I am Crazy About Money in Football

One hundred and ten internal strife

The defensive midfielder is the beginning of the counterattack, and there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

The midfielder keeps hitting the ball, what do you use to counterattack!

After getting rid of the spot, Ye Feng immediately distributed the ball to Podolski, never sticking to the ball.

The German fans in front of the TV couldn't help cheering. Ye Feng used defense to instigate a counterattack, and the top midfielder was nothing more than that.

However, before the cheers reached their climax, they came to an abrupt end.

After Podolski stopped the ball, he did not pass the ball forward to Gomez, who had already sprinted. Instead, he chose to break forward by himself, but failed and was intercepted by the Welsh defender.

It is a pity that if this counterattack can be achieved, then Wales will definitely not have the fighting spirit to counterattack again.

Podolski stepped on the turf angrily, losing control of his emotions, obviously annoyed at missing such a good opportunity.

Wales is putting more and more pressure on the German team, and it seems that they may break through the German team's gate at any time. At this time, even the tough German tanks are a little bit unable to hold on.

Ye Feng is a bit afraid to foul now, after all, the frontcourt set kick is an important means of scoring goals for underdogs, and Wales is waiting for such an opportunity.

Leaving the center for Ballack and moving to the side again, Ye Feng felt that he still had to focus on restricting Bell's side.

When Bell received a pass from his teammate again, he, who was not afraid of tigers as a newborn monkey, still dared to make bold moves in the face of Ye Feng, and even wanted to use his speed advantage to break through Ye Feng's defense.

It's just that Ye Feng taught Bell to be a man again!

When Bell waded the ball far away and wanted to overtake Ye Feng with speed, Ye Feng reacted very quickly, and quickly stretched out his foot to poke the ball, directly defeating Bell's plan.

Bell showed surprise on his face, he never imagined that his favorite skill would be resolved by Ye Feng in this way!

But at this time, Ye Feng did not entangle with Bell any more, put Bell behind him, and sent the ball to Ballack in the middle.

The German team counterattacked again.

Ballack moved forward with the ball. At this time, he was able to observe the running position of his teammates. He sent the ball to Podolski's feet with one kick, and then advanced at a high speed. As long as Podolski returned the ball back , then Ballack has the opportunity to directly face the Welsh defense.

However, the return pass did not come, Podolski chose to break through with the ball himself, and then was intercepted by the Welsh player, and the German team's counterattack was stillborn again.

Ballack was annoyed and couldn't help reprimanding Podolski.

"Concentrate on yourself, don't patronize yourself to break through, pass the ball, pass the ball!"

As the captain of the field, Ballack has the power to do so, encourage teammates, remind teammates, and even criticize teammates.

Ballack originally thought that Podolski would accept the criticism and be more serious on the court like they were together, but he never expected that Podolski turned his head and roared angrily at him.

"Shut up and just mind your own business, you @#¥%!"

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard the truth from the side.

Is Podolski crazy?

He didn't play well, and even insulted the captain and challenged the captain's authority?

Barack wouldn't kill him, would he?

Sure enough, Barak was irritated, walked over, and yelled at Podolski angrily.

Ye Feng felt that he had to stop Ballack a bit, otherwise Ballack would teach Podolski a lesson on the field, but he would be fined and may be suspended additionally.

But at this moment, something that shocked Ye Feng even more happened!

Podolski, seemingly oblivious to what he had done, stretched out his arm and pushed Barak's hand away, before slapping Barack straight across the face.

The slap was neither loud nor hard, but it was the worst humiliation when it was slapped on the face.


At that moment, Ye Feng knew that things were really serious.

He rushed over in a hurry, pushed Podolski aside, then immediately turned around and hugged Barack, he was really afraid that Barack would eat Podolski raw in his anger.

At this time, several teammates also rushed up, Mertesacker also pushed, and shouted at Podolski, telling Podolski to stop beeping, and then Ram also arrived, together with Ye Feng Pulled Barack.

Barack struggled a bit, but he didn't break away, with an extremely angry expression on his face.

"Calm down, captain, the game is not over yet, the overall situation is the most important thing!" Ye Feng kept calming Ballack's emotions. If Ballack and Podolski really got into a fight, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even now, the matter is not small. The referee may not let Podolski go if he does something to his teammates on the field.

Barak gradually calmed down, and Ye Feng and Ram breathed a sigh of relief.

The fans in front of the TV did not see this scene because of the rebroadcast of the footage, but when they saw the replay, everyone opened their mouths in surprise and couldn't close them.

No matter how big their brains are, they never imagined that the German team would have internal strife on the field, let alone captain Ballack being beaten!

"Nimma, is Podolski courting death?"

"Is this an idiot?"

"Get off now!"

"This guy has played as a teammate several times, and he can't be the main player in Bayern. I really don't know what Loew likes about him!"

"Barack, don't fight back, or you'll be in big trouble!"


On the court, what worried Ye Feng more did not happen, at least the referee did not directly see the scene of infighting, so Podolski escaped unharmed.

But soon, Loew replaced Ballack and Podolski together, just in case.

There is a second time for everything, and God knows if the two of them will fight again on the court after a while.

The next game became dull, and even Ye Feng lost the interest to spend money. This internal strife made him feel very uncomfortable.

Even Wales is no longer in the mood to fight back. There is no need to doubt, because of the internal strife between Ballack and Podolski. After the game, all news has to be sidelined. It can appear in the form of a background board, and become such words-"During the World Cup qualifier against Wales, German player Podolski slapped...".

The result of the game was ideal. The winning streak of the German team continued to lead the standings with a 4-point advantage, and the World Cup qualifying was smooth.

However, the slapping incident suddenly exposed the internal and external troubles of the German team to the public.


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