I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 371 Battle in New York? No, this is the Naruto War!

When the frontal battlefield was in full swing, several ninjas under Kennan who were not good at ultra-long-range group combat arrived at their positions.

The secret meaning-compassion saves the soul!

Several gray beams of light directly hit the four Kenan people on the front battlefield, but it was not Shen who was teleported, and even Shen was not on this planet now.

In the clock tower, energy that was almost condensed into substance entered Shen's body along several traction lines, and then directly entered the frontal battlefield through the channel of Mercy to Save Souls.

At this time, Shen was acting as a transit point, using himself as a transit point to replenish energy for the professionals fighting on the front line. This was also a dangerous and helpless move.

The channel between Naruto and the main universe is too narrow to directly transmit large amounts of energy, and the local energy there is contaminated by chakra. Professionals from the Human League cannot pass there unless necessary. Energy is extracted directly from the air.

The elemental pool constructed by Fina still contains a large amount of solid chakra that is difficult to be decomposed. If it were not for the influence of these things, the effectiveness of the elemental pool could be improved to another level.

Next to Shen, Zed and Akali tensed their bodies, ready to rescue Shen when Shen was overloaded. The other person disconnected the energy connection. Don't let there be no casualties on the frontal battlefield by then. They were responsible for logistics. One of them fell down.

In the world of Naruto, after receiving energy support, the sparse battle light bloomed again.

Outside the planet, Chitauri's frigates are firing on all cylinders again. The only thing they want to think about now is to use firepower to crush the senior professionals. Once the air defense is destroyed, the two positions set up on the ground will be destroyed.

"Fina! Is it locked?!" Tony urged loudly in the channel. On his side, many fully automatic weapons have been overloaded and will soon fall into a vacuum period. At that time, there is no need to consider defense for the time being. The Chitauri fleet will burst out with even more amazing power.

"Hurry! Hurry!"

Under the influence of pressure, Fina's potential was continuously squeezed out. Complex magic models flashed in her mind. Various information on the battlefield was also imported quickly. There was a faint white smoke above her head. come out.

Finally, one minute later, the magic circle was successfully locked.

The most effective nine-ring spell - the chant of the Ice and Snow Goddess!

Cold light shot out from the elemental pool, and the elemental pool suddenly fell into depletion from a full state. Among them, the violent fire element was even more due to the disappearance of other elements, and the imbalance of the overall environment became a bit difficult to control.

The thick white light passed through the atmosphere, leaving an icy path. After entering the universe, the light was divided into four and guided to the frigates on both sides of the Chitauri fleet along the locking line.

A double shot! Kill two birds with one stone!

After each beam of light hits the first target, it is refracted and turned to the next target.

In just the blink of an eye, the eight frigates fell into silence. On the thermal energy display, only the weapon launch ports of the frozen ships were still slightly red. This red color representing heat disappeared directly after a brief struggle.

After several large ice lumps appeared in the fleet, the Chitauri fleet fell into a state of chaos for a while. The originally good routes now needed to be adjusted. The ice lumps with engines stalled had become an obstacle to the advancement of other ships.

"Blow them all up!" the Chitauri commander yelled immediately.

The ship's firing port began to shift, and the firepower originally directed at Ethan and others was temporarily transferred to his own ship. This move directly caused the pressure on the People's Alliance to disappear on the frontal battlefield.

good chance!

Lanlost and Gawain wielded their long swords at the same time. The indestructible lake light and the wheel-turning sword of victory cooperated in the hands of their tacit masters, exerting the effect of one plus one equals three.

The power of the blazing sun kept flowing back and forth in the sparkling "lake" until the accumulated power reached the limit that Lanlost could hold. Lanlost and Gawain swung their swords forward at the same time.

A red, upside-down meteor shower was launched from the planet into the universe.

Upon seeing this, Kenan shook his right hand, and several beams of lightning arrived first and built several reflectors on the edge of the meteor shower, allowing the attacks scattered outside the shooting angle to be reflected back again.

Boom, boom, boom, there was silence in the universe, but everyone seemed to be able to hear the heavy impact. The shields of the Chitauri fleet kept flashing under the covering attack, and shock waves circled from the contact point towards Spread around the landing body.

