However, before the girl Kaiwen could think about it, soon, the girl Kaiwen discovered an abnormality at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

In other words, it would be strange if the girl Kevin couldn't find out.

At this moment, if the microscopic barriers on the earth are not temporarily displaced, with satellite photography, it is estimated that it will soon be able to see from the world satellite cloud map that a special cloud is expanding frantically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, the expansion of the cloud group is not endless after all.

And May also recognized what the Third Herrscher did.

"It is clear that the number of horses rotating the magnetic field has not been reached, but has the atomic reorganization been achieved?"

At this moment, even Mei was a little sighed at the compatibility of the Lei Lu girl in the magnetic field rotation.

Although it is said that the magnetic field rotation of Honkaikai is created by Mei, it has to be said that Mei is really starting to lag behind Lei Lu Girl in the realm of magnetic field rotation at this moment.

However, in the final analysis, although the magnetic field rotation is powerful, it is only a by-product of Mei's study of the four fundamental forces.



Chapter 61 Between the Herrscher and the Honkai

The magnetic field rotates. According to legend, this power system is divided into several realms in the original version.

For example, the 250,000 horses (25th Heaven) with the magnetic field rotating in the original version: Breaking Star Realm

It is said that breaking through this realm, the natal star will burst, and the strong will not be controlled by fate, but this statement is only used in sea tigers, and it has been abandoned in the age of Wushen. The generation of "eyes of the sky" can predict the future to a limited extent. Of course, this statement is also very vague. Only the 270th generation Haihu Wushen Baichou has shown the eyes of the sky, and no one else has, but all in all, the 25th Heaven is indeed a level.

As for the rotation of the magnetic field at this level, Mei can already simulate 100% of it.

But for the magnetic field rotation at the next level, to be honest, Mei has not fully deduced it.

Yes, although the Hell God of War created by Mei through the linked clone network can already use 499,999 horsepower to rotate the magnetic field, the lack of key data still temporarily limits Mei's understanding of the electromagnetic force. Essential inquiry.

In fact, the original version of the magnetic field rotation system, the magnetic field rotation only needs to reach 500,000 horses (50 heavy days): it can be called the realm of anti-gravity

This realm can not only fly in disregard of gravity, yes, although the rotation of the magnetic field reaches more than 20 layers of heaven, you can freely enter and exit outer space without protection at all, and move in space, but it is very power-consuming, and There is no need to consume when you reach the 50th level, and you can naturally do this. At the same time, the most important thing is that the strong magnetic field in this realm can already reorganize the body. Damaged, the strong magnetic field in this realm can be reorganized and restored out of thin air. Simply put, if the weakness of the heart and brain is removed, the strong magnetic field rotation in this realm is almost as immortal as the Majin Buu in "Dragon Ball". exist.

So, at this point, everyone should also know how the Lei Lu girl recovered!

"However, it seems that the consumption of the Third Herrscher seems to be very large."

Of course, Mei, who had always observed Lei Lu girl from a third perspective, was keenly aware of the sharp decline in the aura of Lei Lu girl.

It seems that, although by virtue of her identity as the Herrscher of Thunder, with the support of the collapse behind her, she has obtained the ability that is exclusive to only 500,000-horsepower magnetic field powerhouses in advance, but the girl of Thunder Law also paid a heavy price.

Although, even if the Lei Lu girl is in full swing, Mei is not worried about the other party. After all, the magnetic field rotation developed by Mei herself is powerful, and even at present, some of the magnetic field rotations deduced by Mei are almost as good as the original version, which is the sea tiger. The magnetic field in the world view rotates, but the source of the magnetic field rotation of the collapsed world is only the product of Mei's study of the electromagnetic force of the four fundamental forces.

Thinking like this, it was obvious that Mei still didn't know that the Lei Lu girl at this time not only didn't care about the weakening of her strength, she even felt that her state was better than ever.

"...that's weird."

At this time, it may be because the battle has come to an end, and the self-consciousness that Lei Lu girl had been suppressed by laughter and some special equipment finally began to gradually return.

——Before this, Lei Lu girl undoubtedly had most of her consciousness suppressed.

Of course, the girl of Lei Lu, who had regained consciousness, naturally found her situation, but unexpectedly, the girl of Lei Lu found herself surprisingly calm, which made the girl of Lei Lu somewhat surprised.



In fact, the reason for the delicate state and psychology of the Thunderbolt girl at this time was only because the link between the Honkai and the Thunderbolt girl was temporarily disconnected due to the lack of energy supply.

