When Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she can now be sure that her treasure~ has lost her memory.

Normally, her own treasure~ would not dare to do this to her, but now, her own treasure~ would be like this.

Now she looks like she has lost her memory from the expression, demeanor, or other aspects of her treasure~.

Since your own treasure ~ has amnesia, there is no need to ask your own treasure ~.

Xiaolan snapped her fingers, and she turned back time to her treasure~ before she woke up.

Then as soon as Xiaolan raised her hand, she sent Yan Ling'er, who was chained to the wall, to the unknown world.

Now that his treasure~ has lost his memory, then Yan Ling'er is useless, just throw it away.

Xiaolan hurriedly cleaned the room, and then she let Gentle Xiaolan out.

There's no way, Gentle Xiaolan is still very gentle, her treasure~ Now she has amnesia, and Blackened Xiaolan knows that her character may be easy to do extreme things, so she chose to let Gentle Xiaolan come out, and she took the initiative to hide it herself.

After a while, Qiwu woke up again.

Because of the reason of going back in time, he didn't have the memory of seeing Yan Ling'er who lost his second arm before, so he didn't know anything now.

Xiaolan eagerly took her Bao~'s hand, and said with

a gentle face: "Bao~, are you finally awake, are you feeling better?" Qiwu felt the warm feeling on his hands, he glanced at the gentle Xiaolan, and asked:

"Who are you, why do I think you are a little familiar." "

Xiaolan is most afraid of her own treasure~ I don't know her.

Although she knew that her treasure~ had amnesia, she still felt very uncomfortable when she heard this.

Her eyes were ruddy, tears were rolling in her eyes, and she was clearly about to cry.

"Bao~, I, I'm your baby, your wife, and your closest person, don't you remember?"

Suddenly, Qi Wu felt a pain in his head, and his face was painful.


Xiaolan saw that her treasure~ was so painful, she hurriedly pressed her treasure~ head gently with her hand and began to treat.

"Bao~, it's okay, I'm here, I'll help you treat it, and it won't hurt soon!" The

warm spiritual power entered Qi Wu's mind, and he finally felt better.

Xiaolan's gentleness made Qiwu feel very comfortable, and the woman in front of him always gave him a very familiar feeling, very gentle and warm, but a little afraid.

Qiwu didn't know how to describe this feeling, he had already admitted that the woman in front of him was his closest baby.

"Baby, I, I'm feeling better. "


Qiwu's stomach screamed again.

The hunger made Qiwu very uncomfortable, Xiaolan smiled softly, kissed her on the lips of Bao~, and then said sweetly: "Bao~

, you rest for a while, I'll go make you food, hehe~"

Xiaolan was about to turn around and leave, but Qiwu hugged her directly.

"Baby, can you not go, I want you to stay with me. I

don't know why, Qiwu feels so scared and empty now, he really wants the woman in front of him to accompany him.

Xiaolan knows that her treasure~ may be because of yesterday's incident and has been hurt a lot.

Although my treasure ~ is now amnesiac, subconsciously, I still feel helpless and scared because of yesterday's events.

The best way now is to appease your treasure~.

Xiaolan took out a nutritional pill from her back and fed her treasure~.

"Bao~, be good, open your mouth~"

Qiwu was very obedient and opened his mouth to eat the pill.

Xiaolan hugged her treasure, and the two began to be intimate.

An hour later.

Xiaolan stroked her treasure~'s face with her hand, blushing.

"Bao~, how are you feeling now, are you feeling better?"

Because of Xiaolan's love, Qiwu no longer has that sense of fear and inner emptiness.

"Baby, I, I'm feeling better now. "


In the universe, there is a space that has cracked.




" "Bang !!"

space cracked, and a blonde man flew out of it.

His brow furrowed, and he looked very angry.

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan, for the sake of you being my sister-in-law, I have always let you.

"As a result, you dared to stop me from traveling the world with my brother, and finally sealed me for two thousand years with several women, it's really hateful!"

"If it weren't for Lao Tzu's strength being sealed at that time, it would be ridiculous that you also wanted to seal me. The

blonde man's name is Qi San, and he is Qi Wu's younger brother, but the two are not brothers.

Two thousand years ago, Qi San and Qi Wu explored in a world and were finally discovered by Xiaolan.

Xiaolan's cultivation speed was too fast, and it only took a thousand years to cultivate to the peak level of the universe.

At that time, Qi San and Qi Wu were traveling and exploring in a low-martial world, so both of them suppressed their own strength to a very low state.

After Xiaolan came over, she took a few women and directly sealed Qi San on the spot.

At that time, Xiaolan had tolerated Qisan for a long time.

She especially hates that Qi San always pulls her treasure ~ to play in various worlds, and every time she goes to the world, it is difficult for her to find it.

In the end, Xiaolan couldn't bear it anymore, so she sealed Qisan.

In fact, during that time, Qiwu also took a lot of time to accompany Xiaolan, but he also wanted to go to a different world and experience a different life, so every time he went to other worlds with Qisan, it was either a few years or more than ten years.

Qiwu has long passed the age of long live, and in his cognition, it feels like a few years and more than ten years are not very long.

But Xiaolan didn't think so, she wanted her treasure ~ to stay by her side all the time.

After Qi San was sealed, Xiaolan was also in a state of blackening at that time, and it was a very extreme blackening, dozens of times more terrifying than the current blackening Xiaolan.

Qiwu wanted Xiaolan to let Qisan come out at that time, and he felt that many things could always be solved by talking about them.

But Xiaolan at that time couldn't listen to it at all, she felt that it was her treasure~ who didn't love her anymore, and finally she used a secret method to let her treasure~ reincarnate, and wanted her treasure~ to love her.

As a result, in more than ten lives, there have been ten lives, and she has not found her treasure ~ , and her treasure ~ has died for various reasons.

And in those lives, because Xiaolan's blackening was too serious, Qiwu was too afraid of her, so he didn't like her.

In this life, things have changed for the better.

It's a pity that Qiwu has a few more women.

You must know that the previous Qiwu can be said to be the only woman Xiaolan.

Since his reincarnation, Qiwu has been in contact with all kinds of girls.

This led to him having relationships with several women in his life.

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