One Friday night.

I've been watching mystery dramas for two hours and eating cup noodles for the first time in a while.

Although most of the dishes here have been handmade by Rihua recently, the occasional cup noodles are not bad.

Sometimes junkies get stained with bones.

By the way, Rihua is going somewhere with Chinata and the others after school today.

It seems that dinner will be done outside as well.

The time is now eight o'clock at night.

I was wondering if it was time for me to come back, but Rihua just sent me a message.

I'm home.

Welcome back

You're doing an interesting drama.

I'm watching.

That's it, the message exchange is over.

Of course I am, but Lihua doesn't seem to like this kind of communication, and our conversation is always this way.

After eating cup noodles, the TV clears trash and chopsticks between commercials.

The water was then boiled in a kettle to make a powdered milk tea.

I don't have any plans for Saturday tomorrow, and I'll be fine if I drink a lot of tea today.

Well, I don't always have plans.

I continued watching TV while relaxing in the living room and drinking milk tea.

And when the second murder happened in the drama, the case became more complicated.

May I disturb you?

Rika, the icon of Mikan, sent a message again.

Apparently they're coming to my room.

What's wrong?

Most of the time they come to cook dinner, so I'll ask them if I care.

It's too late.

If it's not a big deal, I think you can call or message me.

It's nothing.


But it's kind of a boiling atmosphere.

It's unusual for Rihua to always be clear.

Well, what a reply.

While I was thinking like that, my consciousness was drawn back to the drama.


A few minutes later, the call broke my focus, and I saw my phone again.

I remember forgetting to reply to Rihua and feel a little sorry for her.

I just missed you a little bit.


I was a little sorry, but I found it swells up all at once.

◆ ◆ ◆

Rihua, who came to the room, was wearing comfortable room clothes that approximated the pyjamas.

It's light green up and down, and I've never seen anything like it.

He doesn't seem to have anything except a smartphone.

"... good evening"

Oh, wow.

I greeted him lightly and invited him into the living room.

That's why I'm going to brew you some milk tea.

It's a lot of powder.


Rihua looked just like me until she liked drinks.

Thanks to you, you'll learn less.


"Thank you."

We sat side by side in bed and watched the TV continue while drinking tea.

Apparently, Rihua had been watching it all the way over there, and she seemed to understand the story.



"... um..."

"Hmm... what?

I answered Rihua's voice with the TV facing straight.

We found ourselves somewhere nervous.

"... I'm sorry. I'm kind of forcibly disturbing you....."

"No, no... it's not impossible. What the...? I missed you too....."

After that, I felt my face get hot.

As far as I'm concerned, we've always had a purpose, and we're still together.

To eat dinner.

To go shopping.

To watch TV.

I think it was normal for us to like things more than people.

That's why I was surprised that Lihua wanted to come here today because she wanted to see me.



Suddenly I felt a warm feeling on my right arm, and I felt my body stretching.

Your right arm is pulled by loose force and wrapped in something.

Rihua was hugging me.



On TV, the detective seemed to realize something important.

On the other hand, I haven't thought about the content of the drama in a long time.

Normally, I'll find out who did this around here.

"... Mr. Leung"

"Hmm... what is it?"

"... don't you like it?"

"Nh....! I don't hate it...."

But what is it?

I didn't know how to continue, and all I could do was just stand still.



It was breathtaking air.

But not in a strange and unpleasant mood, I remembered when I confessed to Rihua for some reason.

Wake up and reach out to drink milk tea.

In line with that move, Rihua let go of my arm.

But when she finished drinking and returned to her original position, Rihua hugged me again.

It was painful, embarrassing, and lovely.

Like Lihua wanted to see me, I really wanted to see Lihua.

It was a feeling of being reminded of that even now.

"... Mr. Leung"

"... what is it?"

"... I like it"

"Eh... ah, ahh. I know....."

"Mmm... where's Leung-san?


"What do you think of me... Mr. Leung?

I felt my gaze.

Even though the drama has progressed to the reasoning scene, Rihua is still staring at me.

When checked sideways, Rihua sharpened her mouth in a mood and shook her body slightly.

I felt dizzy.

"... I like it, I see. It's only natural."

"... nfufu"

With a smile overflowing with "Kobo", Rihua has strengthened her power to hold her arms.

When I was stiffened, Rihua kept her head on my shoulder.

The sweet smell of glossy hair stuck to my nose and my right body felt numb.

"... what's wrong with you today?"

"Beep, sticky.... I'm a lover."

"Well... that's right."

"... even when you want to stick together..."

You can see your heart rate jumping.

The drama was over someday, and my tea was completely cold.

Chi, I'm sorry.

Stand up to escape and grab a cup and go to the kitchen.

Rika grabbed her fingertips in a shameful way and managed to slip through and close the door.

I want to drink something refreshing this time.

Then I just wanted to calm down a little.

While I was waiting for kettle water to boil, I put my hand on my chest and took a few deep breaths.

In my opinion, since the incident with Sayano, Rika has always wanted to connect her hands.

Then, I felt that there were more and more people calling their names meaninglessly.

"Sometimes I want to stick together," Rihua said.

That's right.

Me, too.

You bet.

"... fuu"

But I can still catch my breath.

No matter how many lovers you say you are, I don't know how much such feelings are allowed.

I was happy, but I was in more trouble than that.

"Mr. Leung"

Suddenly the door opened and Rihua entered the kitchen.

"No, what is it?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to brew tea again...."

"... please come back soon. I miss it."

After that, Rihua slowly returned to the living room.

She was so cute that she was going crazy.

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