It may be that helping Lei Lu girl to restore the energy reserves currently in this world has spent too much, yes, there is no doubt, although the mechanism of the collapse is a very huge concept, it almost exists in the imaginary number of the collapse world view. Every world of the tree and even the world bubble of the sea of ​​​​quantum, but because of this, the power provided by the mechanism of collapse is limited to each world. Generally speaking, it depends on the civilization that is tested in that world. the degree to which the power is invested.

For example, in the second collapse of Siberia in the collapse of 3, Fuhua once cut off the link between the second herrscher Sirin and collapse.

Therefore, it can be seen from here that the link between the collapse and the Herrscher is not so unbreakable.

So, at this moment, the girl of Lei Lü can almost be said to have briefly regained her sobriety for the first time since her birth.

"What am I..."

But not long after she woke up, the girl of Leilu couldn't help but be at a loss, yes, after all, although she was born from a clone, the girl of Leilu is not like Xilin and many Herrschers because she has experienced various things. She is anti-social. Personality, in essence, Lei Lu girl is still an existence not long after she was born. If it was not forcibly instilled with the will and emotions to destroy human civilization when the three views were not formed, Lei Lu girl herself would not be destroyed. (Here, we can see how huge the impact of acquired education will be).

So, it's no wonder that the girl of Lei Lu would be so overwhelmed when she wakes up.

It's a pity that Lei Lu girl's sobriety was short-lived after all. In just a few seconds, Lei Lu girl and Honkai resumed the link again.

——So, everything returned to the previous rhythm again.

At this time, Mei once again felt that the black building she was in was starting to rise, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

20,000 meters, 40,000 meters, 80,000 meters, 160,000 meters... Soon, the stratosphere also broke through.

"Look at this, is this the final battle location you've chosen?"

At this moment, Mei looked at the Third Herrscher in the distance, and said with a calm expression,

But it was vaguely, the corner of the eye seemed to see the debris that seemed to be a spacecraft,

In the distance, there is a burning star, and at the foot, is the blue planet.

There is no doubt that at this time, the black building where Mei is located has entered the universe.

However, it is clear that the various harsh environments in the universe, whether it is ultra-low temperature, hypoxia, weightlessness, or radiation, are all helpless to get Mei and Lei Lu girl.

——And now, the final battle has finally started.

At this moment, an unprecedented magnetic force began to converge.



Chapter 62 The Fall of the Herrscher of Thunder

In the vast black background, there is a blue planet slowly rotating.

There is no doubt that the cosmic space is a deep and dark place. It is silent, vacuum, and weightless. The space is infinitely vast and spacious. Even if tens of thousands of nuclear bombs explode here, it will never affect the earth.

However, for the Third Herrscher whose mission is to destroy human civilization, the reason for choosing the battlefield in space is naturally for the almost infinite magnetic field power in the universe.

At this moment, I saw that the power of the Lei Lu girl who accepted the power of the cosmic magnetic field began to rise almost endlessly.

"I know you are strong, Primarch, but even so you can't stop me from destroying human civilization."

"Because at this moment, my will burns like a bright red fire, and it is calling me to hold on to victory!"

And Lei Lu girl's words also revealed unprecedented determination.

It seems that what is about to happen next may be beyond imagination.

After all, although for ordinary people, emotion is nothing but a power of nothingness, even if it is a desperate consciousness, it is only a mental state in the end, and it cannot be eaten as food, even if it can be much more violent than usual, but It has its limits after all. An ordinary person cannot break a wall of steel even if he has the idea of ​​smashing his fists; even if a little ant shakes desperately with the consciousness of risking his life, he cannot let a single ant tower into the sky. The tree swayed slightly.

——But the problem is, the girl of Lei Lu is a strong magnetic field!

For a strong person with a magnetic field system, although the influence of emotions and will on it is not as great as the user of the spiral force, it is undoubtedly very important.

Although Lei Lu girl's emotions are false and indoctrinated, this is enough to trigger some miracles, not to mention the current Lei Lu and the blessing of the great magnetic field of the universe.

"Has the strength increased to such a level?"

At this moment, Mei witnessed with her own eyes what the Leilu girl had done.

——There is no doubt that it was an extremely exaggerated scene.



"Come on, this is the power to crush the stars."

In a vacuum, the environment where sound could not be transmitted in a vacuum could not stop the girl of Thunder.

At this moment, the moon trembled slightly under the power of Lei Lu girl.

