Chapter XLI

It took a day to rush back to Konoha.

Gengen followed the eighth class to the Hokage’s office, and the first thing was to change the level of the mission.

Changed from C level to B level, in fact, according to the difficulty of this mission, it can definitely be divided into A level.

Let’s not mention that a ghost whose strength is almost equal to Kakashi is not chopped, and Shiro alone is not so easy to deal with, Shiro’s ice shield secret technique plus one-handed sealing, if you kill more decisively, the strength is stable and even stronger than Red.

An elite upper Shinobi, an upper Shinobi level, and the armed forces of Kado, the country of waves, the difficulty of this mission has definitely risen to the level of a country.

If it weren’t for the fact that the mission was issued by Dazna, if it was this mission directly released to Konoha by the Land of Waves, this mission could steadily reach A level.

But it’s nothing, it’s not good to set the level too high, and the village generally assigns tasks based on the mission history.

Hinata, if they add their resumes of completing excessively difficult tasks to their files too early, then future tasks will definitely exceed their abilities.

As for Gen, he didn’t need this mission resume, although this mission was almost completed by him, but he was originally different from other ninjas, he did not have a ninja teacher, and he did not need mission experience, because the three generations knew his strength.

“Hinata, you come to my house tomorrow morning to find me and practice with me.” In front of the Hokage Building, when Xuan and the eighth class separated, he suddenly said.

“Hmm.” I don’t know what came to mind, Hinata’s face instantly turned red, but he still whispered in response, and his head was lowered tightly.

“Teacher Hong, then it’s settled, Hinata, I’ll take it away.” Xuan smiled at Hong.

“Xuan, is it really good for you to flirt with my subordinates in front of me like this?” Red teased.

“This is not about love, Teacher Hong, the test is coming soon, I will let Hinata’s strength get an improvement in a short time, you should also exercise your teeth and Shino well, this test is different from previous years.” Xuan said with some meaning.

Hong was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted, after all, she was a shinobi, and she had heard some wind noises before, and said a little solemnly: “I know, Ya, Shino, tomorrow morning the training ground will be assembled, and your special training will begin.” ”


Genichi walked towards the house alone, looking at the somewhat skewed dusk, thinking back to what happened next.

Naka Shinobi Exam, Konoha Collapse, Death of Three Generations, Three Shinobi War,

If you think about it, there are a lot of things, you can harvest a lot of high-quality templates, and these things happen in just a few months, and the time is still quite tight.

However, the closest is the battle of the middle ninja, to say that to train people, the battle of the middle ninja should be regarded as the most training ninja, to integrate all the learning, and without the protection of the guidance of the ninja, they are alone.

So Gencai decided to give Hinata a special training to strengthen his combat power, after all, the Zhongnin exam is really allowed to kill, and everything depends on himself and his teammates.

“I don’t know what role the three generations of old men will assign me, or find him to arrange me into a team at random.” With a smile on his face, the system evolution task is to ask him to take the Chūnin exam, gain recognition, and become a Chūnin.

And for this is known as the most classic Naka Ninja exam in Hokage, he also has a great interest, the first collision of the twelve small strong, the Sandin trio, and the return of Orochimaru. There are also the first appearances of the first and second generations.

“And it’s quite interesting to suppress the arrogance of these little farts, haha.” Hyun laughed.

“Moreover, Naruto and Sasuke’s SSS-level template, it should be able to be harvested this time.”


The next morning.

Genji was awakened by a burst of scent, and when he opened his eyes, he found Hinata busy in the kitchen around a small apron.

The relationship between the two has long reached the level of a couple, and Hinata, the key to Gen’s room, naturally has a share, and really speaking, this attic can’t stop the ninja from sneaking in.

“Xuanjun, you are awake, you can wash up and have breakfast.” Hinata looked at Gen, holding the spatula and smiling.

The warmth of that moment made Xuan a little dazzling, and this kind of life seemed to exist in his imagination.

