Not only that,

but even the clothes have become intact, which is too terrifying, Qi Wu only thinks that this recovery ability is too perverted.

He always felt that this girl didn't look like a human, it was really scary.

Qiwu still wanted to run, but one of his hands was grabbed by Xiaolan, and he couldn't break free at all, so he couldn't run.

Xiaolan grabbed Qiwu's hand with one hand, and took out the dagger directly from his back with the other hand, Qiwu saw this situation, and was even more scared, this girl was going to stab him to death again! Qiwu

used his other hand to hit Xiaolan's hand a few times, trying to make Xiaolan let go through this method, but it was useless at all, after Xiaolan's hand was beaten, it was not even red, it was outrageous.

Qi Wu saw that this trick was useless, and he planned to beg for mercy to try it, maybe it would work.

"Baby, I was wrong, I won't leave here, I will always be with you in the future, don't stab me to death with a dagger, it's okay, it's really painful to be stabbed to death with a dagger, can you forgive me this time, please."

Xiaolan was stunned when she heard Qiwu's words, but she recovered quickly, even if her treasure ~ begging for mercy now, she didn't plan to forgive him, she begged so hard before, but her treasure ~ still has to leave here, then even if it is her own treasure ~ begging for mercy, she doesn't plan to forgive her treasure ~ anymore.

My own treasure ~ is too naughty when she is alive, it will hurt her and make her sad, this is not the case between lovers at all, lovers can only love each other, even if there is a conflict, they can solve it calmly, instead of hurting each other with words and deeds, so let their treasure ~ become a lifeless look, so that she can love her own treasure unilaterally, and her own treasure ~ is good, and her own treasure ~ will not hurt her, it is simply perfect.

(Warm reminder, the content of the novel is purely made up, please don't believe the content of the novel, and don't imitate it in reality.)

"Bao~, I won't forgive you, you are really too disobedient to be alive, and it is the wisest choice to make you a specimen. Bao~, don't worry, even if I make you into a specimen, I will be good to you wholeheartedly, and I will never let you be wronged, hehe~"

The tears on Xiaolan's face are still flowing, but the smile on her face is so bright, it seems that for her, it is a very happy thing to make her own treasure~ into a specimen.

"Baby, you believe me, you forgive me this time, I will never run away next time, I will always be with you, you have to believe me!" Although

Qi Wu said so, his hand kept slapping Xiao Lan's hand, wanting Xiao Lan to let go, but unfortunately Xiao Lan just didn't let go, and Qi Wu's strength was not as big as Xiao Lan, so he couldn't break free at all.

Suddenly, Xiaolan hugged Qi Wu, Qi Wu felt a pain in his heart, and knew that this girl had stabbed him with a dagger again.

"Ah, it hurts!" Qi

Wu screamed, and soon died again.


Soon, Qi Wu opened his eyes again.

"Damn, I knew it was useless to beg for mercy, so I won't beg for mercy, that girl really doesn't have any human touch at all, it's just a bt, in addition to being good-looking, it's just bad to death. Qiwu cursed in his mouth.

At this time, the bedroom door was opened, Xiaolan walked in, she saw her treasure ~ woke up, and asked gently: "Bao ~ Are you having a nightmare, I heard your voice outside the door just now! Bao ~, don't be afraid, with me here, no one will hurt you."

Qi Wu saw that the girl Xiaolan came in, he quickly closed his mouth and stopped cursing, if he let this girl know what he said just now, he would probably die again.

But this girl is too good at talking, what is called no one hurts

me with you, I have been stabbed to death by you many times, although you may not know, but I know, every time I am stabbed in the heart, it hurts!" "Baby, I do have nightmares, I dreamed in my dream that a crazy woman chased me with a knife, and finally was stabbed to death dozens of times by that crazy woman, and I was almost scared to death. "

Where did Qiwu have any nightmares, but Xiaolan, the girl, asked like this, and he said so, and he was talking about Xiaolan, the girl, but he didn't explain it.

Xiaolan didn't know that her treasure ~ was talking about her, but she was obviously a little angry, there was a crazy woman who dared to stab her treasure ~ heart in a dream, her treasure ~ but all she had, even if it was in a dream, she couldn't be bullied by others, she asked her treasure with a gentle tone and a gentle smile~: "Treasure ~, what does the woman in the dream look like? You tell me, I'll help you get angry." "

...... "

Ah... It's you, but I dare to say that you are, if you say it, you will definitely stab me to death again.

Qi Wu didn't dare to say this, he hurriedly said: "Baby, after I woke up, I forgot what that crazy woman looked like, I may not be able to tell you, you can help me get angry, I'm really happy, you are so good to me, I am blessed to have you." "

It's really bad luck to have you!

The last sentence in the back, Qiwu didn't dare to say it.

Xiaolan was very happy when she heard Qiwu's words, she didn't expect her treasure~ to think that she was his blessing, she was really happy~.

Xiaolan took Qiwu's hand and said gently: "Bao~, are you hungry, you just woke up now, do you want to wash your face first, or eat first, hehe~"

Such familiar words, Qiwu felt that this time it was better to eat first, and he couldn't make the girls wait too long, otherwise it would be bad if the girls were angry.

"Baby, let's eat first, I'm a little hungry. "

Bao~, listen to you, then I'll help you untie the metal anklet, and then we'll go to dinner together, hehe~"

Xiaolan squatted down, reached out and took out the key from behind her back, and then helped Qiwu untie the metal anklet.

Qi Wu didn't dare to make any moves this time, this girl couldn't be stabbed to death with a fruit knife at all, he didn't need to die.

After Xiaolan untied the metal anklet, put the key back behind her back, and then stood up, she realized that she had forgotten to give her treasure~ the slippers she was wearing.

"Bao~, you sit here for a while, I'll help you get the slippers, I won't let you wait too long, hehe~"

Xiaolan turned around and trotted out of the bedroom to get the slippers, Qiwu was a little overwhelmed.

How to do it in a while, since you don't plan to run away now, then make this girl happy, which will also be conducive to future plans.

Soon, Xiaolan trotted back, holding a pair of sky-blue slippers in her hand.

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