
I have to say that in this world line, in the heart of Fujimaru Tachika, Olga Marie, the head of Chaldea, has always occupied a very important position.

That emotion is worship, dependence, and it is completely unclear, but it is like the saying that it is best not to meet too dazzling people when you are young.

So, even now, when things happen to Fujimaru Rika, she can't help but think of the director Olga Marie.

[However, this is not right. Although I still don’t want to believe it, the director has already died. 】

Thinking like this, Fujimaru Rika can only try her best to readjust her mood.

Of course, the last words from the Chaldean side here also played a role.

[By the way, Lixiang, I found that the concentration of true ether on your side is very abnormal, so please be careful. 】

【Real ether? 】

Let's talk about real ether here.

In Xingyue's worldview, it refers to the power that generates planets, the things that make up celestial bodies.

The great source after the AD belongs to artificial magic and is called the fifth overhead element.

The great source before AD belongs to the true magic power, which is called the fifth true element.

In other words, the True Aether is a superior force than the modern Great Source magic.

It is precisely because of its existence that in the Age of Gods, the gods can make chaos on the ground.

As a result, Fujimaru Rika knew that this time the Lostbelt was different from the previous singularity, and it was absolutely not to be taken lightly.

However, at this time, Fujimaru Rika didn't know that the next big surprise was waiting for her.

However, he said that Fujimaru Rika, who decided to wait for Matthew to come to him and wait for the moment to observe the situation. After finding the dormitory belonging to him in this strange college, Fujimaru Rika found that he actually had a roommate.

"Excuse me?"

Looking at the unfamiliar blond girl in front of her, Fujimaru Rika was puzzled.

Of course, Fujimaru Rika was still a little nervous, because Fujimaru Rika found that the girl in front of her was really special.

To be honest, today's Fujimaru Rika can be considered to have seen many female heroic spirits, and as the most dazzling corner of human history, those female heroic spirits do have their own unique beauty, but Fujimaru Rika feels that even if she has seen it in the past The many female heroic spirits in her are also slightly inferior to the people in front of them, and that feeling comes from temperament.

"Hello, my name is Shajo Aige~"

At the same time, the girl in Fujimaru Rika's eyes also revealed her name.



Chapter 94 The Doctor and Sajo Love Song

Excuse me, this person in front of me has short hair that is close to white gold, clear eyes like the blue sea, a voice like an oriole, and a beautiful face as pure and flawless as a jade. The radiance of her beauty and talent makes even the sun squinting when she sees it. Who is the person who opens his eyes and blooms more beautifully than colorful flowers?

——That's right, it's her, Sajo Aige!

It is as beautiful and cute as a doll, and even the hot summer sun will emit a hotter light.

A jade-colored dress made her even more beautiful, like an ancient goblin, a girl who even a cold-blooded magician could not help but feel pity for.

It has to be said that the strange charm of the princess of the root, the natural link between the root and the root, as if blessed by all things in the world, is really deadly.

"Hey, why don't you talk, you have to introduce yourself for the first time~"

At this moment, when a young and fluffy voice slowly came, a voice more beautiful than the chirping yellow warbler, it sounded in the ears of Fujimaru Tachika, that was to hear that the other party was innocent and ignorant of the world. girl's voice.

So on this day, Tatsuka Fujimaru saw with his own eyes a girl who was indescribable with all the pale words in the world.

She is like an elf bathed in sunlight, like a gorgeous and majestic blooming flower, and even a pure and beautiful self.

——And this is the first meeting of Fujimaru Rika and Sajo Aika.



The perspective turns to the universe again.

The vast universe of Nuoda can not help but raise a feeling of insignificance and awe in people's hearts.

However, Mei already knew that the stars are by no means eternal, and the same is true of the universe.

In the final analysis, the flowers will also wither, the stars are bright, but the light will also disappear. The so-called earth, the sun, the entire galaxy, and even the universe will die.

