated from the ninja school yet, so he looks two or three years older than Xiao Nan.

“Sister Tsunade, you’re back.”

Next to Kushina was a black, long and straight beauty. She was not as flamboyant as Kushina, but very quiet.

She had long black and supple black hair scattered over her shoulders, and was dressed in a green dress, her neck and shoulders were slightly exposed, showing her beautiful curves.

Her appearance is neither ostentatious nor eye-catching at first glance, but it makes people feel good. She belongs to the kind of woman who is more attractive the more she looks.

She has a gentle temperament, giving people a sense of elegance and tranquility.

She is Uchiha Mikoto.

Of course, Mikoto has not yet married Uchiha Fugaku, she is still single, and she looks two or three years older than Kushina, and has graduated from the ninja school.

Unlike other Uchiha clan members, Mikoto doesn’t have the arrogance that many Uchiha clan members have, or even has a lot of insight.

It is precisely because of this that Mikoto can become good friends and best friends with Tsunade and Kushina.

(In the original book, Mikoto and Kushina are best friends, and Kushina and Tsunade are best friends. It’s not too much for me to write the three as best friends, right?)

“Kushina, Mikoto, you are…”

Seeing Kushina and Mikoto standing at the intersection that they must pass by when they return to the Senju family, Tsunade was also a little surprised, and even a little moved after the surprise.

“We’re here to welcome you, Miss Tsunade, you’re really amazing, you can actually tie with Sanshoyu Hanzo!” Kushina pounced into Tsunade’s arms and said.

Kushina’s relationship with Tsunade has always been very good.

When Kushina first arrived in Konoha, she didn’t have a friend, and her classmates didn’t like to see her, so only Tsunade and Uzumaki Mito treated her well.

Over time, Kushina established a deep bond with Tsunade.

Before graduating from the ninja school, Mikoto helped Mikoto when Kushina was bullied by her senior classmates, thus establishing a deep friendship.

Through Kushina as an intermediate bridge, Mikoto also met Tsunade, and the three gradually became good friends and best girlfriends.

“Really are……”

When Tsunade heard Kushina say that she could tie with Sanshoyu Hanzo, a trace of embarrassment flashed in her heart.

How could she be tied with Sanjiao Yu Hanzo? She and JiraiyaThe three of Orochimaru and Orochimaru besieged Sanjiaoyu Hanzo, but they couldn’t beat the other party.

Kushina obviously wanted to pat Tsunade’s ‘flattery’, and took it on the horse’s leg, which was embarrassing.

Xintian, who was watching from the side, also had a teasing smile on his face.

What are you laughing laughing?

Tsunade also glared at Xintian.

“It’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning, this one is really powerful, defeating the Sanshoyu Hanzo.” Tsunade also pointed to Xintian and said.

“Defeat Sanshoyu Hanzo? Is he Shinten?” Kushina came out of Tsunade’s arms, looked at Shinten, and blinked.

“Yes, let me introduce you to it.”

“This is Uzumaki Kushina, my best friend.”

“This is Uchiha Mikoto, my best friend.”

“This is Xintian, my friend.”

“This is Xiao Nan, Xintian’s apprentice.”

When Mikoto came over, Tsunade also introduced them to each other.

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Mikoto also smiled gracefully at Xintian and Xiaonan Yingying, and then Yingying gave her a salute.

In her heart, Mikoto couldn’t help but sigh, Xintian looks really good.

She has beautiful and prominent facial features, a perfect face, fair skin like jade, and short black hair.

God is like a jade tree, two thick eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, as if enduring some kind of pain.

The lips that were soaked in blood and the pupils that looked like black jade all said that this was a good-looking man.

“Hello, nice to meet you.”

Kushina also blinked and said.

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Xiao Nan also blinked and said like a gourd.

Perhaps because Kushina and Mikoto are both Tsunade’s best friends, Xiaonan is relatively close to both Kushina and Mikoto.

“Hello, nice to meet you.”

Xintian also chuckled lightly.

He didn’t even think that it was in this way that he knew Mikoto and Kushina.

But…it seems to be pretty good too.

“Xintian…Brother? I heard that you defeated Sanshoyu Hanzo? Is it true?!” Kushina rolled her eyes and asked curiously.

“What do you think?” Xintian didn’t answer, but instead asked.

“Of course it’s true, otherwise how could the news spread.” Tsunade also rubbed Kushina’s hair, making a mess of Kushina’s hair.

“Ah! Tsunade-san, what are you doing!” Kushina also pretended to be aggrieved and shouted when she noticed that her hair was messed up by Tsunade.

“I didn’t do anything, I just thought your hair was more fun.” Tsunade said angrily.

Although Kushina’s words were unintentional, when I heard it in Tsunade’s ears at the time, I always felt a slight sense of ridicule.

This gave Tsunade an urge to bully Kushina.

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