"Brother Prince, are you doing well? Ouch, who did this, why didn't you even give us a piece of clothing, what if you catch a cold? Aren't you afraid that people Hongtai will come and cut people?"

In a warehouse on Temple Street, after the cigarette boy opened the door, Chen Dong walked in with A Leopard, and saw that this Prince Hongtai was wearing a pair of pants and was tied to a stool, looking like he was going to die, and he had a cheap face.

"Rotten boy, you, my dad will never let you go!"

Brother Prince is also hard-hearted, originally he still looked like he was going to die, but when he saw Chen Dong's swishing face, he instantly revived with blood and sprayed when he opened his mouth.

"Wow! I'm so scared!"

"It's not a loss to our prince brother, it's good to have a good father, it's still so arrogant, it seems that our Uncle Mei is a good father, he hasn't taught us how to be a prince, since Uncle Mei doesn't teach, we will suffer a loss, let's teach. "

"Go catch a few rats and put some honey on our little brother of the prince, so that the prince brother will remember that he will suffer if he says the wrong thing in the wrong place..."

Chen Dong patted his chest with a low voice of fear, and then said to the little brother behind the cigarette boy with a look of concern.

Ah Leopard, Smoke Boy and the little brother behind him glanced at the intersection between the prince's feet, and couldn't help but shudder.

"Yes, Brother Dong. "

"Don't! Don't...!rotten... East... Brother Dong, I was not good before, I apologize to you, I apologize to you, you let me go, I promise you everything!".

"By the way, I have five million in my account! As long as you let me go, the five million will be given to you!"

Seeing a younger brother turn to leave, the prince who was tied to the stool couldn't hold it anymore, and he didn't get angry anymore, and immediately begged for mercy.

"You recover, I still like your unruly appearance, just you, a prince of Hongtai with no identity and no status, have five million?"

Chen Dong looked at this cowardly prince with a disbelieving face, this guy is different from Prince Hongxing, although they are all called princes, but Prince Hongxing is a prince who has worshiped the incense hall and worked in the community, and the status of the people is out, this Prince Hongtai.... Born better than Hongxing's prince, the crown prince of Hongtai, said that he was born as a person of Hongtai, but in the end he did not worship the incense hall, nor did he work in Hongtai, in Hongtai except for the son of an old ghost eyebrow, the legal heir, not even a fart, just like the captain of the Hongtai temporary brigade, he wandered around with his little brother all day long, and he didn't even have a proper territory, and when did he hang up his old bean, when did he turn positive.

"Yes, yes, no, you let my little brother check it, the bank card is in my wallet!".

Although Liang Zaidong's disdainful eyes are not hurtful, they are extremely insulting, making him feel ashamed, he has never been despised since he was so old, but when he thinks of the scene of rats grabbing food, he has to endure it even if he is unhappy.

"Yes, what is the password, I'll let the younger brother check it, if what you said is true, for the sake of your father and Mong Kok's territory, I will forgive you!"

Chen Dong still didn't look very trusting, but he patted his chest as if he was an adult.

"The password is... Brother Dong, if you let me go now, I'll tell you the password. "

The prince still didn't believe it when he saw Rotten Tsaidong, and this temper tantrum also came, in order to prove that he was really rich, he just wanted to say the password, but he immediately reacted and closed his mouth.

His family has been dwarf mules for three generations, and he only talked to the dwarf mule when his brain was caught in the door.

"In the future, whoever tells me that Brother Prince is a brainless fool, I will chop him up immediately! "

Chen Dong didn't care about the careful thinking of this stupid prince, after all, he was the son of an old fritter like Lao Ghost Mei, and his IQ was still leveraged.

Motioned for the cigarette boy to untie the rope.

"Okay, Brother Prince, the rope has been untied for you, and the clothes are because on the day I brought you back, too many younger brothers admired Brother Prince and tore them into strips of cloth when they scrambled, I don't think you mind, right? You can go, or you can tell us the password." "

This warehouse is more than two hours' drive from the city, and the surrounding area is deserted

"Really let me go?".

Seeing that Chen Dong was so refreshing, the prince was also confused, he could leave so easily, but he delayed it.

"If you let you go, let you go, where is there so much nonsense, you have enjoyed eating braised pork rice, right? Who on the road doesn't know that my Liang Zaidong is a good talker, your father is the leader of Hongtai, can I still Kuang you?"

Seeing the prince's hesitant appearance, Chen Dong looked angry and said angrily.

"Hurry! The password is: 1008601, goodbye!".

It didn't look like he was cheating, and the prince no longer hesitated, and after saying the password, without saying a word, he blocked the double points with one hand and the other hand and turned away in a cower.


"Sneak up on it, and we'll chase after half an hour. "

Ah Bao saw that the boss simply let this prince go, what should he do with the 20 million old ghost eyebrows, he really wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Chen Dong.


Ah Leopard found that the boss was really getting more and more doggy.


If you wear a pair of big pants without clothes and don't even have a pair of shoes, how far can you run in half an hour in a deserted place?

Chen Dong didn't know this question before, but now someone has personally experimented with him, and Chen Dong also knows the answer.

On a dirt slope almost five kilometers from the warehouse.

"Brother Prince, we met again, I didn't see that Brother Prince's foundation is really good, he can run five kilometers in half an hour in this barren mountain and wilderness barefoot, and he can participate in the Olympics no matter how much he practices. "

The three cars surrounded the prince who was sitting on the ground panting, and Chen Dong opened the door and got out of the car to the prince and gave him a thumbs up with a smile.

"Rotten..... Rotten.. Rotten boy, you bastard don't talk about credit. "

The prince, who was panting when he spoke, didn't know that he had been tricked when he saw this posture, so he was so angry that he scolded.

Chen Dong was really worried that this hanging hair would not be able to come up in one breath, and he would be one step ahead of his father.

"Brother Prince, your father's wife can sleep wildly, and you can't talk nonsense, who doesn't know that my pretty boy is talking about it, I promised to let you go, but I didn't say that I won't arrest you anymore?"

"Hey, I'm really sorry for your father, with this IQ, how will I inherit the family business in the future, it seems that I have to ask your father tonight if he will accept his godson, and I will suffer a loss." "

"Take our prince brother to take a bath, lest Uncle Mei say that we don't want to settle the bill if we don't entertain well,"

"By the way, why don't you thank Brother Prince for the tip? Five million!".

Chen Dong squatted down and patted the prince's ugly face, and after speaking, he said to the younger brothers around him with a smile.

"Thank you, Brother Prince....!".

The younger brothers also bowed to the prince three times with a smile, and sent the family members to answer the salute.

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