Since her treasure~

doesn't like this bedroom and has to leave this bedroom, she can only make her treasure~ a specimen. In this way, her treasure ~ will not say that she doesn't like this bedroom, and she can feel at ease with her treasure ~ in this bedroom.

Xiaolan was about to put her hand behind her back to take the dagger, and while she was holding the dagger, she said with a cold face: "Bao~, since you don't like it..."

Seeing this situation, Qiwu quickly got up and grabbed Xiaolan's hands with both hands to stop the girl from holding the dagger behind her back, and then he kissed the girl directly to stop the girl from talking.

Xiaolan was overwhelmed by her own treasure~'s behavior, she was ready to make her treasure~ into a specimen, but her treasure~ came up directly and kissed her, which made her not know what to do for a while.

Xiaolan was in a daze there, Qi Wu saw that this girl stopped talking, he quickly said: "Baby, in fact, I think there are still many advantages of this room, such as, special security, there are many high-tech products, special convenience, and it is also very beautiful, very future world style, this room and the previous room, it can be said that each has its own characteristics, there are in this room, the previous room did not, and there are in that room, this room does not." I can only say that each has its own advantages, I said that before, mainly because I was used to living in that room Xi Xi, and suddenly changed to this room, which was a little unaccustomed. But I think I'll be able to Xi get used to it after a while, right, baby. Qi

Wu said such a long sentence in one breath, where did Xiaolan listen, she is still nostalgic for her treasure ~ The moment she kissed her just now, she only heard her own treasure ~ said "I am Xi to living in this room for a while".

It's enough to just hear this sentence, as long as her treasure ~ is willing to live in this bedroom, then she won't feel wronged, if her treasure ~ can like this bedroom in the future, then she will be very happy.

"Bao~, it's really good that you can live in this bedroom, then I'll cook, you can sleep for a while, hehe~"

Xiaolan's mood also improved, she got out of bed, changed her clothes in the bathroom that came with the room, washed her face, and then prepared to go out to cook.

Seeing this situation, Qiwu frowned and was a little stunned. Can't you cook food in this room, is this girl going to cook in the kitchen before? Qi Wu was not sure, he was going to ask.


, can't you cook in this bedroom?" After Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she looked at her treasure~, with very strange eyes, and she said: "Treasure~, the bedroom is for sleeping, and you can't cook in the bedroom." If you cook in the bedroom, there will be a lot of oil stuck in the bedroom, which will be difficult to clean. "

Ah, this... Okay, baby, did you go

to the kitchen before to cook?" Qiwu was a little curious, if this girl really went to the kitchen before to cook, it would be really good. You know, the kitchen was a long way away from this bedroom.

To get to this bedroom, you have to walk up the stairs from the ground level for about five minutes, and then spend a dozen seconds walking to the end of the hallway to get to this bedroom, so you can imagine how far away the kitchen was from this bedroom.

If this girl goes out to cook, he doesn't have to worry about making too much noise in this bedroom, and if this girl finds out, he can play casually.

However, there are also shortcomings, that is, the walls of this bedroom are too hard, they are made of alloy, which cannot be destroyed at all with his current ability, and there are no windows in this bedroom, and he cannot escape from the windows.

I just don't know if there are ventilation ducts in this bedroom.

Just when Qiwu was thinking wildly, Xiaolan's voice came.

"Bao~, you guessed right, now cooking can really only be cooked in the kitchen before. Bao~, do you think that the bedroom before was too far away from here? You don't have to worry, I will build a kitchen outside the corridor of this bedroom after a while, and we won't be too far away at that time, hehe~"

Qiwu heard this, how much did he feel bad, if this girl really built a kitchen in the corridor outside this bedroom in the future, it would be terrible! At that time, the kitchen was so close to this bedroom, it was a fool's dream for him to escape, there was no chance to escape!

No, this girl can't be allowed to build a kitchen in the corridor outside, otherwise it will really be over, and there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to escape.

Qi Wu hurriedly said: "Baby, don't you need it, one kitchen is enough, there is no need to build two bedrooms, it's really too expensive, you have this money, you might as well buy me a few clothes."

Qi Wu looked at the pajamas on his body, he still only had this pajamas to wear, and there were no new clothes, not to mention how miserable it was. This girl is really, she doesn't say anything about throwing away his previous clothes, she doesn't buy him new clothes, and lets him wear pajamas every day, it's really hateful.

Ahem, now is not the time to think about new clothes, you have to stop this girl from building a kitchen first.

After Xiaolan listened to her treasure~'s words, she felt warm in her heart, she didn't expect her treasure~ to be so intimate, in order to help her save some money and make her easier, she even asked her not to build a kitchen outside the corridor, her treasure~ is really too intimate.

But she has a lot of money now, and she doesn't need to save it at all, this money is to make her treasure ~ live a more convenient, more worry-free, and more comfortable life and prepare, she must let her treasure ~ live a carefree and happy life.

Xiaolan smiled sweetly and said gently: "Bao~, you don't have to worry about money, I have money now, let alone build a kitchen, even if I build ten more villas, it will be enough, so you don't have to worry." Bao~, then I'll go out to cook. After the meal is ready, I will bring it to you, you can sleep for a while first, hehe~"

Xiaolan turned around and pushed open the alloy door of the bedroom, and after she walked out of the bedroom, she closed the alloy door with her hand.


" Qiwu never thought that this girl would be so rich now, isn't it!

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