"Hollywood started with animation ()"

Zhu Ke and Redstone chatted a lot, mainly around matters related to the Harry Potter theme park, such as the size of the investment, the location of the park, the size of the park, and so on.

In a word, Lei Shidong is very interested, and he intends to join in for a share.

Redstone is very rich, whether it is Viacom Group's achievements and influence in the media field, or Paramount Pictures' strength in world movies, they can provide huge help to Harry Potter Park .

However, Zhu Ke refused!

"Lei Shidong, forget it. I'm just making a fuss, so I don't need to bother you."

Zhu Ke declined.

Hearing this, Lei Shidong's face froze, but he quickly adjusted and sighed: "That's really a pity!"

After a pause, he said again: "Don't you want to hear the price of my dismissal? I believe that this price will satisfy you very much."

Ten move but refuse!

Zhu Ke still gritted his teeth and refused.

"Because you are powerful enough, I dare not let you participate!"

Zhu Ke thought to himself.

In a word, Zhu Ke will never let his Hollywood counterparts participate in the project of the Harry Potter theme park.

don't you see...

In the original time and space, Warner Bros., which holds the copyright of "Harry Potter", faced the huge olive branch thrown by Universal Group, the parent company of Universal Studios, in the preparation of the Harry Potter theme park project, and agreed without hesitation. cooperation.

In the first year, it can be said that he gained a lot.


What about the result after a few years?

More than half of the profits obtained by Harry Potter Park belong to Universal Studios;

The ownership and management rights of more than a dozen Harry Potter parks scattered around the world are also controlled by Universal Studios;

On the other hand, Warner, which holds the copyright, only makes hard money in the end!

In other words, in terms of the Harry Potter theme park project, Warner Bros. made the wedding dress for Universal Studios in vain.

How can Zhu Ke accept the "goodwill" from his peers now?

"These colleagues are a bunch of cannibals!" Zhu Ke was always vigilant enough.

Sure enough, as Zhu Ke expected, Disney, Sony Columbia, and even Warner and Universal, which have always been in conflict with Zhu Ke, also actively sought contact for a period of time before the opening of the next movie.

Isn't it for the Harry Potter theme park? !

Among them, Rupert Murdoch, the boss of News Corporation and 20th Century Fox Films, offered the most attractive price.

"The total investment in the early stage of the project is 1.5 billion US dollars, and our News Corporation can provide 1 billion US dollars. Of course, we will get 55% of the entire project's revenue share."

"In addition, our News Corporation will continue to increase the follow-up funds for the Harry Potter theme park in the future."

This is the price Murdoch offered.

Zhu Ke smiled awkwardly and refused again.


the next day.

Zhu Ke warmly received Wall Dren, senior partner and senior vice president of Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, in the office of the headquarters of Golden Dawn Entertainment Group, and had the first informal conversation about the Harry Potter theme park. .

"Zuck, first of all I want to ask about the scale of the Harry Potter theme park. Of course, I also hope you can compare it with Disneyland, which will give us a clearer understanding."

Waldron said.

Zhu Ke nodded, and immediately took out a project drawing: "This is the draft of the Harry Potter theme park in Los Angeles. The entire Harry Potter park in Los Angeles covers an area of ​​12 hectares, which is equivalent to the size of 16 football fields. Of course this It will be far lower than the hundreds or hundreds of hectares of Disneyland.”

"However, I think 12 hectares, it's enough!"

"In our plan, the main scenes of the park include the town of Hogsmeade, the mysterious Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Platform Nine and Three-quarters and many other places.


"Visitors can also go deep into the center of the castle, visit the office of the principal Dumbledore, and the small shop selling magic supplies in the town."

"In addition, visitors can eat in the Leaky Cauldron, buy chocolate frogs, butterbeer in Hogsmeade village shop, and buy wands in Diagon Alley. If you think this is not exciting enough, then you can experience yourself at night. Choose to live in any of the common rooms of the four Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin)."

In short, the Harry Potter theme park is very different from Disneyland!

Disneyland is more inclined to be a huge playground;

In contrast to the Harry Potter theme park, it is more of a fan-oriented amusement, restoring the scale of the scene in the movie to the greatest extent;

The angles at which the two take root are completely different!

Wal Dren pondered for a moment, and said: "I don't deny that what you said is very good, but the premise of everything is the success of the "Harry Potter" series of movies, you know."

Zhu Ke immediately asked: "The first movie in the "Harry Potter" series has a global box office of more than 800 million US dollars. Isn't it enough to prove its influence?"

"Dude, the second Harry Potter movie isn't out yet."

Wal Dren pointed it out bluntly.

Who can guarantee that the next few episodes of "Harry Potter" will achieve such a high box office?


Zhu Ke laughed and said, "Derlen, if the second and third movies in the "Harry Potter" series are released now, do you think it is necessary for me to tell you this now? Investment and investment are nothing more than ancestors One step, you missed it, and there are people who want to get involved."

Goldman Sachs Vice President Wall Dren was speechless for a moment.

Not only that......

Zhu Ke's chief assistant, Alexander, personally took out a document that contained a detailed list of recent Jinshuguang Entertainment Group visitors.

Merrill Lynch;

Lehman Brothers;

Bear Stearns;

etc. That's right, the major investment banks on Wall Street are also paying attention to the project investment of the Harry Potter theme park, and even commercial investment banks such as Citibank, Wells Fargo, and HSBC are not lacking in wanting to give generously.

High-tech companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Oracle have also been in frequent contact with Zhu Ke recently.

Many people want to get a share of the Harry Potter Paradise project. In other words, Zhu Ke has no shortage of collaborators, but what he lacks are capable collaborators who are beneficial to the project.

Zhu Ke spread his hands and said with a smile, "Deron, what do you think now?"


what can i say

Deren sighed and said helplessly, "Zhu Ke, everyone on Wall Street says you are a cunning fox, but now it seems that you are more like a cunning and experienced hunter."

Zhu Ke looked straight at him: "So, what do you want to say?"

De Lun said solemnly: "You have won!"

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