HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 806: Hermione's Problem

"You probably think I'm cheating?"

When they were seated at the Gryffindor table for lunch, Harry felt safer before telling them the truth.

Hermione's face became more and more gloomy as she listened to his narration.

It's not that she can't accept Harry's use of some special methods to improve herself, she just thinks that in such a dangerous thing as potion making, if something really happens, it's too dangerous to follow other people's instructions .

At this moment, she has also forgotten that for a long time in the past, she also relied on the guidance of that notebook very much. The difference is that she knows that there is a real person behind the notebook, and this person will Very patiently explained the reasons for each step.

And Harry dared to make such a bold move just by taking a book.

It really made her feel unsafe.

Even people from Gryffindor College shouldn't be so reckless.

"Yeah, you didn't do it by yourself, did you?"

Hermione said a little bluntly that she obviously couldn't make any accusations against Harry for this incident, but she could express her attitude.

It's just that Harry probably misunderstood her attitude.

If you misunderstand, just misunderstand. Although everyone is good friends, they are not the same people after all. She cannot ask everyone to be as rational as herself and always prevail.

"He's just operating in a different way than us," Ron said with relief, "It could be a big disaster, isn't it?

He took a risk, so he was compensated. "

He sighed: "Slughorn might have handed me that book, but, alas, no one has written in my textbook. From the state of fifty-two pages, it seems that someone is Spit on it, but—”


A voice in Harry's left ear said suddenly, and he smelled the flowery scent he had smelled in Slughorn's classroom again.

He turned to see Ginny joining their conversation.

"Did I hear you right, Harry? You've been following instructions written in a book?"

She looked panicked and angry, and Harry guessed at once what was going on in her head.

"It's nothing," he reassured her in a low voice, "you know, it's not like Riddle's diary.

It was just an old textbook that had been scribbled on. "

"But you did what it says?"

"I just tried a few tips written in the margins in the book, and to be honest, Ginny, there's nothing weird—"

"Ginny is right," Hermione regained her spirits. She hated herself for not thinking of this excuse before. This result is obviously much better than suspicion of cheating. She said hastily, "We should check to see if there is anything wrong with it." Something is wrong.

I mean, with all those wacky instructions, who knows what's going on? "


Harry protested angrily, but to no avail, obviously he couldn't beat Hermione,

And he didn't have the courage, so the girl could only let the girl pull out the "Advanced Potion Making" from his schoolbag, and raised her wand.

"The original form is revealed!"

Nothing happened.

The textbooks are still textbooks, old and dirty, and the corners of the books are all rolled up.

"Is it finished?"

Harry asked annoyedly, "You want to wait to see if it does a few back rolls?"

"Looks all right," said Hermione, still staring suspiciously at the book. "It does look...just a book."

"Fine, then I'll take it back."

As Harry spoke, he snatched the textbook from the table, but the textbook slipped from his hand and fell to the floor.

No one paid attention.

Harry bent down to pick it up when he saw something written on the bottom of the back cover, the same small, dense handwriting, the same handwriting that had helped him win the Felix Elixirs. , and the bottle of Felix Felicia was now safely hidden upstairs in a pair of socks in his trunk.

This book belongs to the Half-Blood Prince.


This question was reserved by Hermione for the weekend tutoring class.

Jon has really had nothing to do recently. The laboratory is finishing, Dumbledore is finishing, there is only one place in the Hanging Garden, and he has to keep trying to open the entrance. The whole world suddenly seems to stop, with him or without him It makes no difference.

This may be the loneliness of successful people.

It's just that this matter is not a problem for Jon, or in other words, this is actually the life he wants.

Once upon a time, his wish was so simple, he wanted to live the life of an ordinary person.

But backfire is the norm in the world.

Of course, even if things backfired and he had to do things that he hadn't thought of doing before, he still did them well.

The world does not revolve around one person. Jon understood this truth a long time ago. Even if it is to become the will of the world, it needs to serve the world instead of letting the world serve it.

So that was the subject of his class with Hermione tonight.

"We have many things to do in this world, some things we want to do, some things we don't want to do but have to,

I used to be just an ordinary student at Hogwarts, and I became what I am today, partly because of my own efforts, partly because I had to,

Maybe you can hear my past stories through some special channels. After all, although I let them do a good job of keeping secrets, things about a college can never be hidden from those who care.

You're not one of those Slytherins with eyes over the top who know how to look at a problem. "

"Actually, I know this truth."

Hermione said aloud, and she looked at Jon, whose eyes were full of approval, beckoning her to continue.

"There are always many interfering factors in the development and change of a thing,

After I became a wizard, my father bought a lot of philosophy books to read at home, and I also vaguely read some,

While I don't feel that fatalism is true, I do admit after all that I've been through that there are some things... it's as if there's an invisible hand in the dark that pushes my actions and makes us have to do it These things.

At first, I thought that this hand was Dumbledore's, and then I thought it was yours, but now I think that both Professor Dumbledore and us are the ones being pushed on this line.

Teacher, what should we do to get away from this line? "

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