Because the power was still too dispersed, the ship's shield was not directly broken. However, under this attack, the fleet's firepower directly stagnated, and all energy distribution was concentrated on the ship's shield.

Commander Chitauri looked at the situation caused by his poor command, and he was full of doubts. Originally, under the leadership of Thanos, he attacked other civilizations. This was enough. How could he attack this small mother of primitive civilization? Xing is so laborious.

But he also didn’t want to think about which civilization would be able to maintain defense while attacking their fleet when Thanos and the five Obsidian generals were there. In that case, it would definitely be a full attack and full defense, and what kind of firepower would be needed in batches? Just cover it and be reckless.

Seeing that he not only failed to wear the opponent to death, but was about to be worn to death by the opponent, the Chitauri fleet commander finally showed his only advantage, loyalty.

The result of the combination of these advantages and disadvantages such as madness and recklessness is that all ships that can still move are forcibly taken over, all engines are turned on, overload is fully applied, and the shields are reduced to save several important cabins. The place was open to Gawain's attacks.

This commander is going to use forced landing, which is somewhat similar to a boarding battle in a planetary internal naval battle.

It's basically the same idea. Since you can't beat the enemy from a distance, let's fight in close combat!

After briefly accelerating, the only cruiser in the fleet jumped directly from the front and middle to become the spearhead, and its solid hull directly rammed into several ships that were frozen in front of it.

The sound of squeaking alloy squeezing spread through the fleet. Soon, the cruiser opened a path, leading the remaining frigates and some strange fusion ships to rush towards the planet in front of them.

"Estimated contact time, five minutes."

The central intelligence next to Tony immediately gave an estimate of the time the opponent would enter the atmosphere.

Tony immediately stopped all kinds of weapons that were still shooting in the position and let them cool down. If the opponent uses the death squad trick, there is no need to bombard them from a distance. The power attenuation caused by distance is very obvious. Not to mention, The remaining thirty or so ships were placed in orbit outside the planet, and Tony was confident that he would take away ten ships in one wave.

Fina also quickly adjusted the element pool. During the adjustment, she even saw a small crack on the outside of the element pool. According to the standard operation manual, the operation of the element pool should be stopped at this time, and then the various elements accumulated in the element pool should be emptied. Plant energy, then inspect it, and finally decide whether to repair or discard it.

But now, there was no time. Fina just moved the milder water element area to the position where the crack appeared, then stopped the overload transformation near the crack, and continued to squeeze the element pool in her hand.

After this war is over, she will have to work with Tony to dismantle the moon, and that won't be possible without some energy reserves in the elemental pool.

Four minutes later, the opponent's ship was already visible to the naked eye. The front end of the long cruiser was rotted into one piece, and three of the six large engines at the back were stalled. It can be said that it is now relying on inertia to move towards the planet. Rush this way.

If there is still a slight possibility for the cruiser to turn its bow, then the ships behind it that are completely captured by the gravity of the planet have no chance. They have only one direction, like a pawn crossing the river, they can only advance but not retreat. .

It's a pity that there is intelligent life on this planet and an ecosystem that needs to be protected. If not, everyone would just evacuate and watch them crash onto the planet and then come out to wash the ground.

"Ivan Vanke! The main weapon is about to sink into the air defense room. Pay attention and don't get stuck somewhere!" Tony shouted. He still remembered that the goal this time was to blow up the moon. Under this goal , the main weapon must be saved. If it is re-transported and re-established, at least another week will be wasted.

"I know!" Ivan Vanke stood in the middle of the position, looking at the ground that was slightly deformed due to the huge recoil. He estimated the distance in his mind, and then shook his head. If he continued like this, he would definitely get stuck.

Immediately afterwards, he clasped his palms together and pressed them on the ground. The light of the formation formation lit up. The special alloy deformed slightly under the influence of the formation formation. As the degree of deformation increased, Ivan Vanke's head Started to sweat.

He has not studied this alloy in depth, and now he is basically using brute force to influence it. This is the stupidest method in alchemy, but it is also the most universal method.