"Then why did you come to this world?"

Right now, the most important thing for Mei is naturally an uninvited guest named Sajo Aika from another moon-type parallel universe invading this world.

At the same time, Sajo Aika, who was talking to Fujimaru Rika in an academy dormitory somewhere in the far east, also seemed to feel the gaze from outer space.

[Hello, first meeting, my princess! 】

At a certain moment, when Fujimaru Rika was not paying attention, Sajo Aika raised her head slightly, and her gaze seemed to pass through the obstacle, and through the atmosphere, she directly saw Mei on the floating city in outer space. .

In this regard, in the face of the voice in her head, Mei's face is not very good, or if her own plan is at risk of being disturbed, no one will be happy.

After all, don’t look at Mei now, who has materialized the souls of all human beings in this Lost Belt world, and even the planet under her feet has been affected and has returned to the environment of the Age of Gods full of true ether, but Mei also knows that this is just the return of light from the planet under her feet. .

In fact, in essence, the earth of this parallel world has been completely overdrawn and squeezed by Mei, so if Mei wants to achieve the plan to land in heaven, let human beings go out of the planet, and move towards the galaxy, it can still be said that there are many difficulties.

In this case, Mei naturally wouldn't give a good face to the existence of Sajo Aige, which is regarded as an unstable factor.

On the other hand, Sajo Aige also seemed to feel Mei's fear of herself, and couldn't help but feel a little sad and frustrated.

After all, for Sajo Aige, who is born to know everything, Mei, who is wrapped in the unknown, can undoubtedly be said to be special.

[Well, is the human species very important to you, the princess? 】

So, no matter what, Sajo Aige still cheered up and raised such a question for some unknown reason.

[I don't know why you ask such a question. 】

However, Mei did not directly reply to the question posed by Sajo Aige in her mind.

[Let's put it this way, agnostics believe that human cognition has its limits after all, and the "reasons" in this world cannot be exhausted by human beings. 】

But Mei still expressed her views from a side angle. After all, in Mei's opinion, it would be best to directly persuade Sajo Aige to leave this parallel world without using other methods.

[But in my opinion, human beings should be greater, after all, human childhood is long gone. 】

So, along with Mei's speech, Sajo Aige was also listening quietly.

[I don't know when, I once had a dream, whether that dream originated from the distant future or from me in other parallel worlds of the tree of imaginary numbers, I don't know until now. 】

[However, in that dream, I once walked on the surface of the sun and witnessed many things so small and so fast that it is hard to say that they even existed. 】

[Until now, those grand pictures and unbelievable scenes are still firmly engraved in my heart. 】

At this moment, it seemed that even May's voice contained some kind of unique truth.

[In my dream, I witnessed the warship being shot on the edge of the Orion constellation, blazing brightly. 】

If nothing else, Sajo Aige was attracted by Mei's words.

After all, just listening to the narration can imagine what a great sight it was.

[However, all these fragments... all the moments... will be lost in the torrent of time... just like tears in the rain. 】

[Yes, I know that human beings are nothing compared to the universe, but...]

Having said that, Mei paused for a while, perhaps brewing vocabulary or recalling.

——Then, I saw May tell a seemingly unrelated story.

The story is not long, it might even be short, but it is enough for May to express herself.

[That was a long time ago. I once met an old man named Matou in the Far East. I know that the old man in the past once worked to save the world, but after hundreds of years, the old man became Ugly, as if all dragon slayers turned into dragons after all. 】

[Since then I have understood that the world has given you infinite paths, whether you choose happiness or pain, sadness or happiness, it is your own choice. 】

【However, in any case, you must never forget your original intention, or you will definitely become a sad thing in a dark corner. 】

Yes, when it comes to this, there is actually no need to go on.

Essentially, this is the story of a young girl who intends to save humanity because of her original ideal.

