Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 475: Google's Road to Hegemony

"Mr. Wald, you are welcome!"

In the huge Google conference room, Larry Page, the founder and CEO of Google, faced Zucker with enthusiasm.

Second-in-command Sergey Brin;

Reg Silverstein, Google's first employee since its founding, a Ph.D. in computer engineering and now the company's head of technology, is also here.

Propaganda Department, Product R\u0026D Department, Finance Department, Administration Department......

The heads of various departments, a total of more than ten people, showed great enthusiasm for Zhu Ke's arrival.

"Of course, we welcome Mr. Wald very much. You are not only a major shareholder of our company, but also give huge support to the company in terms of economy. At the same time, as a shareholder of the company, you seldom interfere in the management of the company and support the company to the greatest extent possible. We are very moved by the work of our management," Sergey Brin said enthusiastically.

The voice fell, and everyone nodded in agreement.

you do not say!

Generally speaking, many shareholders of a company like to cultivate cronies, point fingers at the management, and seek the power to manage the company, but Zhu Ke is different.

Zucker rarely intervened in Google's management, and expressed great trust in the management!

After some small talk, the company's CEO Larry Page briefly gave Zucker a briefing on the current state of Google.

"As of now, Google has 216 registered employees;"

"Our company's office location has also been relocated from a small garage of more than 20 square meters to a small office of more than 100 square meters. After continuous rotation, we have the current large and spacious office space."

Larry Page said this, and many of the executives present suddenly showed nostalgic expressions.

only three-person garage;

A small office space of 100 square meters, with dozens of people gathered in it, it is difficult to move the body;

Until now, the 5-story Google headquarters office building;

the hardships of the process,

Enough to make them reminisce and proud.

"Since the establishment of Google, in the short span of nearly three years, we have gone from nothing to nothing, all the way through hard work, and finally made Google's search engine the default search engine for Yahoo's portal website. Through this, our search The engine has finally become the search engine with the highest market share today!”

"In terms of valuation, it was over $200 million not long ago!"

The voice fell, and suddenly there was thunderous applause.

Zucker is also quite pleased.

Time passed slowly, and after 2 hours, this brief meeting ended.

A group of executives left the conference room.

Larry Page: "Mr. Wald, Mr. Eric Schmidt is in Silicon Valley right now, and I will arrange a time and place for you to meet him as soon as possible."

Zuke waved his hand: "Don't be so troublesome~ You invite him over, I'll just talk to him here. Right now, it's fine."

Hearing this, Paige showed hesitation.

In fact, he wanted to arrange a suitable time and a suitable place, and these auxiliary conditions would allow Zucker to accept Eric Schmidt to the greatest extent possible.

He didn't want to conflict with Zucker on the matter.

He wants to give Eric Schmidt enough time to prepare!

Sergey Brin, on the side, said softly: "Larry, the time and place of the conversation doesn't matter. You have to trust Eric's ability and Mr. Wald's excellent vision."

Paige took a deep breath and said firmly: "Well, Mr. Wald, I will arrange for someone to invite him over now!"


Half an hour later, Eric Schmidt arrives!

Page and Brin avoided this, leaving only Zucker and Schmidt.

Zucker cut to the chase and said, "Mr. Schmidt, you only have 20 minutes. Please convince me in this very short time and convince me why you should support you to become the CEO of Google."

In his last life, Zhu Ke was just an ordinary person, but after crossing the road, in the short period of a few years, he was used to seeing many winds and waves, and the momentum of the whole person was no longer the same as before.

Majesty, domineering... Might as well be!

"No problem!" Schmidt was also confident enough.


"First of all, the reason why Google's search engine has become the search engine with the highest market share in a short period of time is naturally that Google's search engine technology is advanced and superior to other companies. However, there are also major Internet companies. Companies put too much emphasis on portals and ignore the search engine market.”

"Major Internet companies ignore search engines, and Wall Street's venture capital institutions and investors also extremely ignore this market."

"All these reasons are enough to make Google search go a step further, from the search engine with the highest market share to the overlord of the search engine!"

"But.... in the future, what if they pay attention to the search engine market?!"

"Bang! Blast!"

"It's not that I underestimate the strength of Google, but we can't underestimate the ability of those Internet giants. Once they open the search engine market, Google's advantages will disappear, or even fall to the bottom!"

Schmidt's words were like a punch that hit a person's soft underbelly.

Google's rapid rise is the result of those Internet giants not paying attention to the search engine market. …

At present, Google search is the default search of Yahoo, the world's largest portal website. However, once Yahoo abandons Google and supports other search engines, or develops its own search engine?


Undoubtedly, this is a huge hidden danger!

Zu Ke said seriously: "You mentioned this problem, it seems that you have a solution!"


Schmidt's tone was exceptionally firm and decisive.

Having said that, Schmidt immediately took out a document and handed it to Zucker.

【Search the web evaluation mechanism! 】

This is the title of this document.

Schmidt said solemnly: "This is my first plan for Google. Before the major Internet giants fail to pay attention to the search engine market, establish a search page evaluation mechanism and formulate industry standards for the search market, which will allow Google Search has become the dominant player in the industry, and it will be extremely difficult for them to contain Google even if the giants reflect that.”

Set the industry standard!

Establish an evaluation mechanism!

This is undoubtedly a bold plan!

For example: Cisco has started a standard called "Cisco Certified" and established it as an industry standard. As an Internet job applicant, if you do not obtain "Cisco Certified", then your value will be reduced.

This point, can not help but agree with job seekers, even the citizens of North America agree.

A first-class enterprise is to set standards!

"As long as this plan is successful, then Google's dominance in the search engine market will become! In the future, few companies will be able to easily provoke Google's dominance in this field."

"After that, we can start the advertising business, online video, online map and other Internet software businesses."

"In terms of hardware business, we can also start the manufacture of core components for artificial intelligence, mobile phones, and computers;"


"Finally, by virtue of our dominant position in the search market, we can cover many businesses such as medicine, biology, life sciences, venture capital funds, real estate, and more."

"Since then, the road to Google's hegemony has become!"

Just ten minutes of speech, like a virus, shook Zu Ke's brain.


Has this guy hung up? !

Schmidt's plan now is completely the road to the rise and hegemony of Google in the future!

Zu Ke's heart was shocked, and it was difficult for him to calm down for a long time.

What do you say now?

Of course, I agree with him to take over the post of Google CEO!

This detailed and huge strategic plan, if replaced by other people, may think that Schmidt is fooling around and bragging, but classmate Zhu Ke is a traveler!

" "The first more is sent. The next step is to return to the mainline entertainment industry plot, after all, this book is mainly about Hollywood.

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