I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 102: It turns out that I am really an asshole

"Hollywood? Why are you? Who gave you the confidence and courage to clamor to become a star in Hollywood?!"

With a gloomy face, Arthur stood in front of Eddie Boleyn who was about to push him away, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and stared at him stubbornly.

Although the current Arthur is no longer the original Arthur, it is said that there is no reason to be angry, and there is no need to worry about whether his cheap younger sister will be "injured" in Hollywood. After all, what is the so-called family relationship? , does not exist.

However, he just couldn't control the worry and concern. Perhaps, while inheriting everything from his predecessor, he also inherited some other things. After all, it is really hard to say when it involves the soul level.

As for whether this is considered nonsense, you must know that even after soul travel, what is impossible?

"Get out of the way. You don't need to take care of my affairs, and you can't do it either..."

"I'm your brother, the patriarch of the Boleyn family!" Arthur scolded coldly.


Eddie Boleyn sneered and mocked: "Brother who was born 10 minutes earlier than me, you are a mess, why do you care about me, I moved out of Boleyn Manor a long time ago, I am me, I can do whatever I want What, I can live whatever life I want, you have no right to interfere with me!"

"I said no!" Arthur said with a gloomy face and a cold expression.

"Why do you want to hit me?"

Seeing Arthur's appearance, Eddie Boleyn stared back without giving in, not caring about Arthur's anger at all, but when he heard these words, his face was full of helplessness, and the anxious Emilia immediately became worried. Standing in front of Eddie, he said to Arthur, "If you have anything to say, please speak calmly!"

"Emilia, you don't need to block it, I think he dares to touch me!" Eddie looked at Arthur with a sneer on his face, pushed Emilia away, and said with hatred in his eyes: "I Hate you guys, I've hated you guys since I saw Dolly in the freezer, you killed him, you cold-blooded executioners! I don't use your ridiculous concern, it's all fake!"


Upon hearing this passage, Emilia immediately covered her mouth in horror, took a step back in fright, reached out and grabbed Eddie's arm beside her, and looked at Arthur with a nervous and complicated expression, as if she had learned that Something like fear.

In fact, Arthur was also taken aback by this passage,

I quickly searched for memories in my mind, and then looked at the cheap sister who was about to cry with a strange expression, and then saw Emilia's overreaction, knowing that she had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained dumbfoundingly.

"Don't you look horrified, what are you thinking, Dolly's a sheep, it was my father's gift for her 15th birthday, ahem...I'm sorry Eddie, really, I apologize, it's not My idea, it was Dad...that was what Dad did, I stopped him."

The expression on Arthur's face was extremely embarrassing. Looking at Eddie who was already crying, he hurriedly apologized weakly, and he didn't forget to throw the blame to the dead ghost father. TV mobile terminal/

"I hate you, I will never forgive you, you are devils, devils... woohoo." Eddie seemed to be unable to restrain himself at last, with tears streaming down his face, he accused Arthur angrily, then turned and ran to On the sofa in the living room, wept bitterly.

Emilia on the side stood on the spot with a frozen expression, black lines all over her hair, and the corners of her mouth twitched. She looked at Arthur angrily and said, "You killed Eddie's pet sheep, then ate it, and let it go. in the refrigerator?"

"Ahem, Eddie ate it herself..." Arthur rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and said weakly.

"You—you're such a jerk!" Emilia covered her forehead with her hand, shaking her head with a helpless and complaining expression. Then he immediately turned around and went to comfort the crying Eddie.

Arthur also opened his mouth helplessly, and finally turned into a wry smile. It really doesn't matter to him, it's completely blamed on the bastard in front of him, but there is no way, he has to accept the blame, it seems that this The incident had a great impact on Eddie Boleyn, no wonder the family relationship was in a mess.

But to be able to do such a thing, the predecessor is indeed a jerk. . .

Walking into the living room from the porch awkwardly, Arthur saw Emilia looking at him with reproachful eyes, holding a tissue box and handing a tissue to Eddie who was staring at him with tears in his eyes.

"About Dolly, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect it to cause you so much psychological damage, but please believe me, I love you, we are family, I am not trying to stop your dreams , It's just that you go to Hollywood so recklessly, I'm really worried.

If you received an invitation to audition, or had a suitable opportunity to act, I would only be happy and proud of you, but if you go to Hollywood without any preparation at all, you will only be deceived and hurt in exchange . . . "

Arthur sat on the sofa opposite the two of them and said earnestly, hoping to change the subject and divert his attention so that Eddie would stop crying.

"It's as if you've been there..."

Arthur's words still had some effect. Although Eddie looked at him still full of resentment, it had softened a little, and he muttered mockingly. Emily, who also had an actor's dream and longed for Hollywood infinitely, Ya was also somewhat disapproving of Arthur's remarks.

"Okay, then let me ask you, there are quite a few famous actresses in Hollywood, so what makes them so popular? Is it really all due to their acting skills? You should know the common rules in the entertainment industry, right? Don't tell me, you are really naive enough to think that those things don't exist, if you encounter them, what are you going to do?" TV premiered

Arthur looked solemn, looked at Eddie and Emilia very seriously, and asked back.

This series of questions really made the two of them look at each other in blank dismay and remained silent. They were not real idiots. They heard and saw too many things like this.

One's own efforts are very important. If one wants to get ahead in the entertainment circle, one's own conditions are also essential, for example, the career line. . . Outstanding facial features and height are also essential congenital conditions. But these are not the most fundamental reasons, the most important thing is the network, and the network is just an abbreviation of background and origin.

As long as you have connections, a background, and a good background, you are not afraid that any big director will not use you. Not only will you use it, but you must also use it well. It is not even a problem to please you. This is the reality, and it is a comorbidity in the entertainment industry. They don't pay attention to ability but only pay attention to appearance, figure and background.

And those so-called celebrities who rely on Qian's rules to succeed are undoubtedly not trying every possible method to build contacts, win favor and popularity.

I want to ask you, when you arrive in the unfamiliar Hollywood, you have nothing, how do you plan to start, and where do you have the confidence to think that you will succeed? Almost everyone in Hollywood has the dream of becoming a star, and you really succeed by your own efforts How many more? Why do you? "

After Arthur finished speaking, the room became extremely quiet. Even Eddie, who was still crying before, seemed to have forgotten to cry, and stared at Arthur silently, with a surprised expression on his face.

Both Eddie and Emilia were very surprised. They never thought that Arthur could explain the essence of the entertainment industry so thoroughly. However, these are facts, and neither of them can refute them.

"I respect your dreams and support you in chasing them, but don't be too reckless. If you still believe in me, then suspend your trip to Hollywood, and I will find a way to help you."

""Boleyn Manor"?" Emilia immediately responded.

"Yes, I have the confidence to let you participate in this TV series. If this TV series really becomes popular, the two of you will have some fame, at least you have works on your resume, instead of a series of decent TV series. If you don’t have any works, just wander around.”

Arthur nodded, looked at Eddie who was a little moved, and continued: "I have two books to be published soon, and I have sold the copyright. I will continue to create in the future, and there will definitely be a chance to adapt it into a movie. Now, I'm your connection, and you don't need to be bullied outside!"

Eddie was silent, looked at Arthur with complicated eyes, and said after a while: "If what you said is true, then I can forgive you for killing Dolly..."

"It's a deal!" Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, stood up with an awkward smile, opened his arms and said, "Hug."

Eddie gave Arthur an angry look, but in the end he pouted and stood up and hugged Arthur.

"I'm really sorry, Eddie." Arthur reached out and patted the cheap sister's back, and said apologetically again.

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