At a certain moment, it wasn't that the girl didn't want to pay attention to the knocking on the door, but the problem was that the knocking on the door never stopped, and the girl knew that it would not go on like this.

After finishing the conversation with the chat group, the girl made a decision.

【bang bang...】

As a result, the air seemed to become heavy for a while, and the girl stood up gently, feeling her heart beating.

To be honest, even the girl didn't know why she was so scared.

Perhaps, at this time, the girl had a vague premonition of something!

However, it is strange to say that after making the decision to open the door, the girl Mihayou didn't think much about it.


Mainly after opening the door, the girl in silver-haired military uniform, Ji Rang, was already heartbroken.

There is no doubt that Mei, the girl behind Altair, and Mihayou, were the first to discover it.

die die-

So at that moment, there seemed to be countless **** words that appeared in the girl's mind!

At the same time, the girl Mihayou's heart at the moment was not only fear, but also felt a bit absurd.

If you have to describe the mentality of the black-haired girl, if you use an inappropriate metaphor, it is probably equivalent to the hero who encountered the devil just after leaving the novice village?

"Ah, I gradually understand everything..."

At this moment, Mihayou, a girl with a blank mind, didn't even know what she said.

The girl's head was full of thoughts of her own death, and she didn't even hear the shouts of everyone in the group.

Yes, I don't know when, through the live broadcast of the chat group, other people also saw the situation of the girl, so...

[Game master UMR: Miss Mihayou! What are you doing! Miss Mihayou!]

[Falling Saint Black Cat: On this day, Miss Mihayou gave up thinking. 】

[Evil King's true eyes are the strongest: don't stop thinking, as long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend. 】

[Game master UMR: Yes, Miss Mihayou, calm down, first of all we have to find a time machine...]

But obviously, facing the situation of the girl Mihayou, everyone in the chat group couldn't help much.



However, just when Mei and others began to contact the creator of this world, on the other side, the protagonists of the original work were not inactive.

Didn't I say before that just after Mei and the others left, the young Mizuki Sata met a certain white-haired girl.

The lens turns.

aheneerbe is a coffee shop with a classic style. Generally speaking, even in leisure time, there are not many customers in the store.

For some reason, the store looks a little dark, only the tables facing the outside are well-lit, and the depths of the cafe where the counter is located are particularly dark.

There are four square windows on the wall, and the sunlight coming in through the windows is the only source of light.

Only the table by the window was bright, as if surrounded by a square of light. Perhaps influenced by the strong sunlight in summer, this contrast of light and dark is not gloomy, and even exudes a solemn atmosphere.

"...So, you mean, you traveled to the world of the story before?"

However, the coffee on the table exuded a strong aroma, but the white-haired girl didn't seem to feel it.

Here, the full name of the white-haired girl is Meteora Estreich.

As for the world from which the girl came from, it is "Avaken of Remembrance". As the name suggests, it is an open RPG-type world. As for the girl herself, she is a sage who acts as a librarian.

Therefore, it can be seen here that although the plot of the RE creator has already changed, some characters from the original work of the RE creator still appeared before Altair invited Mei, that is, Dr. Mei came to this world.

At this moment, Meteora looked at the young man with lingering fears in front of him, and fell into contemplation.

Of course, Meteora didn't mean to disbelieve the young Mizushinoshita, after all, she herself came to this world from the so-called "story world" not long ago.

Even, with the magic book she brought out from the 'Story World', she easily grasped the basic situation of this world, whether it is the conditions of the earth, history, biological distribution, physical laws, political structures, and thoughts... It's also because Because of the magic book, Meteora, who had been wandering in Tokyo before, found out about the changes in the area near the boy Mizushinoshita, so he followed the clues and found the boy Mizushinoshita.

Undoubtedly, that was the power fluctuation generated by Altaïr sending May to the world of the Magical Forbidden Book catalog through the power of all things not long ago.

"...Yes, I remember, what happened before."

However, compared to what is said next, the above are all small episodes.

That's right, at this time, the teenager Mizushinoshita had already remembered some tragic experiences in the forbidden world that he had deliberately forgotten before.



However, the white-haired girl didn't know what to say for a while when she heard the next words of the young man Mizushinoshita.

After all, Meteora came to this world for too short a time.

" said Demon God, do you mean this?"

At this moment, after listening to the nouns described by the boy, Meteora consulted the surrounding Internet through his magic book and called up the pictures.

"...No, not this, this is so ugly!"

However, looking at the tentacled pillar in the picture, the demon **** from FGO, the young Mizuki Sato couldn't help shaking his head.

"...So, this is it?"

"...No, it's not!"

Next, it's a picture of Paimon in Yuanshen, not to mention this.

After a series of back-and-forth cycles, the young Mizuki Sata finally couldn't help but speak.

"The Demon God I'm talking about is not the ordinary kind. He is really the kind that is rare and special..."


However, in the face of the boy's vague words, the white-haired girl was even more at a loss.

It wasn't until the young man Mizusota gave the name of the work that Meteora finally understood what the devil in the young man's mouth represented.

