Rustle –

Treadmill –

Shortly after the mysterious man disappeared, a large group of dark parts with masks appeared in place.

“The art of spores has been completely lifted!”

After a rigorous examination, one of the dark people frowned.

One of the most important duties of the Dark Ministry is to guard the village from outside forces.

But today….

But under his own nose, a big living person slipped in!

If it wasn’t for Naruto-sama discovering the anomaly through the crystal ball, the mysterious man wouldn’t know how long he would have stayed in the village, and how many secrets would have been stolen.

“In the surroundings, there is no strange flow of chakra.”

A ninja with blue tendons in the corners of his eyes and snow-white pupils in his two pupils spoke.

“Did you run far?”

“Damn it!”

The dark part of the leader, Mori Nabiki, who was tall and had intricate knife marks on his face, said calmly.

Today is the day when he is promoted to captain.

But what happened was not worth his happiness at all.

“The details of the matter must be reported to Naruto-sama as soon as possible.”

“At the same time, an order was issued to double the number of personnel stationed at the gate, and non-village personnel should not visit!”

Throwing off a cold word, he flew away.

“Carry out the order!”


As the words fell, the dark parts that were originally gathered around instantly scattered.


Increasingly westwardly tilted.

Char and Matkai finally finished their day’s practice.

After lifting the restrictions of the gravity suit, Char, who was originally half-dead, became lively again.

“Char, the protection in the village seems to be much tighter today.”

Despite undergoing a lot of cultivation training, Matkai was still sensitive to the abnormalities around him.

Walking on the street, you can see dark parts with masks walking through them.

“Maybe some festival is coming!”

Char replied casually.

It’s just that his heart is far less calm than it appears on the surface.

Dark part!

When he saw the faces of those people, Char’s brows frowned slightly.

Under normal circumstances, such issues of security and order in the village are carried out by the police department headed by the Uchiha family.

But now….

But even the dark part began to move.

This time, it’s not small!

Char was keenly aware that at the same time, he was constantly rummaging through the memories in his mind.

Before the Third Shinobi War….

What happened to Konoha?

Death of the White Fang!

And what???

Rao is Char wants to break his head, but he still can’t think of a reason.

Perhaps the dark clan had given an early notice that the shops on Konoha Street were closed much earlier than in the past, which also frustrated the plans of many students who had planned to celebrate graduation.

When Char and Matkai pass by a maruko shop, they happen to run into Obito, Kakashi and Rin Nohara who come out of the shop with a smuggled face.

“Why, have you been kicked out by the store too?”

“Hmph, these shops don’t know what’s wrong today, they would rather lose money to us than close early!”

With his hands folded, Obito’s face was full of anger.

The graduation celebration dinner was originally stirred up.

At this time, Obito just held his stomach.

“If there’s nothing to do, let’s go back early!”

Kakashi on the side suddenly spoke.

“Even the dark parts that were rarely seen in the past are running around today.”

“What’s the matter…”

“Either it has already happened or it is about to happen.”

“In short, none of them are something we can join.”

As a genius, Kakashi also had an amazingly keen sense of observation.

“Ah! Is that so? ”

“Lynn, then let me send you back! This is a safe point. ”

Upon hearing Kakashi’s potentially dangerous remarks, Obito was the first to stand up and say to the only girl in his company, Rin.


Obviously, at this time, Lin was completely unaware of Obito’s initiative.

“Natsu… Char-san! ”

“You’re here too.”

“I originally wanted to look for you after the shift today, but unfortunately I couldn’t find you when I went out.”

Nohara Rin was a little unusual, and said angrily.

Although the expression on her face was very natural, her hands that kept opening and closing showed the tension and panic in her heart at this time.


“I’ve been training with Akai since I split the shift!”

Unimpressed by Nohara’s attitude, Char pointed at Metkay and said.


“So it is…”


“So Char, have you also started practicing physical arts now?”

“Char, call me next time!”

“I don’t want to be left behind by others all the time, how can we Uchiha clan be subservient!”

Without waiting for Nohara Rin’s whisper to finish, Obito who squeezed over from the side popped out of his head and said to Char with some excitement.

Same first shift.

Obito found out on the first day of getting along that he may be at the bottom, which made Obito, who had just won the second place in the graduation assessment, completely unacceptable.

Stronger mind.

It has never been so strong!!

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