“Go to my house? No way! ”

“You are sensitive now, I have to distance myself from you.”

“After all, your relationship with Konoha is not friendly.”

Tsunade rejected Yanagi’s offer in one bite, and a smile appeared on Terumi’s face.

“Well~ women are really ruthless!”

“Since you can’t let me go to your house, can you treat me to a meal?”

“To celebrate the decades since the founding of Konoha, let’s go eat a bowl of longevity noodles!”

“Hmm~ I wish Konoha Village a long life, and I wish everyone in Konoha Village a long life.”

Yanagi said thoughtfully, making Tsunade’s face darken.

“You guy…”

Tsunade looked at Yanagi helplessly, shook his head after a moment, and took him and Terumi to the Ichiraku ramen restaurant.

Here Yanagi met the legendary Otsuki Ichiraku, and it is a pity that Hand Dai is just an ordinary person.

At this time, the ninja of the Hyuga clan also carefully observed Yanagi and the others.

“Except for Yanagi and the young man named Dry Persimmon Onii, the Chakra of the other Ninja of the Mist Hidden Village is obviously a little wrong.”

“They have a large and powerful special chakra in their bodies, which looks like a human pillar power.”

“Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai, Yunyin Village Buyubi, and Yanyin Village Laozi, their state is very similar to most of the people in Wuyin Village.”

A dark ninja from the Hyuga clan knelt in front of Sarutobi Hinata and the others and reported the situation to Sarutobi Hinata and the others.

“What are you kidding?”

“If they are all human pillar powers, wouldn’t Mist Yin Village have six-headed tailed beasts?”


Ape Fei Ri shook his head and said without hesitation.

“Even if they are not human pillars, their situation must be taken seriously.”

“If you think about it, Konoha is really dangerous now.”

“If those six ninjas from the Mist Hidden Village are all human pillar forces…”

“Then there are nine pillars of power now, gathered in Konoha Village!”

“Once they fight in Konoha Village, the entire village will be bombarded into the sky!”

Akimichi took the wind and groaned for a moment, and said with a shocked face.

Shimura Danzo snorted coldly, “If I were to say, I shouldn’t have put the place of negotiation in Konoha Village.” ”

“Knowing that the Mist Hidden Village is likely to come to sabotage this Chūnin exam, why did you set up the location in Konoha?”

“Ape flying sun! If something goes wrong with Konoha, you, the person in charge, will be fully responsible. ”

Shimura Tuanzang opened his mouth unceremoniously and aimed his spearhead at Yuan Feiri.

“Now is not the time for internal recriminations.”

Sarutobi glanced at Shimura Danzo with a dissatisfied look, and this bastard would fight among himself to find fault.

“Have a good exchange with the leader of the three major ninja villages, and you must come up with a safe way to get rid of Yanagi!”

“I think they must be ready, and if they join forces, there is still a good chance of victory.”

Koharu said that she and Mito Menyan were still the top of Konoha.


Just when a group of high-ranking people in Konoha were discussing a move against Yanagi. Yanagi had finished his meal at Ichiraku Ramen House and returned to the guest house with Terumi.

The door closed, and Liu Sheng’s disciples and subordinates gathered here.

Yanagi smiled and asked, “You’ve already circled around Konoha, right?” Tell me what you’ve gained. ”

Qing spoke, “I am a sentient ninja, I can sense that there are many powerful chakras gathered in Konoha Village, and there are also many chakras around the guest house, it seems that Konoha sent to monitor us.” ”

Liu Sheng nodded and said, “Don’t worry about him, they won’t attack here.” ”

Momochi grinned again, “I think it’s very likely that they will make a move during the Chūnin exam.” ”

The dry persimmon oni shook his head and said, “Even you can think of this, can’t the Konoha village side think of it?” ”

Ghost Lantern Full Moon nodded, “I think so too!” When the Zhongnin exam is taken, it will be when we are most vigilant. ”

“Konoha should not start at that time, and it is very likely that it will be done in advance.”

Shui Wuyueqing frowned, “There are still seven or eight days left before the Joint Middle Ninja Exam. That is, Konoha will do it in these seven or eight days? ”

Terumi shook her head and said, “It’s been too long!” Such a long time is likely to wear down our guard. ”

Yanagi said nonchalantly, “You guys think about the problem too complicated, who said we can only wait for Konoha to start first?” We can start first! ”

“Since the four major ninja villages do not give face to exclude our Wuyin Village, and do what kind of joint ninja exam they do, then we don’t have to give them face.”

Momochi asked without hesitation, “When are we going to start?” ”

Liu Sheng smiled and said, “Don’t worry! When the four great ninja villages discuss dealing with me, it will not be too late for us to start. ”


The next night.

After a few hook-ups, Konoha’s high-level and the leaders of the three major ninja villages reached a consensus and gathered together in the Hokage Building to discuss ways to deal with Yanagi.

Sarutobi Hinata, who was the assistant of Hokage, took the lead in getting up and briefly said two words, which lasted more than half an hour.

Finally, the meeting got down to business.

However, before they could start talking about a little business, a dazzling golden light flashed in the distance.

A huge pillar of light burst out, and golden light radiated around, making the entire Konoha as dazzling as daylight.

The golden and silver pillars of light penetrated the heavens and the earth, instantly attracting everyone’s attention.

Many people quickly put on sunglasses and looked towards the place where the golden pillar of light appeared.

“That’s Yanagi’s ability, what the hell is he doing?”

“Get ready for battle!”

“Hurry up and contact the dark part over there!”

“Quick, go over and see the situation!”

The high-level officials of the four great ninja villages reacted and assigned people to check the situation.

At the same time, far from Konoha Village, a ninja army from the Mist Hidden Village was stationed here.

Genshi with the Ninja Knife Seven and a large number of ninja troops waited here for Yanagi’s signal.

“Master Genshi is moving, there is movement in the direction of Konoha!”

The ninja of the Mist Hidden Village found Genshi and reported loudly.

“The golden light… It can’t be wrong, this is the signal that Liu Sheng agreed with me. ”

Genshi stared at the golden light in Konoha’s direction for a while, a bright smile on his face.

“The whole army set off and attack Konoha!”

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