He didn't expect this girl to not sleep at all, it's been more than ten minutes, this girl doesn't sleep to say, even open her eyes to look at him, when he opened his eyes just now, he accidentally looked at this girl, at that time his heartbeat was like a small motor, beating fast, now it's been a few seconds, and the heart hasn't calmed down.

Because Xiaolan was lying in Qiwu's arms

, she felt that her treasure~'s heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot, which frightened her, her treasure~ What's wrong, why did her heart beat so fast suddenly, is there something wrong with her treasure~'s body? Xiaolan suddenly became anxious, she asked worriedly: "Bao~, what's wrong with you, why did your heartbeat suddenly become so fast, are you not feeling well?" If you're not feeling well, you must tell me as soon as possible, I'm so worried about you!"

Is this girl so careful, I accidentally had a faster heartbeat for a while, and she noticed it, so there is no need to be so careful, could it be that my heart is beating faster for a while, and there is something wrong with my body? What kind of logic is this?

Qi Wu quickly shook his head and said: " Baby, I didn't, I'm in good health, I couldn't sleep just now, I wanted to open my eyes to see the beautiful and charming you, I thought you were asleep, but I didn't expect you to be asleep, just now I saw you open your eyes, I was startled. Anyway, baby, why don't you sleep, don't you have to take a nap at noon?" Xiaolan's

face was slightly red, she didn't expect that she didn't take a nap, and she was even frightened of her treasure~, she couldn't help it, fortunately she didn't freak out her treasure~, if she was frightened, she would be very distressed, and then she would lose her favorite treasure~, so she could only treasure it.

"Bao~, I'll sleep right away, I'll be able to fall asleep in a while!Bao~, why did you wake up suddenly, can't you sleep?"

He must not tell the truth, he can only make it up, otherwise if this girl discovers his plan, then he will be finished.

"Baby, I actually fell asleep just now, but I just had a nightmare and woke up suddenly. "

Bao~, why do you suddenly have nightmares, is it easy to have nightmares when you take a nap like this?" Xiaolan

was surprised when she heard that her treasure~ actually had a nightmare, she felt that she was accompanying her treasure~ next to her, and her treasure~ should not have nightmares, but her treasure~ still had nightmares.

"Bao~, what was the nightmare you had just now, can you tell me?"


Qi Wu was speechless when he heard this, he didn't sleep at all just now, how could he have a nightmare, it was just nonsense. It's just that now this girl asks him, if he doesn't say it, I'm afraid he will confess here.

When people are dreaming, no matter what dream they have, they may forget it when they wake up, which leads to you only knowing that you have a nightmare, but you can't remember what you did, you only know that the dream is scary, but you just can't remember the content of the nightmare.

Since this is the case, it is easy to explain, Qiwu touched his head with his hand, pretending that he had forgotten, he said: "Baby, I can't remember, I only know that I had a terrible nightmare, but I forgot the content of the nightmare when I woke up, and I can't remember anything."

After Qi Wu said this, he glanced at the girl, and he found that the girl Xiaolan was actually frowning, staring at the top of his head, and she looked very angry.

Qi Wu was a little confused, he didn't seem to have done anything excessive, why did this girl look so angry? Besides, is there something above his head, why is this girl angry?

Suddenly, after Qi Wu's head was hit by something, that thing fell to the ground, Qi Wu then remembered that the hand he had just touched his head was holding a pistol, if that was the case, Xiao Lan stared at the top of his head just now, did he get angry when he saw the pistol in

his hand? It's so bad, he just thought about how to answer this girl, and forgot that he still has a pistol in his hand, and now it's really too bad.

Now this girl is still sitting on his lap, still lying in his arms, he really wants to escape now, but he can't escape

! Really, how could he forget the pistol in his hand, it really shouldn't be, this is simply a big mistake!

Xiaolan saw the pistol that fell on the ground, she raised her hand, the pistol flew up from the ground, and then landed on Xiaolan's hand, Xiaolan removed the magazine, looked at it, and found that there were five bullets in the magazine.

Doesn't this mean that this pistol is not loaded, and how can an unloaded pistol shoot bullets?

Although Xiaolan doesn't know why her treasure ~ has this kind of pistol, but her treasure ~ will hold this kind of pistol in her hand, it must be used against her. This made Xiaolan a little puzzled, she was obviously so good to her treasure~ so gentle, why would her treasure~ use something like a pistol against her, which really made her sad.

It's just that she didn't expect that her treasure ~ couldn't even use a pistol, although her treasure ~ wanted to kill her, but she also had to teach her treasure ~ to use a pistol, anyway, the pistol couldn't cause much damage to her, and the only thing that could cause damage was the heart.

If her treasure~ shoots at her, she will definitely be very sad, and yes, her favorite treasure~, will hurt her, it will not be sad! For Xiaolan, her treasure~ is all she has.

Xiaolan looked at her treasure~, although she was very concerned about where she got the pistol from her treasure~, but let this matter go first, she wanted to see if her treasure~ would really shoot her.

"Bao~, this pistol of yours is not loaded, so it can't shoot bullets, I'll teach you. Xiaolan

is talking now, she is cold, she can't change even if she wants to be gentle now, and she is in a bad mood.

Qi Wu is really scared now, this girl is sitting on his lap, he can't get this girl off his lap with all his might, this is very strange, obviously it feels like only a hundred pounds, but why can't he push it, this is really strange.

Now there is another problem, that is, after this girl saw him take out a pistol this time, not only did she not use a dagger to stab him in the heart, but also taught him to use a pistol.

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