I Am a Nobleman in England

Chapter 262 Only routines win people's hearts

Selling players to make a lot of money, while cultivating players, and relying on unique vision to attract many high-quality and cheap players. If the Saints continue to operate like this, I really don’t know how long it can last. If they can’t continue to be stable Excellent players are produced in real estate, and the saints who only sell but not buy will not escape the bad luck of relegation!

Now that he is playing in the First Division, Arthur does not want the club he bought to become a fighter in the garbage. He will return to the English Championship next year and the Premier League the year after. This is his goal from the beginning. It will never change.

This group of old foxes, no matter how much they cast their eyes on him, it would be a waste of effort. Now that the door of selling players has been closed, naturally they will not open it easily.

If you only want to sell players to earn that little money, and don't go all out to find a way to return to the Premier League, then you will really lose the watermelon.

"...Before, I have received calls from Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenham. They are respectively optimistic about Lovren, Adam Lallana and Mane, hoping to buy them, but I rejected them all. !"

At this time, the officials of the FA had arrived at the venue, and Nicholas, who was sitting next to Arthur, lowered his head and reported to the young boss in a low voice.

"So that's it, you've done a good job. Before returning to the Premier League, the door to our player transactions must be closed..." Arthur smiled and nodded, "Of course, unless they can give enough to impress me sincerity!"

"Hehe, I understand the boss." Nicholas couldn't help chuckling when he heard the meaning of the boss's words. For him, the club manager, he prefers to run the Saints as a real "black shop".

"By the way, are the three players you mentioned before still in the youth training center?" Arthur raised his eyebrows slightly, with the corners of his mouth raised, and asked Nicholas.

"Well, they're still there. They've just turned 18 this year."

"Hehe, then talk to the head coach and see if we can let them join the first team. No matter how talented a player is, he is only a talent in the training ground without being baptized in an official game. Since someone has helped us select Naturally, we can't let their talents go to waste." Arthur said with a smile shining in his eyes.

"Hehe, I have already communicated with the head coach. He will go to the training center for a first-team selection soon." Nicola said with a smile and lowered his voice.

Arthur smiled and nodded at himself, the club manager who helped him manage the Saints, with satisfaction. After this period of time, Nicola Costi did a good job. Just when he was about to say something more, the boss of the FA Deke, with a serious and dignified face, began to speak in a low voice.


. . This incident has greatly touched the whole of Europe! Among them, the scope of the case is wide, and there are many shady transactions, far beyond people's imagination!

Just before this meeting, I just received news from UEFA that the confirmed cases involve 5 teams from 4 countries including Albaniya, Ratweiya, Sloveniya and Hungary. Suspected of poisoning in 7 Champions League qualifying matches. . . "

As his voice fell, there was a murmur of discussion at the meeting, and everyone seemed very surprised by the result.

As the head of the FA, Deckard continued: "The 7 matches that have been announced to be suspected of poisoning are likely to be the tip of the iceberg that has been confirmed after investigation. The biggest C-control competition scandal in history!

Therefore, starting from this season, UEFA will increase its monitoring of the game, and its main targets include the first and second level leagues of all European countries or regions to ensure that the game will not be controlled.

UEFA will also create a database of match information and DU ball money flows. In addition, UEFA has also set up a special working group to follow up and investigate some suspicious games with the assistance of FIFA's DU ball early warning system.

UEFA demands that the toughest sanctions be imposed on all individuals, clubs or officials involved in this violation.

. . . . . . In any case, people who love sports will always hope, including me, that this anti-du storm can really hit the pain point and get rid of the du football consortium, team coaches, players, referees and even some GUAN members. The chain of interests will restore a clean and pure world to football! "

After the boss of the FA, Deckard, finished his speech, the representative of UEFA gave a big talk about the tumors on the ball like cancer, which must be eradicated. , as well as the British police spokesperson, also informed everyone about the progress of the investigation in the UK. For example, the Welsh referee Howard King accepted the investigation and admitted that in the 15 European games he had enforced, there were teams that arranged beautiful women before the games. wait for him. . .

However, everyone present knows that some things are just temporary solutions, not the root cause. As long as there is a huge profit for a day, this kind of thing will exist for a day.

After the meeting, Arthur walked out of the venue with Nicola Courtis somewhat uninterestedly, but he didn't expect that, in the corridor, he met the club managers of Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham, and Manchester United successively.

The four of them were very enthusiastic. After exchanging business cards, they exchanged greetings for a while before leaving respectively. However, just as Arthur was full of emotion with a smile on his face, several Premier League club managers came forward to meet Arthur.

Finally walking out of the FA headquarters and sitting in the car, Arthur looked at the business card in his hand, couldn't help but turned to look at Nicholas and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that I would be so popular."

"Hehe. The main reason is that you are too low-key. They have no other way to know you. They finally ran into you today, and they will naturally not let go of the opportunity to get to know you." Nicholas also said with a very bright smile.

Keep a low profile?

Tsk tsk, well, not to mention, all along, he has been doing things in a high-key manner and in a low-key manner. He hardly even appears in parties, receptions, bars and YE stores. He is really a low-key man.

"In the future, you can do this kind of thing by yourself, it's too boring." Arthur shook his head slightly and smiled. To be honest, not even half of the club owners who came to the meeting this time, and what kind of big local tyrant Abu, Manchester United vampire Glazer, none of these more famous figures were present.

At first, I thought that my young boss would be interested in this kind of gathering in the industry. After all, this is a good opportunity to improve the boss’s familiarity in the football world and increase some contacts. Hearing what the young boss said, Nicholas felt a little helpless. At the same time, I also understand one thing. It seems that football is not a very important project for my young boss.

Of course, it wasn't that Arthur didn't pay attention to the Saints club, but that the current Saints didn't deserve too much energy from him at all, and he had nothing to be ashamed of playing in a first-tier league.

Even if the Saints 'won' the first division championship this season, so what, isn't it a big team?

If he couldn't figure out the status quo and kept talking about it everywhere, he would become a joke ridiculed by his colleagues in the industry.

"We don't care about other things and don't get involved. Let the Saints return to the Premier League first is our most important goal. At the same time, manage the fans well, improve the economy of the game RI, and increase the attendance rate. Everything else is false, for the next two years, let's develop honestly and quietly!" Arthur looked at Nicholas and said with a serious face.

Nicola Kotis nodded with a serious expression, but the young boss' next words made him dumbfounded again.

"By the way, although we have already invited Keili Hazel as the exclusive football baby of our club, and only signed a one-year contract with her, I want to launch a football baby of our own, and at the same time, we must also form a team. The distinctive cheerleading team is a performance feature in the Saints competition." Arthur said with his eyes shining brightly, looking at Nicholas.

"It's not difficult to form a cheerleading team, just to launch football babies... Boss, do you have someone to choose?" Nicholas is not an idiot, so he naturally understands that his young boss will not aim at nothing.

"Well, there is indeed a candidate. After a while, I will take her to visit the saints. Don't worry, she is definitely comparable to Keeley Hazell!" Arthur thought of Ai, who was comparable to the ninth miracle. Millie Xiao couldn't help smiling.

I believe that this surprise little gift of mine will make Emily very excited and happy, and I can also get a very satisfying 'thank you gift'!

Sure enough!

Nicholas shook his head in his heart and laughed, his boss simply took the saint's football baby trick as his pick-me-up. . .

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