Hollywood Starts with Animation

Three hundred and ninetieth eight chapters smile on the face

Wald Pictures.

Zucker, Old Bill, Kevin Feige, and Zach Snyder stared at the TV.

What the TV is playing at the moment is the live broadcast of the press conference provided by the Viacom TV platform.

"Friends in front of the TV, we are broadcasting the press conference of DreamWorks Animation, signing a distribution contract with Paramount."

"As we all know, Paramount Pictures has signed a series of cooperation agreements with DreamWorks Animation and DreamWorks Animation's parent company, DreamWorks Group, since 1997."

"The cooperation agreement expires in early March this year."

"Since then, the major Hollywood film and television companies are fighting for the overseas distribution rights of DreamWorks Animation!"

"Among them, there are many well-known film companies, such as Mr. Zucker Wald's Wald Films!"

"Recently, while promoting "Spider-Man", Wald Pictures has shown a lot of goodwill to DreamWorks in order to compete for the overseas distribution rights of DreamWorks Animation. Well, Wald Pictures has actively helped to promote "Chicken Quick" "Run" is enough to prove it."

"However, today...DreamWorks Animation's overseas distribution rights and distribution contracts for the next few years are once again awarded to Paramount Pictures!"

"Here, let's congratulate DreamWorks and Paramount. By joining hands again, they will be able to dedicate even better movies to Hollywood, America, and movie-loving audiences around the world!"

The next screen is naturally switched to the podium.

The representative of Paramount is impressively an old friend of Zucker.

- Jordan!

I have to say that my old friend Jordan has recently been promoted. In addition to being the head of Paramount's distribution department, he was also promoted to the post of senior vice president of Paramount Pictures. It can be said that he is in a good mood and walks with wind.

"A reporter friend asked me just now why Paramount and DreamWorks will join hands again?"

Jordan said jokingly: "Why? Naturally, both parties are interested in cooperation. After all, cooperation is beneficial to both of us."

The person from DreamWorks is the "good character" Jeffrey Katzenberg.

"I've also heard a lot of journalist friends, why not cooperate with Mr. Zucker Wald's company?"

Jeffrey Katzenberg looked around and said solemnly: "In fact, we have also focused on the cooperation of Wald Pictures, and the cooperation between our two parties is very good, and several negotiations are also very good, it can be said that , the good thing is to sign a formal contract. Hey~ I am deeply sorry for not being able to continue the cooperation."

After a pause, he added: "However, the results also show that the cooperation between DreamWorks and Paramount is obviously better than the cooperation with Wald Pictures."

The reporters at the scene nodded frequently.


Outside the TV at the moment, the old Bill who were watching the press conference almost smashed the TV in anger.

Kevin Feige said angrily: "I never imagined that Jeffrey Katzenberg, who has always been a good character, is also such a bastard?! The cooperation has reached the last step, and it is time to sign a contract? He fooled the ghost. Ah!"

How many times have we had friendly talks?

Negotiate shit!

Zach Snyder, director and head of production,

He couldn't help but agree: "A few days ago, at a director exchange summit, I heard other directors say that DreamWorks often deducts the director's salary and dividends. It's so unbearable, it's easy to lose faith in people!"

"Calm down~"

Old Bill kept his composure and smiled: "DreamWorks missed the appointment and broke its trust, didn't we prepare for it? If we can't cooperate, we will just treat it as a top-notch in the future."

"Even so, I'm still quite upset!" Kevin Feige's eyes were cold.

Zach Snyder couldn't help laughing, "DreamWorks' reputation is already bad, and now it's even worse!"

Zucker nodded.

In fact, when Zucker learned that he had been tricked, he was of course quite angry and restless at first, but after just a while, Zucker calmed down.

It's a pity that I can't win the overseas distribution rights of DreamWorks, but Zucker is not a must.

No no no!

"Kevin, Zach, you don't need to get angry, DreamWorks is proud now, and some will suffer for them in the future!" Zucker laughed.


Ha ha!

In the original time and space, the name of DreamWorks is quite loud.

It can be said that its popularity is no less than that of Hollywood's Big Six.

The animation produced by DreamWorks Animation, let's not talk about it for the time being. Just the live-action movies produced by DreamWorks, such as "Artificial Intelligence", "Saving Private Ryan", "Vanilla Sky", "Cat and Mouse", "Escape from Clone Island"... Nice movie.

DreamWorks Group has a huge fan base all over the world.


But DreamWorks Group, its reputation in the industry, as well as in the capital circle at home and abroad, can be described as - stinky.

India's Mountain Capital, South Korea's Samsung, Daewoo Group, Japan's Honda Keizuka Association, Southeast Asia's Lee Consortium, and nobles from all over Europe...

Many, many people have been deceived by DreamWorks!

It is certain that people outside the industry who invest in the Hollywood film industry will be pitted and exploited for a lot of money, but in the final stage, there are many investors who can make money, it is just a matter of making more and less.

However, for laymen who invest in DreamWorks, almost no one can make money!

Even if DreamWorks movies are big hits, Spielberg can make losses on the books.

To put it bluntly, they are cheating. Well, it's still the kind of unscrupulous.

As the saying goes: "It's not that you don't report it, the time has not come!"

Since 2003, DreamWorks has been in a dilemma, with a serious shortage of funds.

At this time, Spielberg's reputation as the world's great director was once again sacrificed, but no one believed him anymore, um, except for a few hard-headed guys.

No, within a few years, DreamWorks was divided up by other film companies.

It ended badly~


That night.

Zucker gets a call from DreamWorks Jeffrey Katzenberg.


"Sorry, my best friend!"

"You know, many decisions are not made by me!"

"I know what I say now is useless, but please believe that I did not intend to hurt you. I hope we are still good friends."

Jeffrey said a lot on the phone and apologized to Zucker many times.

"Understood, of course I understand!" Zhu Ke said with a smile.

Go lie to the ghost~

Do you want us to be good friends in the future?

Go dream~

At this moment, Zucker has already made a decision: "I still need you to stand up to the thunder and block the suppression of Hollywood's Big Six, and I will not fight; however, when your DreamWorks is in crisis, I will definitely laugh. ... push it and push DreamWorks into the abyss."

Not long after, Spielberg also called Zucker himself.

Regarding the movie, I had a chat with Zhu Kehai, and Zhu Ke responded with a smile.

"Wait and see~"

Anyone who knows Zucker knows that this fellow has never been a generous master.

"" The third update will be sent, and the third update will continue tomorrow.

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