Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 406: The Long-awaited

Golden Dawn Entertainment Group.

Office of the Chairman.

"Boss, this is the stock price change of 20th Century Fox and its related financial derivatives data after the release of "X-Men". Alexander submitted a document to Zucker.

Zucker immediately stopped his work, picked up the document and looked at it.

"Good guy~"

Zucker praised: "In terms of box office alone, the final box office revenue of "X-Men" can make 20th Century Fox tens of millions of dollars, plus the online and offline market and peripheral income, a conservative estimate, the profit is over 100 million yuan. Take it easy."

"However, the money they make from the financial market is actually more!"

you do not say!

Hollywood production companies are many, many, as many as stars. However, the vast majority of production companies are quite simple production companies, and their main income is the box office, offline DVD market, peripheral licensing, TV platform broadcast and other income.

A production company with good income can earn more than 100 million yuan a year, so there is a greater possibility;

When the income is not good, or you lose a few bad movies, then this year is very likely to be in vain!

But...the Big Six is ​​completely different.

In addition to the box office, offline DVD market, peripheral licensing, TV platform broadcast and other income, the six major Hollywood will also sell financial derivatives related to movie entertainment.

The common practice is that the funds required in the creation of a film can be turned into standardized financial management or trust products for financing, and the relevant investors can also benefit from the stock market.

Film finance, to put it bluntly, is the misappropriation of money by the capital and the film!

"Film finance and related financial derivatives have indeed greatly prospered the market after capital entered the market, but at the same time they have also buried great hidden dangers, because capital is chasing profit, and it likes to make quick money! "

"Boss, just like this "X-Men"!"

"The production company 20th Century Fox, its financial and stock market earnings, can definitely reach 5 to 8 times the box office earnings."

"That's why the Big Six in Hollywood,

The reason for the frequent investment and shooting of high-cost movies in recent years. "

Alexander spoke eloquently.

Hearing this, Zu Ke couldn't help but smile and said, "That's right! Your understanding of the movie market has become more profound."

What is the box office?

For the Big Six in Hollywood, they don't really care about the box office income of a movie!

What they care about is how high they can stack the box office!

As long as the box office is high enough, they can make more money from the movie-related stock market and financial derivatives market!

Zucker is also quite jealous.

If the films produced by the six major Hollywood films and the films produced by Wald Pictures, if the films produced by the two companies respectively, have a box office of more than 300 million US dollars, then after excluding production costs, publicity, labor, copying and other costs. , the income of the six major companies can definitely far exceed that of Wald Pictures.


Derivatives and movie-related stock prices soar!

"How can a pure film studio's earnings keep up with the surge in financial derivatives and film-related stock prices?"

"Even if the profit-seeking behavior of capital will greatly harm the stability of the film market, who cares?"

"Every film director and producer is a financial expert!"

Zu Ke's heart was full of infinite sighs.

Think about it, man.

In the big Chinese film market after 2015, those film companies frequently invested a lot of money to shoot blockbuster movies that cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Most of the movies, the box office was bleak... It can make people lose money, but... those movies Why is the company so tireless in making high-budget movies?

Financial derivatives!

Movie related stock market!

As long as one of the films shot is a hit at the box office, they can make a lot of money from the financial market. Well, even the losses caused by the movies that failed at the box office can be recovered in one go.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ The film company is so stupid in terms of finance!" Zuke laughed.

I'm jealous!

So, Zucker chose to join forces!

You can do film finance, and so can I.

In the past, Wald Pictures did not have the conditions to engage in film finance, but now it is different!

Great films from Wald Films are frequently released, backed by the media company Jin Shuguang Entertainment Group, which fully possesses all the necessary conditions for high film finance.


Investors are everywhere!

"Mr. McGahn, do we really want to do this?"

The man who spoke was a middle-aged man, a senior executive of a small investment bank on Wall Street.

Mr. Mecca, also known as Heda Mecca, 56, is the owner of this small investment bank.

Heda McGahn said with a smile: "Mooney, you can rest assured. Although Wald Pictures has never engaged in movie finance before, this time the movie derivatives of "Spider-Man" are sold for the first time, but I We are confident that it will be able to make a lot of money for us.”

Mooney: "......"

He was still worried.

Capital always chases winners.

Wald Pictures has indeed made good films before, but who can guarantee that "Spider-Man" will be a box office hit?

Man, Spider-Man cost $150 million to make!

Such high production costs and publicity costs mean high risks, and investment banks such as them cannot be cautious, especially in the post-Internet bubble environment.

"Mooney, I know your concerns very well!"

"But if you think about 20th Century Fox's "X-Men", the box office exceeded $54 million in the first three days of the first weekend, and you look at Fox's stock price, good guy, the benefits of rising stock prices are more than $140 million; financial derivatives sales, also exceeded $60 million.”

“Boldly speaking, after 2 months, the traditional income of X-Men will bring no less than 100 million US dollars to 20th Century Fox, and the stock price and financial derivatives income will be at least 300 million US dollars. US dollars, even more than 500 million US dollars!"

"Look at it!"

"The explosion of "X-Men" has ignited the superhero market!"

"Nowadays, movie audiences are absolutely full of expectations for Spider-Man, which is also a comic book movie!"

"I firmly believe that as long as we buy the financial derivatives of "Spider-Man" now, we will be able to make a lot of money."

Hedda Mecca was impassioned, waving his arms and fists in midair as he spoke.

Executive Mooney he was persuaded.

at the same time.

On Wall Street, it can be said that there are as many as 20 investment banks, and they have also focused their attention on the "Spider-Man" movie.

"Investment, of course, has risks!"

"But I think it's a high probability event for "Spider-Man" to explode at the box office!"

"Losing money? Losing money means losing millions, but if we win, then we can make at least $10 million!"

"In a word, I'm optimistic about the performance of "Spider-Man"!"

Large investment banks and capital may look down on this little bit of income, but those small investment banks and speculators will never miss this opportunity, and they do not lack the psychology and courage of gamblers.

Thousands of calls are not enough to describe their expectations for "Spider-Man".

Of course, Zhu Ke himself is also very much looking forward to the release of "Spider-Man", and wants to see how many billions of dollars it can break at the box office.

The outside world also has many predictions for the first-day box office and three-day box office of the first weekend of "Spider-Man".

" "The first more sent.

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