The so-called demon gods are sublimated by people. Nordic mythology, Chinese mythology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Greek mythology, Mayan mythology, witchcraft, Shinto, Shugendo, etc., practice on these "Tao" (mythological systems) to the ultimate existence.

After an astronomical amount of preparation work, as well as miraculous luck like a miracle, they became the demon gods.

And from the moment they became demon gods, the universe could no longer carry their existence, and they fundamentally exceeded the limit allowed by the world. Once they did not divide their existence infinitely, the world would even become like glass. as utterly shattered.

Even if it is divided to the level of one trillionth of a trillion, they are still invincible in the mortal world.

"...Wait, since the demon **** in that work is so powerful, what is the origin of that scientific god? I heard you say that these two characters don't seem to be from the same work?"

In the face of such exaggerated descriptions, the white-haired girl was a little unacceptable for a while. If this is a world of vindictiveness, it would be terrifying to say something like this.

However, soon, Meteora instantly realized that the scientific **** in the boy's mouth was not someone to be messed with since he could fight against the devil.

"...The scientific **** you mean, is this what you mean?"

Next came the words of deja vu.

"...No, not this blue naked man?"

Well, looking at the picture of Dr. Manhattan in front of him, the teenager Mizushinoshita gave a negative answer.

However, just as the two continued to ask and answer, the two did not notice that a news was suddenly inserted on the mobile phone of a passerby not far from the cafe.

[The home of the original author of the famous work "Honkai: Pre-epoch" exploded, and the life and death of Miss Mihayou, the beautiful girl writer, is unknown. 】

As for what is going on, it's actually pretty simple.

Here, the time is slightly reversed by ten minutes.



Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Mei who did the explosion at Miha's home.

In fact, this is actually what Altair did.

Some may wonder why Altair did this.

But May had already guessed what Altair was doing.

【Do you want to test my attitude... 】

When the camera turns, a dilapidated ruin.

The high dome is incomplete, breaking through large holes of various shapes.

It is hard to imagine that there is such a place in an international metropolitan area like Tokyo.

But if you think about it seriously, maybe this might also be a leftover after the shattering of the bubble era in the extreme east.

So, here, it seems to be forgotten by the times and the world.

Of course, today, several beings that are incompatible with the painting style here suddenly appeared here.

May's personal perspective.

"You are the author of "Honkai: The First Era"."

At this moment, looking at Mi Hayou, the girl who was being brought in front of her without saying a word, Mei finally asked.

But Mei's expression was unusually calm.

Someone here should be able to see that Mei has always been very indifferent to her so-called "creator".

As for the reason, as I said before, May does not consider herself a virtual character.

In fact, Mei came to the RE real world specially, mainly to explore the connection between this world and her own world.

If it is just a relationship of information projection, it is naturally the best, but after all, Mei also has to consider the situation of the positive person and the negative person outside the box like Yuanzu Infinite.

However, May's attitude is not a good thing in Altair's view.

After all, at this time, Altaïr has realized what he has made a mistake.



Chapter 181 MEI3K in the game

the next day.

That's right, now, it's been a day since the Demon God and the God of Science came to this world.

The only good news is that, for the time being, this universe, this planet, hasn't exploded in place.


Early in the morning, Miha You, a girl whose freedom was restricted, was playing games absentmindedly.

The location is the independent room of a hotel near the dilapidated ruins that were used as a temporary base by Altair and others in the original plot of the RE creator.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, the game that the girl Mihayou is playing now happens to be a derivative fighting game authorized by this world from the IP of "Honkai: An Era".

However, the girl Mihayou's mind was not placed in this game that was authorized by her own IP and was already very familiar with.

[Developer of APTX4869: Miss Mihayou, even if you ask us how to do it...]

[Falling Saint Black Cat: Yes, you also know that we are all ordinary people here, and we can't help you at all...]

[Evil King's real eyes are the strongest: Sorry, even the Evil King's real eyes can't do anything about this kind of thing. 】

[Game master UMR: Besides, as far as your situation is concerned, I think that even if 90% of the anime protagonists of fighting genre dramas go, it will be a waste! 】

[I'm really not the Great Viagra: So, what should I do! 】

Yes, the girl Mihayou had already focused her attention on a certain chat group.

Mainly because now, the pressure on the girl Mihayou is too great.

[I'm not really Viagra: MMP, did you hear it, MMP! 】

[I'm really not a great Viagra: I swear, if I can do it all over again, I'll definitely change the style of "Honkai: The First Era" into a peaceful daily routine, and I'll never do anything again... But now, as expected, everything It's too late! 】

In general, with the passage of time, a certain unscrupulous author who used to be mad and added background settings such as the Warhammer Trisolaran Wandering Planet in his own work really regrets it.

Although, it's not that there is no good news at all, I don't know why, one day after being kidnapped, the girl Mihayou also found that she doesn't seem to be in danger of life for the time being... But after all, there is a humanoid super nuclear bomb around, um, it's the kind of person who can't If the existence of the universe is destroyed, the girl Mihayou will naturally feel bad.

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