The first option, Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai releases the Nine-Tailed Chakra for the Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Although there are three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s hesitant attitude has long fallen into the eyes of Ape Flying Sun Chopper and others.

This is a very dangerous signal.

As the Nine-Tails Pillar Force of Konoha’s nuclear weapons, he will put Konoha in danger for his own personal affairs.

After this happened, Ape Fei Richo and the others will definitely strengthen their surveillance of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai.

Even if Uzumaki Shinna is dedicated to Konoha, what if someone threatens her like Yanagi?

The second choice, Sarutobi Hinata tacitly acquiesced in the choice of letting Shimura Danzo sacrifice.

This will further deteriorate the relationship between Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hinata, leaving their few remaining bonds in name only.

Shimura Danzo will completely let go of his expectations for Sarutobi and evolve into the Konoha Nabe King faster than in the original book.

Shimura Danzo, who was abolished by Yanagi, has greatly reduced his strength, and he will definitely do whatever it takes to keep the power in his hands, and then find ways to increase his strength.

The two things that Shimura Danzo has longed for for a long time, will definitely be put into practice by him.

The third option is for Sarutobi to attack Orochimaru while destroying one of Jiraiya’s arms.

The shadow-level combat power that is loyal to Konoha has also greatly decreased, and an irreparable rift will appear between the ape flying sun slash and the big snake pill.

Although they all knew the reason why Ape Flying Sun Slash attacked the Great Snake Pill, Ape Flying Sun Slash’s murderous attack was real.

Trust is the most fragile thing, and if something goes wrong, it can never be restored to its original form.

The fourth option….

Liu Sheng’s eyes calmly looked at Bofeng Shuimen, and a teasing smile appeared on his face.

He raised his palm, a golden light began to flicker on his fingertips, and a nonchalant voice came out of his mouth: “Why, haven’t you thought about how to choose?” ”

“Now start the countdown, if you don’t choose, every minute I’ll kill a Konoha villager. You know my speed, you can’t stop me. ”

“Wave Feng Shuimen, are you going to hurt Konoha who gave birth to you and raised you for the sake of this woman from the country of Whirlpools?”

“As far as I know, you said you wanted to be Hokage. Since you want to be a Hokage, you must have the corresponding enlightenment. ”

“For Hokage, the village is the most important thing. In order to protect the village, whether it is brothers, wives, children or comrades, they are all existences that can be sacrificed. ”

“This is what the original Hokage once said, and now he is with Jun. Well, hurry up and make a decision! ”

Liu Sheng said lazily, and the light on his fingertips became more and more dazzling.

“Sorry, Jiu Xinnai!”

“I’m hurt now, I can’t hurt you.”

“We’ve fought many times, and you know my fighting style.”

“Cheer up, you can definitely do it.”

After hesitating for a while, Bofeng Shuimen gritted his teeth and said to Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai with a sincere face.

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

Although it is right to know the choice of Bofeng Shuimen, man is a sensual creature after all.


Looking at the wave feng shui gate and the whirlpool jiu xinnai who began to fight, Liu Sheng showed a teasing smile on his face.

From the moment the wave of feng shui men started, they couldn’t go back, and the relationship between the two would quickly cool down.

And the hesitation before the wave wind water gate will also greatly reduce the impression of Konoha villagers on him, which is not a qualified Hokage.

Compared with the previous three generations of Hokage, the wave feng shui gate is unqualified.

For them, the three generations of Hokage can give up their best friend Shimura Danzo without hesitation and let their best friend die;

And Bofeng Shuimen just attacked Vortex Jiu Xinnai, and he had to hesitate for a long time about this kind of thing.

This is not a qualified Hokage, and the weight of official affairs in his heart is less important than private matters.

In fact, the behavior of the wave feng shui gate in the original work is indeed not what a qualified Hokage should do.

The wave feng shui men in the original book could not have died, but he was stunned to sacrifice himself to die.

Don’t say that he was killed by the Nine Tails sneak attack, he took the initiative to use ghouls to seal it up, and then he died.

The reason why he did this, Liu Sheng thought about it for a long time and did not understand.

Do you don’t want Uzumaki Shinnai to go on the road alone?

Are you kidding!

You yourself have been swallowed into your stomach by the Grim Reaper, how do you go on the road with Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai?

If it is not a plot killing, it is that he has a pit in his brain, and he will be martyred if he can’t think about it for a while.

When his wife dies, he doesn’t live either.


The son was just an accident.

“Uzumaki Jiu Shinai’s situation will become difficult in the future.”

“If you can’t become the next Hokage, your status will quickly decrease.”

“Since he is also injured, his strength will decrease, and his status will also decline.”

“You can’t help Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.”

“Plus what you’re doing now, will you break up?”

“What an extradition!”

Yanagi muttered, his gaze looking at Tsunade not far away.

When his fifth choice is proposed, Konoha will enter the countdown!

When the ape flying sun slashed them, they lost the hope left by the original Hokage, and cut off people’s expectations of Konoha.

It is the time when the full-fledged self is born and the ninja world that everyone hopes to return!

A cold light flashed in Liu Sheng’s eyes.

He imitates the yellow ape, but is not a real yellow ape.

Salted fish in life, casual in battle.

But in terms of career, he is ambitious.

How can you be willing to travel through a trip without changing the world?

“One minute is up!”

Bo Feng Shuimen’s body exploded, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai easily resisted him.

As an assassin, he does not have much damage, and he is better than the gods.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinna mobilized part of the Nine-Tailed Chakra and fended off all his attacks with the Tailed Beast Cloak.

Bofeng Shuimen looked happy, and did not notice the complicated look of Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai.

“Fifth choice!”

Liu Sheng said nonchalantly, looking lazily sweeping over the three generations of Hokage and the others.

“If you know today, why bother?”

“If you hadn’t treacherously plotted against me, none of this would have happened today.”

“Your Konoha’s credit worries me, so I’m going to get an insurance.”

“I want a Konoha ninja as a hostage to make sure Konoha doesn’t do such a shameless thing again.”

“Tsunade, the granddaughter of the original Hokage and the princess of the Senju clan, Tsunade, she is the most suitable proton!”

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