
The 36 countries of the Western Regions have all severed diplomatic relations with Datang!

This means that Datang's borders will be greatly threatened and challenged.

Enemies on all sides!

This is the deadliest danger!

If the Tang Dynasty does not show an attitude, it is estimated that the surrounding countries will no longer take them seriously.

"Your Majesty, in Weichen's opinion, we absolutely cannot allow the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions to simply break off diplomatic relations with us!"

"We Datang must show an attitude! Otherwise, everyone will look down on us. "

"Wei Chen suggested, immediately send troops to fight for the thirty-six countries in the Western Regions! As the so-called persimmon should be pinched softly, and after the Western Regions countries are cleaned up, let's go back and attack Daqin!"

Li Ji took the lead in standing up and put forward a very clear strategic policy.

Li Er nodded silently.

That's a good idea.

Daqin is located on the plateau, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

First of all, the conquest of Great Qin must be protracted.

Isn't this expedition a living example?

That's why.

Taking the lead in attacking Qin Mu's Great Qin was definitely not a wise move!

The best way to become a way to bypass Great Qin and attack the weaker 36 countries of the Western Regions first.

And so it goes.

It can not only show the power of the Tang Dynasty, but also remove the threat of the border.

It's doable, kill two birds with one stone!

"Yes, the British are right, let's give them a little color!"

"That's right, you can't let others look down on our Heavenly Empire. "

"That's right, don't the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions want to recognize Great Qin as their sect master? Let's let them see who is stronger!"

The courtiers in the Taiji Hall also agreed with Li Ji's opinion.

Seeing that the ministers shared the same hatred, Li Er finally nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time made up his mind.

"Okay! Spread my will, Su Guo Gongcheng bit Jin and obeyed the order, and ordered you to lead an army of 100,000 to attack the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions!"

"We must let them understand what the end of going against Datang is. "

Li Er said coldly.

"The last general obeys!"

Cheng Yanjin agreed excitedly, turned around and left in a hurry.


Li Er discussed some things with the courtiers, then announced his retirement from the court, and asked Fang Xuanling to return to the Manna Hall with him.

"Xuan Ling, do you know what happened in the Potala Palace?"

Li Er stood with his hands in his hands, looking at the cloudy sky outside the window, no different from his own mood.

"Your Majesty, Weichen doesn't know. "

"I wonder where Your Majesty got the news?"

Fang Xuanling is also the first two big.

What he saw and heard in the court today shocked him.

What worries Fang Xuanling even more is the trade of Jiannan Province.

Li Er ordered him to take full authority to deal with the matter.

Fang Xuanling is also full of fighting spirit, hoping that by trading books, he can help Li Er's reform in the court to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

But before I could figure it out, the war was about to start again.

Once the end of the battle begins.

Wouldn't the trade between Daqin and Datang come to naught?


How did His Majesty know about the matter between the Thirty-six Kingdoms of the Western Regions and Qin Mu so quickly?

The Western Regions and the Tang Dynasty are thousands of miles apart!

"It was Guanyin who ordered someone to bring back a letter, which detailed everything that happened to Qin Mu recently. "

"Xuan Ling, do you know? Long before we left Tibet, the monarchs of the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions had already set off for the Potala Palace. "

Qin Mu set up a special banquet in the palace to entertain the lords of the thirty-six countries, and let Jieli, Fu Yun, and Songtsan Gampo perform the Qin King Breaking Dance in public. "

"Hmph! No wonder he wants to keep Jieli and Fu Yun's lives, and he wants you to teach them King Qin's Breaking Array Dance, it turns out that it is used here!"

As soon as he thought of this, Li Er trembled with anger.

From start to finish.

Qin Mu had already calculated everything.

Pity himself and Fang Xuanling are still doing their best to help him choreograph King Qin's breaking array dance, and they are being played with in applause like a clown who dances beams.

It's disgusting!

"Your Majesty, what happened later?"

Fang Xuanling asked impatiently.

Li Er let out a long sigh of relief and continued:

Fu Yun was angry for a while, and wanted to die with Qin Mu, but was split in half by the eunuch named Wei Zhongxian next to Qin Mu, and died on the spot. "

At this time, Qin Mu revealed his true colors, forcing the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions to break off diplomatic relations with the Tang Dynasty and become the suzerainty of the Western Regions. "

Fang Xuanling's face was also extremely solemn.

Grace and power!

Sure enough, it's a good means!

First set up a feast, treat well, and then show the national strength, let the three world heroes act as actors.

Even the Turkic Khan Jieli, who ruled the world, and the talented Tubo lord Songtsen Gampo all ended up like this.

It can well be imagined.

What kind of mood was the lord of the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions at that time.



Maybe it's both!

"He's still the same as before, no, even more ruthless than before!"

Fang Xuanling said with a wry smile.


This letter was brought back by him to Guanyin. "

"Xuan Ling, do you know what this means?"

Li Er nodded silently, unable to see any expression on his face.

"What he means is to tell us clearly that Datang will never let us go! Not only will he not let us go, but from this moment on, he has already begun to attack Datang!"

"It's just that the way of attacking is far more cruel and ruthless than on the battlefield! He wants to make our Datang completely isolated and make us a fish in the pond!"

"And he was slowly approaching on the shore, until we were cornered, and we had to bow to him!"

"At that time, he doesn't even need to send a single soldier to conquer our entire Tang world!"

The more Fang Xuanling spoke, the more excited he became, and he even became short of breath.


Grievances that have never been felt before!

obviously knew how Qin Mu should deal with Datang, but he didn't have any way at all.

I could only watch him get stronger and stronger.

What's even more terrifying is that Qin Mu didn't sneak around from beginning to end.

No matter what he does, he will tell Datang openly.

This is the most unacceptable!

The most frustrating!

Everyone has already played the cards, but they still can't play it!

The difference in strength between the two sides is too great.

"Xuan Ling, our time is running out. "

"The reason why Qin Mu hasn't sent troops to attack us yet, is that he knows very well in his heart that with his current strength and hard power, it is a fool's dream to want to swallow the Tang Dynasty in one bite, and if he doesn't do it, he will burn himself and cause turmoil in the world. "

"But he has been accumulating strength all along! When he has enough strength, it will be the time when our Tang Dynasty will fall. "

Li Er's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and there was unprecedented fear in his heart.

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