But now my own treasure ~

doesn't seem to want to live in this particularly safe bedroom, my own treasure ~ what's wrong, is it a suspicion that she will do bad things?

Xiaolan frowned when she thought of this, she loved her treasure so much~, she devoted herself to her treasure~, and even tried her best to protect her treasure~, but her treasure~ suspected that she would do bad things in the room, she was so sad and sad when she thought of it.

Xiaolan's eyes suddenly turned red, and after a while, I'm afraid that tears will flow down, her voice was a little crying, and she asked sadly: "Bao~, do you suspect that I put something in the room that hurt you,"

Ah???, Qi Wu saw that this girl seemed to be crying again, he was a little scared, he was not afraid that this girl would cry and not coax, he was afraid that after this girl cried, he would stab him in the heart with a dagger!

This girl had been like this many times before, first crying, sad and sad, and then taking out a dagger from behind and stabbing him in the heart. It's better to avoid being stabbed in the heart, and if you can't be stabbed in the heart, try not to be stabbed in the heart, after all, it hurts to be stabbed in the heart.

Qiwu hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Xiaolan all of a sudden, he quickly apologized and said: "Baby, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt you, you are so good to me, I still doubt you, I really shouldn't, if you are angry, then you will beat me, out of anger, as long as you can relieve your anger, you can do whatever you want." Xiaolan

was also suddenly hugged by her own treasure~ and caught off guard, her brain suddenly went blank, and her own treasure~ also gave her a sincere apology, then forgive her treasure~, after all, her treasure~ is inherently small, and it is not intentional, it can be forgiven.

Xiaolan raised her hands and hugged her treasure~, she felt much better now, not as uncomfortable as before, she put her head into her treasure~'s arms, and said: "Bao~, you must not doubt me in the future, I am your girlfriend, you are your closest person, although we are not married, but as long as you want, we can get married at any time." Bao~, you must know that as long as you are obedient and well-behaved, I will not hurt you, and I will always be good to you.

Qiwu felt a little cold in his heart, this girl actually got tears on his clothes, and the part of the clothes was soaked, no wonder his heart was cold. But what does this girl mean by this, what does it mean that as long as I am obedient and well-behaved, it will not hurt me. Oh

, this girl has stabbed him to death many times, so it's okay, this girl really does what she says! But for now, let's stabilize this girl's emotions first, and try not to let this girl's emotions get out of control, otherwise he will be stabbed in the heart again.

Qiwu plans to listen to this girl's words for a while, if he enters this door for a while, he finds that the situation is wrong, and it is not too late to run again, even if he is stabbed in the heart, he must run quickly when the time comes, and it is a big deal to be reborn and resurrected.

What Qi Wu was most worried about was that the room behind this door would be too safe, and it would be a trouble for him to escape when he wanted to. If the room behind this door is too secure, you must not live in it, or it will be over.

After making up his mind, Qi Wu said: "Baby, then let's go quickly, I can't wait to see the new room, I don't know if there is anything fun in the new room, so I won't be too bored."

Xiaolan took her treasure~'s hand and walked into the door, she said gently: "Treasure~, don't worry, that bedroom is much, much better than the previous bedroom, and the things are not good, it is definitely very fun, you will definitely like it, hehe~"

Qiwu didn't listen carefully to what this girl said at all, and as soon as he walked into this door, Qiwu felt wrong. Behind this door was a staircase leading to the ground, and there was not even a light, and it was pitch black.

Xiaolan raised her hand, and a flame of sky blue color lit up in her hand, providing a little light to the surroundings. Only then can Qi Wu see the neighborhood clearly. This is indeed a staircase leading to the underground, but how can the material of this staircase and the wall look the same as metal, is it possible that this place is made of metal?

Qi Wu hurriedly asked: "Baby, is it all made of metal here?"

Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she smiled sweetly and praised: " Bao~, you're so smart, this place is indeed made of metal, this metal is a very special metal, especially hard, ordinary monsters can't come in, hehe~"

When Qiwu heard this, he was very curious about whether a powerful monster like a white-veined giant ant could destroy this place. However, he guessed that even a giant ant with white stripes would not be able to destroy this place, otherwise this girl would not have brought him here. But let's ask and confirm.

Qi Wu asked: "Baby, a monster like a white-veined giant ant, or a monster that is several times more powerful than a white-veined giant ant, can it destroy here?"

Bao~, you can rest assured, not to mention the monster of the white-veined giant ant, even if it is a monster dozens of times more powerful than the white-veined giant ant, it will not be able to destroy here, you and I will live here in the future, it will be absolutely safe, you can rest assured, hehe~".

When Qi Wu heard this, his brows furrowed, he felt that he couldn't go any further, if he walked again, after walking into that room for a while, the time point of resurrection and rebirth would be there, and then it would be terrible, so he had to run away quickly, and he definitely couldn't enter that room.

The two walked and talked, and after five minutes, the two finally reached the bottom of the stairs and reached a corridor.

Qi Wu looked forward, not far from the corridor, about ten meters away, there was a door, behind that door, it should be that room! Even the material of this door is not an ordinary wooden door, it should be made of special metal, if he lives in it, it will definitely not be able to come out, with his current strength, he is not sure if he can open that door.

Qi Wu thought about it, he had to quickly think of a way to let this girl let go of his hand first. If this girl doesn't let go of his hand, he won't be able to break free at all, and he won't be able to run away at all.

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