I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 366: Stone tools will not fall

Han Cheng put aside this sharp iron rod, which was more than fifteen centimeters in length, about two centimeters in diameter, and did not immediately explain the function of these things. Create the second piece of iron that is about to be formed.

Ironing is a laborious task. How about making iron harder?

In the Qingque tribe, the black baby who specializes in pottery is not good at strength. Although he has talent in ironing, he still lacks.

Moreover, long-term ironing will make his fingers and arms stiff, not as flexible as before.

These Xu changes are naturally not a problem for others, but Heiwa is different. After all, the more sophisticated the pottery, the higher the requirements for handcraft and the inflexible fingers. Later, it will definitely affect the development of Heiwa in this area.

So after the initial development of iron-strike technology, Han Chenggong summoned the second senior brother and asked him to strike iron. He also had two ‘technical veterans’, Heiwa, who lay hands on the side for guidance.

The second brother's belly has become much smaller, and the person has become a little energetic, but the belly is getting smaller too quickly, leaving a layer of wrinkled skin.

But at this time, he was stronger than before, and his strength was ranked first in the Qingque tribe.

It's best to leave the iron work to the second brother.

"Ding Ding Dong..."

The second brother held the axe in one arm and swiped it vigorously, which could be worth twice the black baby.

"Okay, use a little effort to smash this place down."

Seeing that it was almost done, Han Cheng spoke out and asked the second brother to change his way.

After such a busy schedule, the second ironware was also released, with a lot of materials, weighing a catty.

Shouting limp, cut out a wooden handle with an iron axe, put on the iron lump, and a hammer appeared.

Han Cheng picked up the hammer and slammed it on a rock, and the rock cracked. It was much better than an axe.

In the praise of everyone, Han Cheng stood up with a hammer in one hand and an iron rod in the other.

Everyone stopped talking, looking expectantly at the two iron tools in Han Cheng's hand, waiting for the **** son to announce their purpose.

There is no one who does not yearn for two things to be able to hook up with the field he is good at.

The reason for thinking like this is that several iron tools manufactured before, especially chisels and saws, have almost become special tools for lameness.

The Qingque tribe is still under common ownership, and the things produced are shared by everyone in the tribe. However, with the enrichment of production materials, the remaining things gradually increase, and people vaguely have some different ideas.

But this idea is just a bud, still subject to the common ownership they are used to.

The ironware that everyone is eager to make is linked to their field of expertise, which is the embodiment of this budding.

The development of everything in the world, no matter how unpredictable, seems to have certain rules to follow.

Just like people scattered all over the world with different origins will eventually move from public to private.

At some point in the future, it may also move from private to public.

From public ownership to private ownership, and then back to public ownership, it is not a repeat of the previous path, but a spiral increase. In this process, productivity will be greatly developed...

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Han Cheng took the hammer and the iron rod to the wood standing on the outermost periphery, raised the hammer and the iron rod, and smiled to tell everyone their function.

This iron rod is actually an iron rod that cooperates with a hammer. Of course, it is not used for thundering like a thunder shaker, but for chiseling stones.

Using more than half of the iron collected this time to make these two things was Han Cheng's decision after careful consideration.

Stone and wood are the two most common and commonly used materials, and they can be used in many places.

If you want to make these ubiquitous materials into suitable and easy-to-use appliances, you must have handy tools, otherwise you will not be able to achieve great development only relying on the original stone tools.

All this is the last time the axe, saw, chisel, and this time the hammer and iron drill appeared.

Hammers and iron drills are the most basic tools for making stone tools.

With these two things, the craftsmanship of wood must be able to go further and create better stone tools.

In fact, there are already large stone tools that require wood to make, otherwise Han Cheng would not have made these two things so quickly.

This thing is the stone gong used in the game, and the stone gong hanging behind the stone gong (I don’t know if the word is correct)

With the gradual increase of the grain planting area, the original method of smashing the grain with a stick or a wooden fork to get the grain down by the Qingque tribe can no longer keep up with the situation.

This method is not only inefficient, but also very tiring. If it is not changed, after the millet planting amount in the coming year reaches a few hundred mu, just playing on the field will become a huge burden.

Moreover, if the weather does not clear up continuously, the grains harvested in the wheat harvesting field are likely to be damaged.

Combine harvesters and threshers, these things Han Cheng can only think about in his dreams with drooling. After returning to reality, the solutions he can come up with can only be relatively old but very easy to use, and have been using a few. Thousand years of things-Shi Gong, Shi Yanzi.

When it's time to dry the grains on the field, put the deer on them, and let them pull the stone gong and stone gongzi around the barley field. People only need to hold them.

Not only easy, but also efficient.

Uncle Deer, who was grazing in the wilderness and seizing the last opportunity to stick autumn fat, shuddered suddenly, and his hair was erected.

It raised its head, stopped eating grass, looked around alertly, and was ready to run away with his men if something went wrong.

As a result, the surroundings were as calm as ever, and the Fu Jiang and the Five Little Fortunes mixed in the deer herd had no special reaction.

Uncle Deer waited for a long time before continuing to graze with his head down...

Within the Qingque tribe, Han Cheng explained the importance of hammers and iron drills in a simple way, and emphasized the use of Shi Gong as an example of playing field, so that everyone could understand why he did this.

Wood took the hammer and iron drill from Han Cheng's hands, and the whole person looked stunned, a little unbelievable.

He never dreamed that the **** son spent so much iron to create these two things, and he actually made stone tools for himself.

He is a relatively reticent person, and not a confident person. This is also the reason why others are watching the newly-made ironware and discussing the purpose of the new ironware, but he stays at the outermost periphery.

In his opinion, whether it is the iron needle that women desire, the iron knife that cooks desire, or the iron arrow that Junior Brother Sha desires, and the iron that Shang desires, which can be mounted on the top of a wooden spear to replace stones and bones. The tip is of great significance to the tribe.

Both can allow the tribe to develop very well~www.wuxiahere.com~ As for the stone tools he is good at, he didn't think too much.

Because the newly emerged iron is harder and sharper than stone, far from being comparable to stone.

From people's desire for iron axes, iron knives, iron hoes, etc., he can feel the decline of what he is good at.

Stone tools will be replaced, and he will become even more unknown like a person who is good at making stone tools.

At this time, the son of God suddenly came to him with a tool made of precious iron and told him that it was used to make stone tools.

Tell him that stone tools still have very big and very big development prospects, and their importance to the tribe will not decrease with the appearance of iron tools, but will increase greatly.

How can he not get excited and sluggish?

Like a witch, like a big brother, like a lame...In general, this less talkative person also has a very high sense of identity with the tribe, and has the heart to work hard for the tribe. ()

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