I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 85: The primitive "Grandma Liu" entered the Grand View Garden

   The leader of the pig tribe was taken aback and stretched out his hand to get a weapon. However, his weapon had already been thrown outside before he entered the door, and naturally he felt empty.

Without weapons, the leader of the pig tribe did not dare to move arbitrarily. Standing at a distance, he did not dare to move. His waist was slightly bent, his body tense, his eyes fixed on the strong wolf, and he dared to confront it. There is the slightest slack.

Suddenly saw such a strong wolf, and still close contact, the strong danger made the leader of the pig tribe forget to think about why this wolf appeared in the blue bird tribe, and also stood with their tribe. A series of questions.

   He just confronted the two for an instant, and he didn't dare to lose his mind.

   The other people behind the pig tribe leader also tightened their spirits, but while their nerves were tense, there was a message that kept circling in their minds—wolves—meat—it was delicious.

   Han Cheng, Witch and Big Brother were a little confused by the pig tribe leader’s reaction, and the other tribe’s way of greeting each other was too unique.

   When he discovered that the pig tribe leader’s gaze was on Fu Jiang, and Fu Jiang stared at the pig tribe leader, Han Cheng realized that it was this guy who was giving people a ‘ha’!

   "While playing."

   Han Cheng said, reaching out and pulling Fu Jiang's head aside.

Just now, his eyes were staring, his fur was erected, and he was about to rush out to bite people. The extremely vicious general changed immediately. He put away the posture that was just now, wagging his tail, and made his fur as smooth as satin. She rubbed and rubbed her body, and even showed a flattering expression on her face.

The leader of the pig tribe saw all this in his eyes, with an unbelievable look. He didn't expect that such a fierce wolf would listen to the words of this god.

Big Brother    also reacted, smiling and explaining to the leader of the pig tribe that this guy is domestically raised and does not bite, so he should not worry.

   The leader of the pig tribe was still a little surprised. Not only was he surprised that this friendly neighboring tribe's new "child of the god" could subdue the ferocious wolf, but also surprised at the age of the "child of the god".

   When he first heard the introduction of the senior brother, he thought that this **** son who was more noble than the witch, even if he was not a witch, he would have to be about the same age. No matter how bad he was, he would need to be an adult.

   How can I think that this so-called "child of God" turned out to be a child!

As the leader of a tribe, he clearly knows how difficult it is to think of gaining a position in the tribe, but this minor has the most lofty position in this tribe. It is strange if he is not surprised. .

The leader of the    pig tribe, while guarding the ferocious wolf beside him, put his hand on his chest and respectfully saluted Han Cheng.

   Han Cheng nodded with a smile and responded, and then the leader of the pig tribe followed Wu Shili who was standing aside.

   Wu Wu also followed Han Cheng's appearance, nodded, as a response.

   After a brief meeting, the aloof Han Cheng and Wu went back to the cave together, and the leader of the pig tribe was received by the senior brother who was also the leader.

   The leader of the pig tribe looked at the people of the Blue Sparrow tribe who came down from the low wall behind the wall, and the large number of weapons placed on the low wall, a little surprised.

   If you wait for people not to come here with kindness, but want to do something to this tribe, you will have no return to waiting for them!

The leader of the    pig tribe, walked inside with the big brother, and watched as he walked. The more he looked, the more he was surprised, because there are so many friendly tribes nearby that he should be surprised!

  Whether it is this large and safe open space, or the weird animal skins on the hands and heads of this friendly tribe, he is amazed.

  Especially when he saw the dried fish placed in front of the cave on the many wooden rafts, his eyes widened.

   He did not expect that this friendly tribe nearby would be so rich!

   The pig tribe looked at these foods, and while swallowing secretly, it was also thinking, if his tribe could have so much food, that would be great!

   The leader of the pig tribe is like this, and the people of the other pig tribes are even more troubled. They resisted, and did not rush to hold the dried fish and bite.

   The pig tribe forced himself to look away from the dried fish, because he knew that these dried fish did not belong to their tribe, and this friendly tribe would not lend them these fish.

   Meat food itself is a precious thing, especially in winter, he can borrow some fruits from this tribe to satisfy his hunger, it is already very good, for fish, he dare not have any extravagant thoughts.

The shock of the leader of the pig tribe did not end here. After entering the cave with the big brother, the wealth of this friendly neighboring tribe refreshed his knowledge once again.

   On the rock wall of the cave, in an area near the entrance of the cave, there are large and small pieces of meat. The other people in the pig tribe who looked at the meat swallowed.

   After seeing the place where the big brother took the fish for them to eat, UU read www.uukahnshu.com his eyes straightened immediately, and the whole person felt dizzy.

   God! Where did this neighboring friendly tribe get so many fish? !

  No wonder he was surprised. Since the fish cages came out in the early summer, fishing has become a very simple and easy task for the Qingque tribe.

   We have been making salted fish from the beginning of summer until the end of autumn. You can imagine how many salted fish can be stored.

   And they don’t all eat salted fish. They go out to smash the ice and get fresh fish to eat, so the consumption of salted fish is not that big.

   This is precisely because of this, it has caused such a big impact on the leader of the pig tribe and everyone.

Big Brother    took out enough salted fish and put them next to the fire, so that the people in charge of grilling the food on weekdays grilled the salted fish for people in the pig tribe.

   If it weren't for fear of being laughed at, the pig tribe would just eat the raw salted fish.

   Now they had to stare directly at the fish that was being grilled, smelling the sultry scent, swallowing drooling, and anxiously waiting for the friendly tribe to deliver the food to them.

While starting to grill the salted fish, the big brother asked him to raise another fire, set up a large clay pot, filled it with water, and put a few smaller salted fish in it. , Start to cook.

The leader of the pig tribe didn’t know what this strange thing was that could hold water and burn it on water, and he didn’t understand why the leader of this friendly tribe didn’t roast the tempting salted fish on the fire, but pretended it instead. Into such a strange thing.

   He was a little puzzled, but didn't mean to delve into it, because he couldn't delve into it anymore, all his thoughts were attracted by a grilled fish in his hand!

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