—Yes, you heard that right, the moon.

Although barren and lifeless, there is no doubt that the moon has existed for a long 4.5 billion years.

Just before today, no one could have imagined that the moon will also have an imminent fall.

"However, even the universe will go towards an inevitable heat death, so naturally the stars are by no means eternal."

At this moment, saying so, but Mei also knows that if the Third Herrscher really pulls the moon down at this time, then the thing called civilization built by human beings on the surface of this planet will definitely collapse.

——Even this process can be imagined and calculated by Mei.

At this moment, Mei's mind clearly simulated and emerged such a picture.

That is the scene of the moon falling to the ground with infinite acceleration under the pull of the third Herrscher's magnetic field, setting off an unprecedented super flood on the ground, and huge wave peaks up to several thousand meters sweeping the earth's major continental plates.

What's worse, Mei clearly knew that if she didn't succeed in stopping the Third Herrscher, then this was probably just the beginning.

When a satellite with a diameter of one-fourth of the earth crosses the final limit and the gravity of the moon directly acts on the earth, there will probably no longer be floods and tides caused by sea water.

It is conceivable that, at all times, the magma in the mantle deep in the center of the earth will inevitably rush out of the crust.

At that time, the sky of the earth will be cut into pieces by the energy ejected from the foreign exchange underground, and the deep red magma from the depths of the ground will surge up and splash everywhere like rain. And the air will also lose its original form, and it will be scattered everywhere under the chaotic gravitational pull of the earth and the moon, submerging into the dark clouds of dust in the sky or flying into the more distant void... There is no doubt that at that time, The end of mankind is coming.

So, in order that everything she thinks will not become a reality, Mei also shot.



Yes, although May knew, the Third Herrscher today has realized how to use the power of the magnetic field to reorganize the body, almost immortal.

"But there is no one in the world who can't really kill."

At this moment, the starry sky is collapsing and confused around Mei, and the sun behind Mei also seems to be the background and foil for Mei.

It stands to reason that this is absolutely impossible, after all, as a star, the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth.

But sometimes, the reality is so absurd, and there is no doubt that Mei's presence has risen to an extremely terrifying level at this time.

"It's over, Third Herrscher."

Then, Mei, with a calm expression, saw that the Third Herrscher in front of her finally made her move.

And this time, Mei not only relied on the power of magnetic field rotation, but even used all the power brought to her by her research results of the four fundamental forces.

After all, Mei also knows that although the research on the four fundamental forces is the most profound one, the electromagnetic force is the most profound, but it is also a fact that Lei Lu girl temporarily surpassed herself in magnetic field rotation by virtue of her status. , or that Mei has never been afraid of others surpassing her.

Because Mei herself is also carrying out the famous self-innovation all the time, every day that passes, Mei grows, and every day, the truth of the universe that Mei recognizes is increasing.

As the philosopher Nietzsche once said; only after going through the sevenfold loneliness can one become a real strong man.

Loneliness here refers to an act of self-transcendence and isolated thinking in the process of experience.

——And May has no doubt already crossed this loneliness.

"The Primarch, do you actually possess this level of power?"

On the other hand, when Mei started, the Third Herrscher still failed to react even though he was on alert in advance.

- It all happened so fast.

May's attack based on the combination of her own research on the four truths of the universe is indeed too out of specification.

There is no doubt that the attack by Mei at this moment has almost reached the realm of the speed of light.

——The speed of light, which is an important basis for the deep structure of the entire world and the entire universe. The recognized value of the speed of light is c=299792458 m/s. The constant of this fine structure maintains the stability of the universe... And according to the faster the speed, the greater the mass. Theoretically, one can imagine how terrifying the previous attack by May was.

In this way, if May is to strike this blow within the earth at this moment, it will be enough to blow up everything on the surface, whether it is mountains or oceans.

Therefore, under this level of attack, the Herrscher of Thunder was finally completely defeated.

Yes, there was no accident this time. After going through the battle of Antarctica, the battle of Mu Continent, and the battle of the universe, Lei Lu was about to retire after all.




If there is no accident, it will be on the shelves tomorrow. The collection of this book is close to 10,000. I don’t know how many are dead collections. You can continue to write, according to the outline, after the end of the Lei Lu chapter, you will return to the three universes. Don't you think that the Lei Lu chapter is a bit long now, and the Lei Lu chapter will end soon.



Chapter 63: The End of the Thunder Law

The Thunder Herrscher is dying.

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