When Qiwu heard this, the whole person was stunned. Whose ventilation pipes still need to be guarded! And

there are so many robots guarding these four ventilation ducts, isn't it idle and boring! The robots here can't see their heads at a glance, and they don't know how many robots there are at all, Qiwu guesses that there should be thousands of robots here, right? Get thousands of robots

to guard these four ventilation pipes, this is simply wealthy, it's really powerful!

At this time, Xiaolan's girl's voice came again.

"Bao~, these robots are not my subordinates~, they are just some robots I bought some materials and made to watch the door, and they can't be called subordinates. Bao~, do you like this kind of robot, I can help you make one.

When Qi Wu heard this, his heart suddenly became happy, this girl actually wanted to make him a robot like this, this is also great, it seems that this girl should not stab him in the heart with a dagger this time.

Wait, this, this is not right, this girl's previous personality was not like this, as long as he ran away before, this girl was either crying, or angry, so angry and beat him, why did he run outside this time, this girl not only didn't look very angry, but also didn't need a dagger to stab him in the heart, but also wanted to make a robot for him, this is not normal!

Qi Wu thought it was too strange, he wanted to ask this girl, he wanted to know why this girl not only didn't cry this time, but didn't look so angry anymore, Qi Wu opened his mouth and asked: "Baby, that, I want to ask, I've run outside, why don't you look so angry, can I come out now?".

Who knew that after Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she held her treasure~'s neck with both hands, frowned slightly, and said a little angrily: "Bao~, you still dare to ask me this kind of thing, of course I'm angry, and it's very angry, I want to beat you." It's just that there are so many robots around, if I wasn't afraid that beating you would make you a little faceless, then I would have beaten you a long time ago, no, it shouldn't be beating you, I have to make you a specimen, otherwise you will definitely run around again in the future. Now I can only bear with it for now, and when I bring you home, I will make you a specimen. "


"So that's the case, Qi Wu was a little speechless, this girl really has a problem, she is already planning to make him a specimen, do you still care where to make him a specimen? What is the difference between this outside and in the bedroom?

Also, this is going to make him a specimen, so why do you want to say that you want to make a robot for him, this robot is done, he has become a specimen, so is this robot still useful, it's useless, right?

Qi Wu really couldn't understand this problem, he didn't even call the baby, and scolded directly: "I found out that you girl really has a problem with her brain, you have already planned to make me a specimen, then you still promised to make me a robot to do, I have become a specimen, do you want that robot to be useful? Is it difficult to let that robot guard my grave for me?"

Xiaolan heard that her treasure ~ dared to scold her for having a brain problem, she frowned, directly reached out and grabbed her treasure ~ wrist, and said: " Bao~, what's the matter, let's go back and say.

When Xiaolan said this, her tone sounded obvious, and she could clearly hear the feeling of anger.

Xiaolan is ready to take her own treasure~ to teleport back, she feels that as her treasure~'s girlfriend, she still has to save some face for her treasure~ outside, at least she can't beat her own treasure in front of outsiders~, and she can't make her treasure~ into a specimen in front of outsiders, which will make her treasure~ very faceless.

Therefore, as long as she is outside, no matter how her treasure ~ scolds her, she will not beat her own treasure ~ , as long as she takes her treasure ~ home, and then teaches her own treasure ~ it is not too late, let her treasure ~ know how to treat her girlfriend, not scold her girlfriend.

Qi Wu saw that this girl wanted to take him back, he quickly shouted: "Don't don't, don't use teleportation, I'm dizzy, please don't use teleportation, okay? If you want to take me back, then use flying, don't use teleportation, I really don't like teleportation back!" Qi Wu definitely didn't want to

go back, after going back, he didn't dare to think about what would happen, anyway, it would definitely not be a good thing. It's just that... In the current situation, it is useless to struggle, no one will stop this girl at all, and he will definitely be arrested.

Since this girl will be caught back no matter what, let this girl fly back with him, as long as you don't use teleportation, it's easy to say anything.

Qi Wu can still think of the last time he felt unwell because of teleportation, it was really too uncomfortable and uncomfortable, it was the kind of heart feeling particularly uncomfortable, dizzy, black in front of his eyes, vomiting, weakness, unable to stand up, at least twenty minutes of rest to slowly recover. That feeling, Qiwu never wants to experience it for the second time, it's really uncomfortable.

When Xiaolan heard her treasure~'s words, she hesitated for a moment, and finally flew back with her treasure~ by flying. Although her treasure~ ran away and scolded her again, she still couldn't bear to watch her treasure~ suffer, and tried her best to meet her treasure~'s requirements.

When she flew back, Xiaolan didn't plan to fly back from the ventilation duct, she planned to take her treasure ~ back to the villa first, and then back to the underground bedroom.

When flying back, although Qiwu was grabbed by the girl's wrist, his body was carried away by an invisible force, so he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Suddenly, there was a man flying in the sky, flying faster than this girl. Xiaolan mainly didn't plan to fly too fast, after all, the villa was very close to the ventilation pipe, so there was no need to fly so fast.

The person in the sky is different, that person is full of flames, and there is a pair of flame wings on his back, which looks very powerful.

After Qiwu saw this person, he was obviously excited, this person was on fire all over his body, and he had flame wings, he looked much more powerful than this girl, if this person was willing to save him, he would be saved.

Qi Wu hurriedly raised his head and shouted to the sky: "Help, help, big brother, come and save me, please!!"

Xiaolan heard that her treasure~ was begging others for help, she frowned, and directly covered her treasure~'s mouth with her hand.

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