Chapter XLIV

Konoha, the gathering place of the sand hide.

“I love Luo, don’t go too far this time, restrain your murderous aura, don’t let Shouhe run away, when the necessary moment comes, do whatever you want, but don’t do anything out of line until the plan is not implemented.” Markey said lightly.

“It’s noisy.” I Iroh snorted coldly, and a large amount of sand rushed towards Markey; “During the exam, I’m going to kill that guy.”

“When you take the exam, you can do whatever you like, and killing is allowed in this assessment.” Markey naturally won’t be solved by my Ai Luo, and easily turned to the side and said grimly.

“I see.” I Iroh replied impatiently and walked out the door.

“Temari, Kankuro, you guys look at me a little more.” When Iroh went out, Markey instructed, “It’s best not to let him get into conflict with that Konoha Shinobu, that Shinobu gives me a very dangerous feeling.” ”

In the end, Markey’s face was a little gloomy, he didn’t know if this plan could go smoothly, Konoha’s water seemed to be much deeper than expected, just a teenager, it could actually bring him a sense of danger that was not weaker than the wind shadow.


Somewhere in the Konoha Forest.

“Hey, have you heard, there will be novices participating in the assessment this year, this is the first time in years.” Tiantian who was wrapped in the head of the ball turned a kunai in his hand and said with a smile.

“Newcomer, will that guy also participate? Black. Hinata Ninji’s eyes chilled and said, “That guy, I will defeat him with my own hands.”

“I will also challenge Xuanjun, the chief genius of this session, I will prove to Teacher Kai that I am not necessarily bad at those geniuses.” Under Li Haiwei’s thick eyebrows, there is an unusual firmness, exuding a powerful momentum, and even overwhelming Ning Ci beside him.

“Here it is again.” Looking at an indifferent, hot-blooded guy, Tian Tian sighed helplessly.

“But I still have some expectations, I don’t know what kind of opponent I will meet this time.”


“Oh? There are many geniuses this time, and they are generally younger than in previous years. ”

A secret and dark corner, with eyes pocket looking at the card in his hand, the information of the ninja who participated in the assessment this time was a little surprised.

“Lord Orochimaru, this plan, do we really want to help the Land of Wind in an all-round way? The people of the Land of Wind didn’t seem to trust us very much. ”

“Everything can be planned as usual, but it is just mutual use, and Sunahide is too underestimating Konoha, but fortunately, I need Suna’s group of people to pull Konoha’s combat power.” Orochimaru licked his lips.

“Everything goes according to the original plan, just fully cooperate with the Shayin gang.”

“Yes, Orochimaru-sama.”


While Konoha was secretly stormy, Gengen was called to Hokage’s office.

“Huh? Let me be the examiner? Xuan looked at the three generations of Hokage who calmly held the pipe, and he couldn’t react at first.

“Ah, the general assessment has been decided, you don’t need to care about the details, there are Ibiki and Red Beans to do it, all you have to do is ensure that the Zhongnin exam does not deviate from the general direction.” The third generation seemed to be very satisfied with Xuan’s reaction, and said with a smile: “When the assessment is over, I will give you the position of Zhongnin on behalf of the village, how about it, do you want to consider it, compared to your strength, being the chief examiner is more than enough.” ”

“How much power do I have.” Xuan did not refuse, to be honest, being an examiner was indeed much more comfortable than he thought to advance with two pig teammates, he had not expected this before, and he did not expect that the three generations would be so courageous in this matter.

“You have a lot of power, as the chief examiner, you can even change the exam questions at will, even the assessment method, of course, the final selection is still a ninja who has strength and can stand alone, do you understand what I mean?” Black. ”

“I see.” Xuan said with a smile, the meaning of the three generations of old men is that within the scope of the rules, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn’t come around.

“In other words, three generations of old men, you chose me as the chief examiner this time, not only because I have this strength.” As Hyun was about to leave, he suddenly turned around and asked.

“Hmm.” The third generation snorted lowly, facing this Xuan, his tone was a little tired: “You treat him as an old man’s caution, this assessment, I don’t know why, always give me a bad premonition.” ”

“I see.” Xuan didn’t speak more.

The three generations of old men had a good hunch, Sunahide wanted Konoha, Orochimaru wanted to kill the killer, Danzo may have heard a little wind, but he would not remind the three generations.

Konoha now seems to be peaceful and strong, but in fact, the foundation left by the first second generation has long been unknowingly defeated by the third generation group. Uchiha Senju was destroyed, and Konoha’s advantage over other villages was just Hinata’s white eyes, just that, it was already difficult to hold Konoha’s current fertile land.

The nearest Wind Country is just the first to do it.

But this is also an opportunity, an opportunity to stand after breaking, Konoha is because of the three generations of this indecisive, dull old man to carry, will cause the current situation, the village high-level is fully dispersed, each with ghosts.

It is necessary to cut off the rotten old meat of the three generations through the sharp knife of Orochimaru or Sunahide, and let a new leader with more vitality and courage lead Konoha.

The third generation may have sensed something in advance, so he immediately remembered Xuan, whose strength was unfathomable, and wanted to take an insurance for this exam.

However, it is a pity that Gen’s thoughts are different from him, Gengen likes this village, and some important people and bonds, not the third generation, the third generation of this agent Hokage has been doing it for too long, and it should have gone down a long time ago, instead of taking Konoha into the abyss.

“Sorry, three generations of old men.” Xuanhe came to the door, glanced at the somewhat old backs of the three generations, and said sorry in his heart.

This dying Shadow, who was appointed to take over as Hokage and reigned for the longest time, will soon die for the village.

Maybe the three generations did do a lot for Konoha, but some things really don’t stand up to scrutiny.

For example, Senju’s silence and extinction, such as the death of Shuishui, such as the extinction of Uchiha, such as the dissolution of the root after the extermination, such as in the hands of the three generations, Konoha’s strength is getting weaker and weaker, such as the so-called protection of Naruto, such as acting Hokage for twelve years, and Jiraiya they found Tsunade as the fifth generation Hokage in a month, and Tsunade didn’t take long to give Hokage to Kakashi, and Kakashi handed it over to Naruto.

People will become, and the ninja who was famous in the ninja world may now be just a bad old man corrupted by power.

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