Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 421 Hollywood 6 Big Breakout

Universal Pictures dominated the Halloween schedule with a comedy film "Meet Your Father-in-law".

Wald Pictures is lost. After all, it is being pushed behind by others. However, the small and medium-sized film companies in Hollywood are desperate, and many companies lose money during the Halloween schedule.

There are many more companies, blood loss!

Lionsgate boss Gusta said, "It's okay, we still have Thanksgiving."

Joseph, the major shareholder of Artisan Entertainment, said in an interview with the media: "For the next Thanksgiving schedule, we are full of confidence in Artisan Entertainment, and we will definitely achieve outstanding box office results and send it to movie audiences across the United States and the world. A holiday blessing."

They are so confident!

But, is it really so?

Shit! ! !

At the beginning of November, many Hollywood studio bosses were stunned when they read the schedule for November's theatrical release.

Too Nima is scary!

Throughout the November period, the six major Hollywood companies have released blockbuster movies.

On November 3, "Charlie's Angels" co-produced by Sony Columbia and Flower Film and Television was released;

On November 7, Paramount's "Little Naughty 2" was released;

On November 9, "Drug Network" was released;

On November 17, "The Grinch" produced by Universal Pictures was released;


Throughout the Thanksgiving schedule in November, it can be said that a large number of movies are gathered, and big directors and star actors have made their efforts during this period.

"This year's Thanksgiving period can be called a dead period!"

"That's right, it's basically the six major competitions in Hollywood. The films of other film companies can only be reduced to the fate of cannon fodder."

"Let's take a closer look at the volume of these films, where is there room for small and medium-sized film companies to survive?"

The bosses of many film companies,


During the Thanksgiving period in previous years, the six major Hollywood companies ate meat and made a lot of money, but other film companies could also follow the soup, get a share of the soup, and a sweet cake.

"But this year, it's a good thing not to lose money!" said a film company boss.

The same is true.

Even Zucker was speechless.

"The Grinch Christmas movie will be released on November 17. Jim Carrey, the king of American comedy, plays the leading role and is produced and distributed by Universal Pictures. Others don't know it, but as a traveler, I know how powerful it is." Zucker Secretly in my heart.

It's been a long time, many Hollywood movies, Zucker can't remember, but "The Grinch", Zucker remembers very clearly.

"The Grinch" was the No. 1 at the North American box office in 2000!

The November Thanksgiving schedule, which is full of blockbusters, has become the private land of the six major Hollywood companies. Many small and medium-sized film companies have been mourning, and the loss is miserable!

However, this is just the beginning!

The Christmas schedule in December is even more cruel!


20th Century Fox Pictures.

News tycoon Rupert Murdoch came to Fox Studios in person.

"During the Christmas season in December, we Fox Films must be the biggest winner. Remember, I only want the result, not the process." Murdoch looked around the crowd.

Hearing this, all the executives present were sitting upright.

If the Thanksgiving schedule in November this year is a period of death with a large number of people, then the Christmas period in December this year is a super cruel period that is rare in ten years and surpasses the dead period!

On December 22, 20th Century Fox's "Desert Island Survival" was released.

The actor of "Desert Island Survival" is two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks!

The production cost of the film was as high as $98 million, and the publicity budget was as high as $50 million.


Disney Group.

"Gentlemen and ladies, since the second half of this year, we have released one more film by the Disney Group. Which film has made more than $50 million at the North American box office?"

"No, none at all!"

"We're almost a joke!"

"The Disney Group, one of the top six in Hollywood and the world's favorite animation base for children, has performed so poorly this year, and our stock price has fallen beyond everyone's imagination."

"Gentlemen and ladies, stop the endless infighting."

Chairman Michael Eisner said to the crowd with high spirits.

However, many of the executives present sneered. In particular, Roy Disney, a member of the Disney family, scoffed at Michael Eisner.

However, even if the infighting is so serious, Disney has released a number of films in a row this Christmas.

On November 22, "Undead" was released;

On December 1, "102 Dalmatians" was released;

On December 15, "Becoming a King" was released;

On December 22, "Master of Thunder" was released;

On December 19, New Line Cinema, a subsidiary of Disney, produced "13 Days of Shocking" released;

On December 25, Miramax Pictures, a subsidiary of Disney, produced "Chocolate";

In other words, from the end of November to December, Disney produced and released as many as 6 movies.


Several other companies in Hollywood's Big Six are not inferior in their December schedule.

100 Percent of Men by Paramount Pictures;

"Vertical Limit", "Finding Forrester" by Sony Columbia;

"Family Man" by Universal Pictures;

Warner's "Beauty Undercover";

Wait, too many movies are coming out in December.

"How is this still playing?"

"Just postpone the schedule again."

"Yeah, this schedule is terrible!"

"First it's Halloween, then it's Thanksgiving, and now it's Christmas again. My God, the six major Hollywood movies are being released. This is not giving our small and medium-sized film companies a way to survive!"

For a time, with the efforts of the six major Hollywood, the entire small and medium-sized film companies in Hollywood felt a huge pressure, and the black cloud was overwhelming!

DreamWorks, the No. 1 studio under the Big 6, backed off this Christmas season;

MGM, once one of the big eight in Hollywood, once one of the top companies in Hollywood, it's gone, and this Christmas season, it's gone too.

【Who can challenge the Big Six? ! 】

-- "Hollywood Movie Weekly".

The strong attack of the six majors directly tore up all the film companies, and completely let the world understand who is in charge of Hollywood and overlooks all living beings.


At this moment when no one can challenge the Big Six, Wald Pictures stood up!

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is set for release in the United States on December 15.

On December 15th, Paramount's "100% Man", Disney's "Becoming a King", and Miramax's "Chocolate" will also be released at the same time.

" "The third is sent.

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