Qi Wu nodded obediently and promised: "Baby, don't worry, I will definitely listen to you, I will never run around, you can rest assured!" Xiaolan

saw that her treasure ~ was so well-behaved, she put her mind at ease and began to wash the dishes with peace of mind.

But will Qiwu really stand next to him obediently, of course it won't.

At this time, Qi Wu was thinking about a question, that is, if he wanted to escape now, which option would be better?

The first option was to let him use his mobile phone to ask for help and escape, but he couldn't use it now.

Option three is to let him wait for this girl to finish washing the dishes, to surprise this girl, and now he can't use it, option four is to let him play freely, this one will not be chosen first, then it seems that only option two is the best choice now.

It's just that now this girl is washing dishes, he shot someone in the head in the back, isn't it too cruel, if this shot really kills the girl, will it be a pity.

Damn, what am I thinking, what a pity, this girl has stabbed him to death many times, even if he looks good, even if he dies, what can he do, what is there to pity, not a pity at all.

Qi Wu directly chose option two, he quietly took out a pistol in his backpack, and then cautiously came behind Xiaolan, the girl, but he couldn't be discovered, otherwise he would definitely die miserably.

Xiaolan is still concentrating on washing dishes, and she hasn't realized that her treasure~ is no longer next to her, but behind her.

Suddenly, Xiaolan felt some strange feelings, a little cold, she didn't like this feeling very much, Xiaolan frowned, in her opinion, under normal circumstances, things that would make her have this kind of cold feeling are not a good thing.

Xiaolan hurriedly looked at her treasure~, if there was danger, she could protect her treasure as soon as possible~, but when she looked to the side, she didn't see her treasure~.

And Qi Wu had already aimed his pistol at the back of Xiaolan's head, although Xiaolan turned his head, but it didn't matter, he only needed to move his arm slightly, and he could hit the back of the girl's head with a pistol again.

Qi Wu's fingers were forced, and the moment he pulled the trigger, he quickly closed his eyes, and if there was blood splattered out for a while, as long as he closed his eyes, the blood would not spill into his eyes.

However, after two seconds, Qi Wu did not hear the gunshot, but heard Xiaolan's cold voice.

"Bao~, what are you doing, what are you holding in your hand, is it a pistol?"


Qiwu was stunned, why did he pull the trigger, but the pistol didn't shoot? And the pistol seems to have become much lighter.

Qi Wu suddenly felt a little afraid, he opened his eyes a little frightened, and then he saw Xiaolan The girl was holding a dagger in her hand, and his pistol was actually cut in half, and the barrel of the pistol didn't know where it flew.

Xiaolan saw her treasure~ as if she was looking for something, she stretched out her other hand and exposed the barrel of the pistol.

"Bao~, are you looking for the barrel of this

pistol?" Hearing this, Qiwu's hand shook unconsciously, and the broken pistol fell directly to the ground.

This, this, this is too terrifying, he is now level three, but he doesn't even know when the pistol was cut in half by this girl, and he doesn't know what this girl used to cut this pistol in half, if he hadn't seen this girl holding a dagger in her hand, he wouldn't have guessed how this girl broke the pistol.

But now this is not the point, the point is that the pistol has been discovered by this girl, and now it seems that no matter how you quibble, it seems to be a dead end, what can I do!

Qi Wu hurriedly snatched the barrel of the gun from Xiaolan's hand, then hid it behind his back, put it in his backpack, and he pretended to be stupid and said: "Baby, where is the pistol, are you mistaken? There is no pistol here at all." When

Xiaolan heard that her treasure~ actually treated her as a fool and lied to her by talking nonsense, her brows furrowed even tighter, and her tone was cold.

"Bao~, how can you be like this, I've already seen the pistol, and you still want to lie to me. But now the pistol is not the point, you honestly, who gave you your dimensional backpack and where did you get that pistol, as long as you tell the truth and don't lie to me, I will forgive you.

When Qiwu heard this girl's words, he didn't believe that he was telling the truth, and this girl would forgive him. You know, in the past, as long as this girl was angry, then he would definitely be stabbed to death by this girl, but now he took out all the pistols, and this girl also saw the pistol, but said that he would forgive him if he told the truth, do you think this is possible? This is simply impossible.

But it doesn't seem to be useful to play stupid now, in that case, it's better to fight to the death. Qiwu took out the saw directly from the backpack and threw it at Xiaolan, Xiaolan raised her hand to catch the saw, she looked down, and after finding that it was a saw, her brows furrowed, she raised her head, just wanted to speak, but found that her treasure ~ was missing.

Xiaolan's brows furrowed even tighter, why did she always feel that her treasure~ seemed to be very afraid of her, she felt that she was very gentle with her treasure~ But why did her treasure~ still seem to be afraid of her, and always lied to her, unwilling to tell her the truth, what the hell is going on?

Xiaolan couldn't understand, in her eyes, she felt that she was already very good to her treasure~ and was very gentle and considerate, but she didn't know what's going on, her treasure~ would lie to her, shouldn't couples tell the truth before, compare their hearts to their hearts, why did their treasure~ still lie to her, could it be that she took out the dagger and scared her treasure~

Xiaolan felt that this might be the reason, she first put the dagger back behind her back, adjusted her mentality, and made herself look gentle, so that she wouldn't be scared of her treasure ~! After Xiaolan adjusted

her state, she took off the gloves used to wash the dishes and put them in the sink, and then released her divine thoughts to find the location of her treasure~.

Qiwu didn't leave the villa, his pistol had been destroyed by that girl, and he himself was too weak, even if he left the villa, he would encounter danger in the forest, and he didn't even have the ability to protect himself.

Qiwu knew that he might be dying now, but he still wanted to struggle, if he could not be stabbed in the heart, then try not to be stabbed in the heart, it was too painful.

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