At night, only Sasuke was left in the Uchiha clan, and the medicine master with a mask on his face quietly sneaked in.

After investigating beforehand, he quietly approached Sasuke’s room.

Soon, he found Sasuke sleeping soundly on the tatami mat in a room.

Through the window, you can clearly see the sleeping Sasuke.

Pulling out a sharp scalpel, he cut a small hole in the window without making the slightest movement, and opened the glass.

With a small tube, he released an odorless smoke into the room.

This is a special smoke that he has configured, which has a strong lethargic effect, and if inhaled, even if it is an elite Shinobi, it will lose consciousness and fall asleep for a day and a night.

After a few minutes, he broke the glass, opened the window, and walked into the room with his breath closed.

“But that’s it.”

Looking at Sasuke lying on the tatami, a sneer appeared on his face under the mask.

Being sneaked into a daze by him, such a low alertness, he really couldn’t see what the other party was worthy of Lord Orochimaru’s attention.

He walked to the tatami mat and wanted to reach out and grab Sasuke and take him away.

At this moment, Sasuke, who was originally lying on the bed and should have fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

While opening his eyes, Sasuke propped his hands on the ground and kicked his feet towards him.


He was kicked before he could put his hands in front of him.

The body flew upside down, smashed the window that had not been completely shattered, and fell into the courtyard outside.


Sasuke chased after Yakushi who had fallen in the courtyard, and Sasuke dropped his knees and pressed against Yakushi’s chest.

“You found me a long time ago.”

The medicine master rolled over a few times, dodged Sasuke’s knees, and stood up rather embarrassed.

Sasuke’s attack was really unexpected.

He was pretty sure that his fog wouldn’t fail, so the reason could only be that Sasuke had spotted him long ago and escaped the smoke by holding his breath.

“What are you?”

Sasuke asked.

The other party wore a mask and deliberately changed his voice, so that he could not recognize that it was the medicine master pocket.

He had indeed discovered it when the medicine master approached, secretly alerted, and avoided the smoke by holding his breath.

It’s easy for a ninja to hold your breath for a few minutes.

“You don’t need to know who I am, Lord Orochimaru asked me to take you away, originally I wanted to be gentle, but since you escaped the smoke, then you can only be rough.”

The medicine master said.

Although he had quietly stunned Sasuke had failed, he did not think that his strength would be inferior to Sasuke.

Don’t look at his identity in Konoha, just Shinobi, but in fact, his strength has surpassed the general Shinobi and directly chased the elite Shinobi.


His hands, wrapped in chakra, turned into the shape of scalpels and buzzed.

This is the Chakra scalpel, a ninjutsu used in medicine, but it can also be used in combat.

It can interrupt the opponent’s muscles and meridians, and can even be used as a weapon to cut the opponent.

At the same time that the Chakra scalpel appeared in both hands, he quickly approached Sasuke and slashed at Sasuke with the Chakra scalpel.


Knowing the sharpness of the Chakra scalpel, Sasuke stepped back, dodging the incoming Chakra scalpel, and quickly sealed his hands.

“Fire. Fire Dragon Bomb. ”

Flames appeared, and three streams of fiery flames surrounded the medicine master from the left and right and in the middle.

The medicine man was suddenly wrapped in flames, and the whole person turned into a burning man.

However, the medicine master’s pocket, which turned into a burning man, turned into dirt, which is just a soil stand-in.

The other party replaced himself with an earth double before being hit by the flames of the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb.

Sasuke suddenly became alert, and at this time, in the dirt behind Sasuke, the medicine master drilled out.


Several long snakes emerged from the sleeves of the medicine man’s pocket and bound Sasuke, and venom with a strong anesthetic effect was injected into Sasuke’s body.

But at this moment, Sasuke, who was entangled in poisonous snakes, turned into white smoke and disappeared, which was just a shadow avatar of Sasuke.

At the same time, not far away, Sasuke’s figure appeared.

Cracking sound!

Sasuke’s right hand wrapped around the thunderbolt, and there was a shrill birdsong.

He pounced on the medicine master pocket at an extremely fast speed, stabbing into the medicine master pocket’s chest.


Unable to dodge, Yakushi was stabbed in the chest by Sasuke’s right hand wrapped around Raiden.

However, unexpectedly, after receiving a blow to the A-grade ninjutsu Chidori, the medicine master’s injury was far lighter than expected.

I saw that his chest clothes were tattered and his skin was slightly scorched, but he was unexpectedly not pierced by Chidori.

After he withstood Chidori’s blow, he was only injured so lightly.

Sasuke was surprised, but he didn’t hesitate.


The left hand pounded the medicine man’s head, and smashed the medicine man’s pocket with a punch.


With a crisp sound, the mask on the medicine master’s face shattered and fell, and the medicine master’s face was revealed.

In the moonlight, it was obvious that this was a slightly emaciated young man wearing glasses.

“Medicine Master’s Pocket.”

Sasuke recognized it and called out Yakushi’s name.

In fact, when he saw the Chakra scalpel, he had this guess.

After all, in the ninja world, there are not many people who can fight with the Chakra scalpel, and with the fact that they are not kind to him, it is natural to think of the spy medicine master pocket that the big snake pill planted in Konoha.

“Such a powerful ninjutsu, it almost killed me.”

The medicine master glanced around at the wound on his chest.

The reason why he received a blow from A-level ninjutsu Chidori was not serious because he used A-level medical ninjutsu Yin healing at the same time as the injury.

Because it was clear that Sasuke’s attack must have been directed towards the chest heart, he had already treated the chest heart position before being attacked, so that the damage he received was minimized.

“It’s really surprising to me, you actually have this kind of strength, no wonder the Great Snake Pill thinks so highly of you.”

He looked at Sasuke’s gaze full of surprise.

Originally, I thought that with the strength of his upper ninja level, it would be easy to capture Sasuke.

Unexpectedly, Sasuke’s difficulty was beyond imagination, and he actually had the strength of the upper ninja level.

And Sasuke’s age is several years younger than him, which is somewhat terrifying, no wonder Orochimaru-sama is so important.

“You are not bad, I didn’t expect that you, who failed the mid-year ninja exam, already have the strength to surpass the general ninja.”

Sasuke said.

He thought of a joke in his previous life, seeing Konoha’s upper Shinobi can fight, seeing Konoha’s lower Shinobi running quickly.

Although this is mostly a joke, it also shows that there are indeed many powerful ninjas in Konoha.

Materdai, who turned the seven people of the ninja knife into a three-person crowd, is one, and the boss Maruxing Kosuke, who is known as the 10,000-year Shinobi, is one.

In the later stage, Naruto is alone, plus Yakushi and himself, among Konoha’s Shinobi, there are really many powerful ninjas.

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