Chapter 40: Sakazuki! Didn’t you say you don’t watch “Hokage”! ? (6 updates, 5 additional updates for rewarding people)

Here comes the Marine.

The speed was as expected by Xia Yan.

He knew for a long time that if he wanted to get out of the underwater prison, he would definitely suffer from Marine’s frantic pursuit and revenge.

That’s why he let Orochimaru and Kakashi go undercover in Marine, and escaped after summoning Uchiha Itachi.

He didn’t want to be captured by the strong men in Marine just after he successfully escaped from the underwater prison.


Xia Yan asked Uchiha Itachi next to him.

“how come.”

Uchiha Itachi’s pale face turned a little rosy, and he smiled gently: “If you can really die for Lord Xia Yan, Itachi will die without regret.”

“Heh-don’t worry, I won’t let you die.”

Xia Yan smiled slightly: “You are the most important person under my command.”

At least for now.

Xia Yan added softly in her heart.


Redfield shouted at the Bullet four or five hundred meters high: “Are you going to fight?”

Click! Click!

Bullet quickly returned to his original human appearance, with a solemn and serious expression on his face: “Nonsense, Laozi is Demon fruit power, it is impossible to escape from the sea, what else can we do if we don’t fight?”

“whispering sound–”

Redfield pouted, then looked at the embarrassed Katakuri three again: “How about you?”

Katakuri’s face was gloomy as if it could drip, but he didn’t speak.

As the king who owns Conqueror’s Haki, he was forced to kneel, and he is not happy now.

“Don’t worry about them!”

Xia Yan glanced at the three of Katakuri: “Together, it is estimated that it will block one Kizaru. With them or without them, there is no difference!”

“What did you say? Say it again if you can!”

Cracker was instantly annoyed and glared at Xia Yan angrily.


Before Xia Yan could speak, Uchiha Itachi glared at Cracker first: “Do you want to taste the power of Susanoo again? How dare you disrespect Lord Xia Yan!”

“…At the moment of the enemy, I will not quarrel with you two!”

Cracker shrank his neck, wanting to say something harsh, but in the end he swallowed it.

The blood-red giant hundreds of meters high just now and the terrifying power of splitting the island with one blow really frightened him.

Can’t be provoked, can Laozi still hide?

“Cookie Soldiers!”

Cracker called out the cookie soldiers directly, and quickly ducked in.

Or it makes him feel more secure.


In front of the door of justice.

Marine warship.

Aokiji and Akainu stand on either side, with Vice Admiral Garp in front of them.

The rest are future prospective Admiral tea dolphins, three ordinary Vice Admiral including Orochimaru pretending to be Dalmatian, and two giants who have appeared in the original Vice Admiral.

5 Vice Admiral, 2 Admiral, 1 Four Emperors!

The lineup that Marine sent to the Undersea Prison, even if they were to fight against a Four Emperors regiment, would have no problem.

“This group of evil pirates, damn it!”

Looking at the undersea prison that has been razed to the ground from a distance, Akainu’s face is gloomy and terrifying.

Even Garp, who has never done much business, has a serious face and fire in his eyes.

The underwater prison was destroyed like this, how miserable it is inside, you don’t need to look at them to know.

I’m afraid Marine and the prison guards are nearly dead or wounded?

“These lunatics! Did that kid Xia Yan deceive the old man last time?”

Garp’s bones cracked, his fists clenched violently, and he muttered to himself in his heart:

“Sure enough, Ace has extraordinary qualifications, and this is the same. I know that I can’t underestimate the child left by Roger’s bastard…”


“Hey, there are so many people here.”

Looking at the figures on the warship from a distance, Xia Yan pouted and sneered: “Except for Sengoku, Sora, Zephyr, and Crane, Marine has dispatched almost all the advanced combat forces, and he is not afraid that Naval Headquarters will be taken by others.”


Redfield, who was on the side, couldn’t help laughing: “How is it possible that we escaped from prison on a temporary basis. Unless someone can predict, how could they take a huge risk to attack Naval Headquarters?”


Katakuri and Smoothie on the side gave Xia Yan a complicated look, but did not speak.

Only they knew that Xia Yan was right.

Those three lunatics from the Beasts Pirates are going to attack Naval Headquarters.

Even with Naval Headquarters’ current weak defense, they might actually succeed.

And this is their “credit”!

Thinking of this, Katakuri felt extremely depressed.

Running all the way from the New World, getting beaten up, and making wedding dresses for the Beasts Pirates, what are they doing?

Mom’s decision this time is such a failure!

Of course, Katakuri was just thinking about it in his heart.

For him to say those words in front of Charlotte Linlin, he would never dare.

At this time.


A golden light fell from the sky.


Katakuri’s eyes widened, and he picked up his trident and pointed at the incoming person vigilantly.

“I’m not too interested in you, Katakuri.”

Kizaru said strangely: “The purpose of Marine this time is to catch Xia Yan and other prison escapees, but I didn’t expect the desserts of the BigMom Pirates to be delivered to their door, just as an appetizer.”


Katakuri shouted coldly: “You may not be able to win me alone if you fight alone, you…”

“You are the one who is arrogant, right, Pirate!”

With a loud shout, Katakuri was forcibly interrupted.

Katakuri’s eyes froze, and he glared at the speaker.

It was Akainu who jumped from the warship to the wreckage.

Immediately afterwards, Aokiji also jumped off the warship.

“Ice Age!”

With a loud shout, Aokiji opened his hands.

The terrifying air-conditioning spread rapidly in all directions with him at the center.

Click! Click!

The sea and the broken submarine prison were completely frozen and turned into an endless ice field.

Obviously, this is the battlefield.

“not bad.”

Xia Yan praised without hesitation.

“You’re crazy.”

Aokiji landed not far from Xia Yan, with a complicated expression: “I like watching your painting “Hokage” very much, I am a fan of yours, and I hope to see the ending of this story, do you know that after failing to escape from prison, I am afraid that Will you lose the chance to publish comics forever?”

“Don’t talk to him so much, Kuzan!”

Akainu, who is jealous of hatred, stepped out, and the hot magma spurted out of his arm: “To deal with these vicious pirates, there must be no mercy! Great Eruption!”


The magma fist that was enough to burn a person to ashes in an instant smashed Xia Yan hard.

The moment the magma fist appeared, the surrounding temperature increased by at least several hundred degrees, which was amazingly hot.

But Xia Yan didn’t dodge, and didn’t even plan to fight back.


A blood-red skeleton palm suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yan, blocking all the magma easily.


Akainu then turned his attention to the person he hadn’t been paying attention to.

As a result, I was stunned when I saw it.

“Uchiha Itachi?”

Akainu exclaimed.


Xia Yan looked confused, does Akainu know Itachi?

Aokiji and Kizaru looked at Akainu in astonishment, and subconsciously exclaimed, “Sakazuki, didn’t you say you don’t want to read cartoons drawn by criminals!?”*

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