Watching the main weapon sinking into the air defense channel bit by bit and falling quickly towards the air defense room, Ivan Vanke breathed a sigh of relief. When he stood up, his hands cramped and turned into chicken claws. Really, he would rather Violent destruction, and I don’t want to do this kind of meticulous operation again, it’s too difficult.

In the control room, after Tony made sure that the main weapon was in a safe position, he issued a firing command, and the roar sounded again from the position.

Almost at the same time, the three of them, Ethan, also reduced the defense area. This ship would not be that easy to defend if it was smashed down. It was too big, and its mass and speed were not something they could directly resist. They had to Avoid its sharp edges.

The only one who still maintains his original state is Kennan. The "Sky Prison" is still firmly covered in the atmosphere, waiting for those ships to collide.

After the Chitauri fleet passed through three lines of defense including bombardment from technology positions, delayed bombardment from magic arrays, and high-level professionals, the shields had basically collapsed, and the damage to their shells had reached the limit. This caused them to fall apart one by one after entering the atmosphere. They all burned up, like a dozen extremely huge fireballs.

Sizzle! The lightning in the sky lit up as the fleet fell. Now the entire sky had only one color, and the jumping lightning could directly blind people's eyes.

After slowing down the enemy's first wave of offensive, Kenan slightly reduced his strength.

At this moment, several ships that could be considered intact by comparison crashed into the cruiser, pushing the cruiser into the defense net.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of troop carriers emerged from the bottom of the cruiser and rushed straight towards the two positions on the ground.

After fighting for so long, if they couldn't even determine the location of their positions, then they could really rest.

After the troop transport appeared, planetary warplanes took off staggeringly one after another. The Chitauri commander did not expect these fighters to be very effective now. It would be good if they could function as missiles. They could directly hit them. The losses caused on the position will not be small.

Looking at the sky, a word suddenly flashed in Tony's mind, New York Battle.

The current situation is a bit like the sky above New York during the Battle of New York in another universe. The appearance of the Chitauri troop carriers and planetary warplanes are also similar.

Hey guys, the New York battle has been changed to the Naruto battle?

Tony thought in his mind, but now the person standing opposite the Chitauri is not just an Avengers, the heroes of the original Avengers are also completely different in combat power. If nothing else, this thing has happened to Tony countless times. The improved armor was enough to match the combat power of all the Avengers in that universe at that time except Thor.

Facing the troop transport ships that were rushing towards them like locusts, the People's Federation did not panic at all, and the division of labor among the various professions was clear.

Zed and Akali have also returned to this world, and Shen is still lying on the floor of the energy room gasping for air.

Kennan led Lanlost and Gawain to dismantle the troop carrier at high altitude. As for the fighter planes and the genetically enhanced soldiers who broke away from the troop carrier, it was left to others to deal with.

In the Sand Ninja Village, looking at the approaching enemies, Gaara stood up. A huge sand wall formed over the Ninja Village, blocking the crackling debris falling down like rain.

After withstanding this air attack, which was not an air attack, Gaara was about to go to Fina's side to help when he saw several beams of light shooting out of the magic formation.

Then light burst out in the sky, and a few small suns directly eliminated 90% of the genetically enhanced warriors with violent shock waves.

"Oh!" Fina closed the scroll on her hand with excitement, "I finally used the scroll the teacher gave me!"

Next to her, Natasha covered her forehead and said, "Fina, stay in the position, protect yourself, and leave the rest to me."

"Okay!" Fina nodded. Her mental power was exhausted, and she didn't have much energy left to guide her after the scroll was activated.

In the Iwa Ninja Village, Deidara had stars twinkling in his eyes. This battle made him high. Art is explosion. Compared with these continuous explosions, Deidara felt that his ultimate clay bomb was not worthy of being called one. The word bomb came out.

Onoki next to Deidara sighed, this matter was such a big deal, Deidara would probably go further and further down that road.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be quite good. These people from the People's Alliance taught Onoki a lesson. Explosion may not be an art, but the effect of killing enemies is really good.

"Deidara, stop looking, it's time for us to move around." Ohnoki put his hands on his chest, and between his hands, the cube representing Dust Escape was spinning.

"Got it!" Deidara wiped his saliva, put the clay in his mouth, and made small bombs one by one.

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