Hollywood Starts with Animation

Chapter 661 The director's shrewdness

Wald Pictures.

In the company's editing room, Chinese director James Wen (Wen Ziren) is currently having a heated debate with editor Barbatos on the editing of the movie "Chainsaw".

"Dude, this is the essence of the movie. It's the place where the audience's adrenalin surges. It must not be cut!"

James Wing looked worried.

Hearing this, editor Barbatos was extremely helpless and spread his hands: "Wen, this must be cut, otherwise the bloody scale is too large."

"Is it really impossible to keep it?"

James Wing was a little unwilling. This 2-minute wonderful scene was his masterpiece. As one of the director and screenwriter, he naturally did not want this scene to be cut.

"It can't be kept, it must be cut!"

Editor Barbatos took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Wen, you know that the company will submit the finished film to the American Film Institute for grading."

Wen nodded.

Of course he knew, and he also knew that the film society's rating for "The Saw" was NC-17!

Well, Wald Pictures is stuck with the big companies again!

NC-17 grade?

A harsh film rating means 17 and under are off-limits to movie theaters.

Editor Barbatos said solemnly: "Wen, the April schedule is originally the off-season schedule in North America, and there are two films in Universal Pictures' "Scorpion King" and Touchstone Pictures' "Tian Zhao". Our "Chainsaw" "Fright" has a lot of pressure. Once it is rated NC-17, we will lose a potential market of millions of people."

"Therefore, some scenes that are particularly bloody, we have to cut them out."

"Then the re-edited film will be resubmitted to the Film Society to maximize the R rating."

The voice fell.

James Wing clenched his fists tightly, showing his unwillingness.

It is a common problem for young directors to be reluctant to have their director's footage cut off...

It is undeniable that James Wing, who will be known as the "King of Hollywood Horror Movies" in the future, has high film talents.

Even though the "Chainsaw" movie was the first theatrical movie he knew, his special movie talent was still revealed through every shot and whimsy.

However, he is still not mature enough!

"Wen, you young directors are so reluctant to take the scenes they directed, but you have to learn to accept them. With some rogue directors, they have long been used to it. Don't forget which scenes were cut and which ones were kept. , it's not up to me to decide, I'm just a pure editor."

Editor Barbatos said earnestly.

Which shot was cut, which was kept... The one who can make the decision is the producer Gavin O'Connor!

This is Hollywood's producer center system!

From the script writing, preparation, project establishment, shooting, editing, release and other links of a movie, the producer occupies the core dominant position, and even the director can only submit to the producer. Of course, this does not include top directors such as James Cameron and Spielberg.

"Cut it, cut it, I don't care." James Wen was still unwilling.


Barbatos laughed and patted Wen Ziren on the shoulder, and said, "Man, instead of staying with me, you might as well go to the mall to buy some high-end clothes, after all, you will be on TV in the next period of time. ."

Between words, Barbatos was quite envious.

no way~

Although editors and directors are both behind-the-scenes workers in a movie, they have less influence than actors standing in front of the screen, but directors have a lot of room for improvement!

The influence of a famous director is definitely far beyond that of a star!

On the other hand, the editor...

Tears come out!

"Wen, I went to your house and found you weren't there. Then I guessed that you were here."

A sound came into the ears of James Wen and Barbatos.

The person who came was - Ray Warner!

Ray Warner is James Wing's classmate and a very good friend. At the same time, he is also one of the screenwriters and one of the actors in the "Chainsaw" project.

Well, the actor who plays the male lead.

In the future, James Wing was known as the "Father of Chainsaws" and Ray Warner was called "Mother of Chainsaws".

In a series of horror/thriller movies, the two are a perfect match!


Ray Warner dragged James Wing out of the editing room. He looked at his sullen good friend and comforted him: "Wen, you have to learn to accept it, after all, you are just a new director now!"

Wen Ziren nodded.

Ray Warner added: "You have to learn from Todd Phillips, he is the director of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", which is also his first theatrical film, basically the same as you, but Do you see him running to the editing room again and again?"

Wen Ziren was dumbfounded.


Somewhere in Los Angeles.

"okay, I get it."

"Thank you very much for telling me this news, and having time to invite you to dinner."

The phone hangs up.

Todd Phillips, director of the film "The Devil Wears Prada", finished the call with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"After a phone call, I can see that you are in a better mood. Who's calling?"

Mbatto, the agent sitting on the sofa in the living room, asked.

Todd Phillips didn't hide it at the moment, and smiled: "It was the call from Barbatos, the editor at Wald Pictures, who told me that James Wing went to his editing room again."

"James Wing...is that fledgling little Asian director?"

Agent Mbatto blurted out.

"Yes, that's him." Phillips nodded.

Agent Mbatto said in surprise: "A rookie director in his 20s, he deserves your attention?"

He was really surprised~

As the agent of Todd Phillips, Mbatto knows that Phillips is a very proud person!

Even those famous directors are rarely able to catch his eye. He didn't understand why Phillips paid attention to such a rookie director as James Wing, and for this reason, he deliberately wooed Wald Pictures editor Barbatos.

Todd Phillips said with a smile: "As early as the second half of 2000, Wald Pictures launched two films, "District 9" and "The Queen Wears Prada", directed by Nolan and me. In 2001 Once released, "District 9" was a big hit at the box office, making Nolan famous again."

"Me and Nolan are both directors who were introduced by Wald Pictures, and are star directors who are highly praised."

"But what about now?"

"Nolan has enjoyed countless praises from the outside world, but I did not have a masterpiece in the same period..."

"You said, sad and not sad~"

He didn't say anything here.

What more can I say?

Of course he was very envious of Nolan's fame, but also felt enormous pressure.

Especially the entry of new director James Wing!

The two films "Chainsaw" and "The Devil Wears Prada" are scheduled to be released in April, and the two are only two weeks apart...

"You said, if the box office results of the movie I directed were not as good as James Wing, do you think....my face would look good?!"

Todd Phillips said solemnly.

Agent Mbatto was dumbfounded.

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