Horror Web

: The new book "Terror Radio" has been released! ! !

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The new book "Terrorist Broadcasting" has been released. The style of the horror web article before entering the door is a new mode that surpasses the group owner. The horror and ghostly style of painting is definitely better than "Terrorist Web Article";

Well, anyway,

Although Long disappointed everyone in the later stage of "Terrorist Web Articles", everyone knows the level of Long's book writing, and the new book "Terrorist Radio" will definitely look good.

As for "Terrorist Web Text", Long will not rush to finish the book, but will write slowly, and will finish the ending well. I promise everyone that the ending will be beautiful.

Then, I hope everyone believes in the dragon again and supports the dragon again.

Search for "Terrorist Broadcasting" from the starting point, give the dragon a shot, vote for the dragon and give a reward, the new book is released, you need everyone's help, and you need everyone's popularity.

The Cheeky Dragon of Pure Drops (To be continued.)

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