82? Harassment, Guerrilla

Xintian originally came up with this method to sign in for the mission. Now, how can I not let Xintian perform this mission? Besides, Xintian already owns Mudun, and his strength has already improved, even if he faces the three generations of Fengying , Ei Laozang plus Chiyo and the current Ikutozhu force share the blessings, and they are not afraid.

How could Xintian be stumped by the mere sneak attack mission? Hearing Xintian’s tone of coaxing a child, Tsunade’s pretty face flushed, and he glared at Xintian.

You talk to me like this, I don’t want face

“Cough, since that’s the case, let’s decide like this. Xintian will take some ninjas to Sand Ninja Village and directly attack the base camp of Sand Ninja Village.”

“And on our side, it is the second line of defense facing Sand Ninja Village and starting the war.”

Hatake Sakumo also coughed twice, interrupting Shinten and Tsunade’s behavior of throwing dog food.

However, Hatake Sakumo also brought back memories of Shinten and Tsunade, some of whom missed his dead wife and Kakashi in Konoha.

“The general direction is already there, so the remaining details should be finalized as soon as possible.”

“The faster we act, the less time will be left for Sand Ninja Village to prepare.”

Hatake Sakumo said.

Next, it was time for Hatake Sakumo to line up.

Hatake Sakumo stayed on the frontline battlefield of the Land of Winds: for so long, it is natural to have a good hand in arranging troops.

“Xintian, what do you think of this?”

After the general details were finalized, Hatake Sakumo also asked Shinten again.

“Very good, just do as Sakumo said, but I still want to add two points.”

Shinten also listened carefully to what Hatake Sakumo said, and then said.

“All ears.”

Hatake Sakumo didn’t feel irritable either, and said with a serious look.

“Last time, we raided Sand Ninja’s first line of defense. Since we have already made a sneak attack, then Sand Ninja Village will definitely take precautions this time, and even strengthen its guard.”

“In this case, we don’t have to attack directly, but choose to harass and besiege instead of attacking!”

Xintian said.

“harassment besieged but not attacked”

Hatake Sakumo frowned, not understanding what Shinten meant.

“That’s right, it’s… harassment, siege but not attack.”

“We can first send relic ninjas to surround Sand Ninja’s second line of defense.”

“Then dispatch a small number of ninjas with strong concealment ability. When the morning comes, go directly to the second line of defense in Sand Ninja Village, and make a noise to make Sand Ninja Village think we are going to launch.”

“The sand ninjas who have been raided once will think that we Konoha will attack again.”

“At this time, the part of the ninja we sent can retreat.”

“On the morning of the second day, repeat it again.”

“In a few days, I’m afraid that before the war begins, the Sand Ninja Village will collapse.”

“When the right time is reached, we will directly suppress the situation with the army…”

“No, I don’t even need a large army to overwhelm the realm. At that time, I am afraid that I have already sneaked into the sand ninja village, and the three generations of Fengying received news, I am afraid they will surrender directly.”

Xintian said.

“This tactic, seconds!”

Hearing Xintian’s plan, all the high-level leaders in the front line could not help but let out an exclamation.

This tactic is really a second! In the current situation, this tactic is really the right medicine.

After all, in the last battle, Konoha caught Sand Ninja Village by surprise, and now Sand Ninja Village’s nerves must be very tense.

At this time, a little bit of trouble will definitely arouse the great attention of Sand Ninja Village.

After a few days like this, I am afraid that everyone in Sand Ninja Village will not be able to eat well, sleep well, and may even collapse.

What an ingenious plan.

If it is true according to what Xintian said, when the news of Xintian’s sneak attack on Sandin Village reaches Sandin’s second line of defense, I am afraid that Sandin may really surrender directly.

“It’s just, what if the Sand Ninja Village chooses to break the boat and fight us directly?”

Hatake Sakumo asked.

When this is not impossible, the Sand Ninja Village is not a fool. After two or three days of harassment, there will definitely be someone over there who will notice the intentions of Konoha’s side.

At that time, Xintian probably hadn’t sneaked into the Sand Ninja Village yet, and the three generations of Kazekage and the others chose to break the boat, and they were in trouble.

Sand Shinobi, who is fighting against the water, will definitely be very terrifying.

Once people have no way out, they will burst out with unimaginable potential.

On Konoha’s side, Xintian went directly to attack Sand Ninja Village.With Xintian, it is really unwise to carry it forward.

“At this time, we can choose whether the enemy will advance and we will retreat, if the enemy is stationed, we will disturb, if the enemy is tired, we will fight, and if the enemy retreats, we will pursue.”

Xintian said the solution lightly.

“This, seconds!”

Hearing Shinten’s words, Hatake Sakumo couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

When the enemy is attacking, we will retreat. When the enemy is retreating, we will chase after the enemy.

This is that when the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we disturb, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue.

These sixteen characters seem simple, but they contain infinite truths, which opened Hatake Sakumo’s eyes.

After understanding the meaning of Xintian’s words, Konoha’s high-level leaders on the front line of the Kingdom of Wind were stunned for a moment, and then the shock on their faces was slightly less than when Xintian first showed that he knew how to escape. shock.

The eyes they looked at Xintian changed again, and they were a little surprised.

“This method is too short. It can minimize the loss that Konoha may have caused by Wang Zhaohui.”

Hatake Sakumo couldn’t help but admire.

After some discussion, everyone agreed to Xintian’s plan.

“It’s not too late. Today we have a day off. Tomorrow night, we will directly start to surround the second line of defense in Sandin Village, and in the early hours of the day after tomorrow, we will directly implement the harassment plan!”

“Sand Ninja would never think that we were just harassing, not really raiding.”

“In the early hours of the day after tomorrow, let me lead the team to harass the second line of defense over there!”

The high-level Konoha on the front line of the Land of Winds is also enthusiastic…

That night, Xintian paid a certain price for his “adventure”.

The price was that on the second day, Tsunade was unable to send Shinten off.

However, Xintian didn’t care, and with his sneak attack troops, he bypassed the defense line of Sand Ninja Village and quietly set off towards Sand Ninja Village.

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