In the end, Mei is able to successfully cross the clipping event and open up a new future for mankind, or it is the victory of pan-human history, the destruction of the Lostbelt, and this is the story that belongs to the future.



Chapter 95 The Collision of Two World Views

Before I knew it, nearly a week had passed since the conversation between Mei and Sajo Aika.

During this period, some kind of change was quietly taking place in Fujimaru Rika.

Otherwise, why say that ignorance is a blessing, some things, once revealed, it is a great horror.

For example, just like the endless August in "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", Haruhi Suzumiya, who has the "all-powerful" power, thinks that this summer vacation is not comfortable enough, so he makes the entire time and space cycle indefinitely based on his own wishes. , so that the last two weeks of August repeated a full 155 times, until Ah Xu realized that what she had not experienced was not rushing homework with her classmates, and she successfully exited the cycle.

You see, the story of Haruhi Suzumiya can be laughed at at first glance, but can it really be so indifferent after a closer look?

Today, although what happened to Fujimaru Rika is not a major event of the level of a world reset, in fact, it is terrifying to think about it seriously.

"You said, what kind of Master am I?"

At this moment, in the empty classroom after school, a young girl suddenly appeared in front of Fujimaru Rika.

In terms of appearance, she has pink shoulder-length short hair, which is even more cute, and a face so delicate as if it was specially sculpted by an artist.

However, the strange girl's dress seemed a little strange to Fujimaru Rika, because it was a suit of purple armor like a tight skirt.

Of course, this purple armor outlines the girl's unexpectedly protruding figure so attractively. While firmly protecting the girl, it also gives the front half of the shoulders and the upper half of the thighs to the girl. Boldly exposed, giving a dignified and subtle color/gas texture.

——That's why Fujimaru Rika's eyes lit up instinctively.

However, after seeing this, some people must have understood. That's right, Fujimaru Tachika, who originally planned to be cautious at the coming academy, waiting for his servants to join him, has only been silently modified by his memory after only a few days. He regarded himself as an aboriginal in the Lostbelt, and even his schoolgirl couldn't recognize him.

"Senior, what's wrong with you, senior, don't you even know me?"

So, seeing this scene, Mash, who had finally found her senior, couldn't help but panic.



Speaking of which, there is no need to mention the importance of memory.

After all, people have been paying attention to the phenomenon of memory and its important role as far back as the ancient Greeks.

And, as we all know, memory is also a part of personality.

However, it may be due to the uniqueness of Fujimaru Rika, although the memory has been modified, there is still a little residual.

Or maybe the bond between Fujimaru Rika and Mash had a miracle.

"Hey, don't cry, so who are you?"

Just when Fujimaru Rika was trying to comfort the pink-haired girl who had a very immediate sense of sight in front of her, suddenly, Fujimaru Rika felt a sudden pain in the back of her right hand.

【what is this? 】

When he came back to his senses, when Fujimaru Rika looked suspiciously at the weird pattern on the back of his hand, a piece of information suddenly poured into Fujimaru Rika's mind.

So Fujimaru Rika knew that it was the Command Spell that appeared on the back of her hand.

This is an extremely precious command right, and it is a proof that it is exclusively owned by the Master.

It will be connected to the magician's magic circuit, and as long as you give an order to it, you can use it as a kind of magic resource, and give a certain order to the servant who has contracted with it to make it come true.

Not only that, Command Spells can even be used to strengthen the Servant who has contracted with him, and it can also be used to heal the damage suffered by the Servant.

【…Am I dreaming! 】

Feeling the information in his mind, Fujimaru Rika's expression was wonderful for a while.

However, at this time, it seems that there is no time for Fujimaru Rika to think about it.

Because at this moment, Mash, who was depressed because her senior forgot about her, seemed to have discovered something.

"Not good, senior, get down."

So, at that moment, Fujimaru Rika only felt a whirlwind, and then, it was an overwhelming light and explosion.

"The arrow book of appeals."

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