"Ah, isn't it, let me blow your hair, I haven't blown

a girl's hair, what if the blow is not good?" Qi Wu really wanted to refuse, blowing his hair, if he didn't blow well, with this girl's character, I am afraid that he would have to stab him in the heart with a dagger at that time.

"Bao~, don't worry about helping me blow my hair, I will never blame you, if you blow badly, I will teach you, and I will definitely not blame you for dripping."

When Qi Wu heard this, he was obviously relieved, as long as he didn't poke his heart, he could say anything.

Qiwu came behind Xiaolan and began to blow his hair, he took a deep breath, and then blew directly to blow Xiaolan's hair.


Xiaolan was stunned, her own treasure~ What is this doing, why do you blow your hair like this? I have brought a hair dryer, my own treasure~ Don't you know how

to use a hair dryer? Xiaolan raised her hand to cover Qi Wu's mouth, she frowned slightly, but her voice was still very gentle and said: "Bao~, you use a hair dryer to help me blow my hair, don't blow it with your mouth, blow your hair with your mouth, and when it is dry, it will be bright!!"


Qiwu picked up the hair dryer, plugged it in, and began to blow Xiaolan's hair, in order to blow faster, he directly turned the wind of the hair dryer to the maximum, and then held the hair dryer with one hand, and rubbed back and forth on Xiaolan's head with one hand.

This made Xiaolan unbearable all of a sudden, Xiaolan was already a little angry, she grabbed the hand on her head and said: "Bao~

, you have to be gentle, you can't be so rude, you know?" Qi Wu heard that there was something wrong with the tone of this girl's speech, and he hurriedly said: "You asked me to blow your hair, you said, if I blow badly, you won't be angry, you can't lie to me." "

Bao~, don't worry, I won't be angry, if you are so rough and not gentle for a while, I can only gently make you a specimen!!"

"Hiss ......"

Qi Wu gasped directly, do you see if this is human words.

And made me gentle into a specimen, do I want to thank you for being gentle to me, I am speechless and dead.

Although Qi Wu was very unhappy in his heart, he still made a change, no longer being as rough as before, but gently helped Xiaolan blow her hair.

In the process of blowing his hair, Qiwu accidentally saw a big snow-capped mountain, and he was so scared that Qiwu almost had weak legs, no way, it was too outrageous, too scary.

I didn't expect this girl to look tall, just one meter six or five, who knew it was so big, it's incredible, you say it's impossible to dislike it.

Before, this girl was wearing a skirt, and the clothes were too tightly wrapped, so I didn't see it, but now she is wearing pajamas, and I can see it at once.

Soon, the hair was blown.

Xiaolan got up, put her arms around Qiwu's neck, and then kissed Qiwu on the face.

"Bao~, thank you for helping me blow my hair, I'll go put away the hair dryer first, you rest first, I'll be back soon, hehe!!"

Xiaolan took the hair dryer and left the bedroom.

Qi Wu was stunned and was still standing there.

This, this is not right, how can you treat me like this, kiss what a face, I don't feel it at all, but it's still very good.

Wait, what am I thinking about, don't confuse this girl, this girl is a very scary existence, don't be fooled by her surface, this girl is not a soft girl at all, so I must leave here.

Soon, Xiaolan came back, she saw that her treasure~ was still standing there, and asked gently: "Bao~, what are you doing there, it's time to go to bed, let's sleep, hehe!

!" "Okay, then let's sleep!" Qiwu

mainly felt that the time was too early, it was only nine o'clock now, and he could know the time by looking at the watch hanging on the wall, he used to play games at this time, where could he sleep so early.

Xiaolan was about to pull Qiwu to sleep, and suddenly saw that her treasure~ was not wearing shoes, and she realized that she was too careless, and she forgot to buy the same slippers for her treasure~ as she was wearing.

Xiaolan said apologetically: "Bao~, I'm sorry, I forgot to buy you slippers, tomorrow I will definitely buy you a pair of slippers that are exactly the same as mine, hehe!!" "

Ah, is it exactly the same as yours, then will I not be able to wear it, my feet are much bigger than yours, I shouldn't be able to wear this style of yours, right?"

Qiwu looked down at Xiaolan's feet, they were indeed very small, and the sky blue slippers were also very small, he was sure that he would definitely not be able to wear them.

"Bao~, you misunderstood, I buy slippers, I will definitely buy what you can wear, you can rest assured!"

"Oh oh. Qi Wu nodded.

Then Xiaolan pulled Qiwu to sleep together, Xiaolan hugged Qiwu and said gently: "Bao~, you have to say good night to each other when you sleep, you quickly say good night to me, hurry up." "

Okay, good night baby. "

Bao~, good night~.

Then after a while, Xiaolan fell asleep.

Qiwu feels like a dream now, although this girl is very powerful, but now she is really like a soft girl, not only fragrant, but also very gentle, if this girl hadn't stabbed him to death many times, he would have been fooled.

Qi Wu poked Xiaolan's face with his finger and found that Xiaolan was not awake, so he was relieved.

It seems that after this girl falls asleep, it is really not easy to wake up, so it is great, and she will break the door and run out after a while, maybe this girl will not wake up.

After waiting for a few minutes, Qi Wu gently took away Xiaolan's hand that was holding him, and then he got out of bed lightly, his shoes were not worn, what shoes to wear, and it was too loud to run with shoes.

Qi Wu came to the door, first charged for two seconds, and then used his strength to eat milk, and kicked directly at the door.

Hearing only a "bang", the door was kicked directly, Qi Wu glanced at the bed behind him, and found that Xiaolan was looking at him with a confused expression, which frightened him.

Oh my God, how did this girl wake up so easily, run, run.

Qi Wu ran out two steps, and he couldn't run directly, the metal chain was too short, and he was controlled.

Hiss... Something is wrong, why is there nothing else outside the door after choosing option three

? Could it be that option three is wrong?

Qi Wu glanced back, and found that Xiaolan had actually gotten off the bed, the whole person was gloomy, and he was still holding a dagger in his hand, he quickly shouted: "What are you doing, quickly put the dagger away, can't I get up

and go to the toilet?" Xiaolan glanced at the broken door next to her, and she asked, "Do you need to break the door to go to the toilet?"

"Uh... I see that you sleep quite soundly, I'm embarrassed to wake you up, besides, I can do it alone for such a trivial matter as going to the toilet, how embarrassed it is to call you a girl!".

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