“Hinata.” Xuan suddenly spoke seriously.


“Seeing you wearing an apron, I even thought of our child’s name.”

“Xuanjun.” Hinata’s face instantly turned red, and there was a slight watery light in his eyes; “You’re bullying me again.”

“Pick up sorry.” Xuan raised his hands and begged for mercy, “I’ll go wash first.” ”

Looking at Xuan Luo fleeing, Hinata suddenly held his face and whispered, “I also yearn for that day.” ”

What surprised Xuan a little was that Hinata’s craftsmanship was actually really good, not at an ordinary level, but a very good kind, and it could be seen that she was indeed talented in terms of a good wife and mother.

“Xuanjun, you can’t eat these cup noodles in the future.” Hinata suddenly pointed to the cup noodle box inside the garbage bag.

“If I could, of course I would like to eat Hinata’s cooking every day.” Xuan drank a taste of soup and teased.

“If Xuanjun is willing, I can come every day.” Hinata blushed and whispered.

“That’s a big help, I really love you, Hinata.” Xuan pinched Hinata’s somewhat delicate Qiong nose and spoiled it.

Of course, warm storage is indispensable, but Xuan has not forgotten today’s purpose.

A large clearing in Konoha’s back mountain.

“Today’s training content is to practice under the waterfall and return to the sky, and try to release Chakra from the acupuncture path.” Xuan said lightly.

“Back to heaven?” Hinata had an unconfident expression on his face, returning to heaven was a secret technique of the Hyuga clan, and it was very difficult to practice, and only geniuses could learn it.

“Trust me.” Gengen squeezed Hinata’s hand and gave her an affirmative smile.

Hinata’s talent is actually not weak, she can create a soft step in the future, a double lion fist, and a guardian gossip sixty-four palms is enough to see, but the temperament is too soft, and it is easy to give up, which is why she has not learned many ninjutsu.

And what Xuan wanted to help her was to give her a confidence and the physical strength to practice infinitely.

“Don’t worry, I will be next to restore your physical strength.” After Xuan finished speaking, his hand shone with a soft light, much like medical ninjutsu.

This is the unique Muji medical ninjutsu between the pillars, and unlike ordinary medical ninjutsu, he is completely healed by relying on the huge chakra and the life force contained in the chakra.

Xuan used this trick to restore Hinata’s physical strength, since there was not enough time, he could only work hard to make up, pay more time for cultivation, and achieve the maximum effect.

If he fused Naruto’s template, then there was a better option at the moment, that is, to distribute the chakra made by the nine tails directly to Hinata, and consume the tailed beast chakra when cultivating, then the efficiency of the improvement would be higher.

However, the immortal chakra is similar, more gentle, and it is also very good for the body, and it can improve physical fitness after hard training.

“Maybe it’s going to be hard, can you afford it?” Xuan said with some pity.

“Well, I want to be stronger and be able to stand by your side.” Hinata whispered, but somewhat firmly.

“Okay, then the practice begins.” Xuan Xiao said, his hands quickly froze, and the huge Chakra condensed into substance and burst out.

“Tudun, Tuliu City Wall.”

“Water escape, the art of the dragon pot.”

“Mu Duan, the art of giant wooden pillars.”

Under Yamato’s greenery, a huge waterfall appeared directly out of thin air in the clearing, which brought a little reverence to Hinata’s eyes, making Genshi very useful.

“Okay.” Gengen took Hinata directly onto the wooden pillar, and a large amount of water fell, instantly wetting Hinata and Gen’s clothes.

“Release Chakra to resist.” Xuan opened the kaleidoscope and pointed aside: “Release stable chakras from each acupuncture sheath, and then control these chakras and rotate.” ”

When Hinata heard this, he also began to practice hard.

Looking at the girl’s delicate body wet with water, Xuan thought about it and made a wooden seal.

“Mu Dun, the birth of the tree realm.”

Countless trees rose up to envelop the waterfall, which has since been a private sanctuary.

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