Transfer all the damage you have received to the fantasy world

Autoimmune to all harm!

Isn’t this invincible?

“The damage you suffer is related to your own spiritual power!”


The system quickly responded again!

Although it can be immune to damage, if the opponent’s attack exceeds the upper limit of Qingshan Liuyun’s spiritual power can bear

It will still hurt!


Also, how can there be a truly unsolvable ability!

But even then, that’s pretty good!


Very satisfied!

“Originally, I planned to raise all the Seal and Spiritual Power Cultivation Methods to level eighty before graduation, but now only one Spiritual Power Cultivation Method has succeeded!”

As for the seal, it is still a little close

But it should be just a few days!

Don’t be disappointed either!



The next day,

After Aoyama Liuyun entered the class

Yamanaka Ino beckoned Aoyama Liuyun to come and sit down!


Obviously he just became a ninja

But it feels like everyone has grown a lot overnight!

“If only we could be assigned to a squad!”

Sitting next to Aoyama Liuyun

Yamanaka Ino looked longing

“The Pig Deer Butterfly Squad should not be disassembled!”

Qingshan Liuyun said with a smile

The Pig Deer Butterfly trio has been in a relationship of cooperation with each other since the beginning of the Warring States, how can it be scattered!


Ino himself knew this, and helplessly bowed his head

“It feels like there’s no hope for the future all of a sudden!”

Qingshan Liuyun just smiled and didn’t say anything


It was Nara Shikamaru, who rolled his eyes angrily!

How! And they were assigned to a squad, desperate?


With the famous scene of fate,

After Naruto and Sasuke’s kiss, the official division begins!

“This year’s seventh class is a bit special, there are four people!”

Qingshan Liuyun can’t help it

He will join the original seventh class, from a three-person squad to a four-person squad!

However, if you think about it, it doesn’t seem surprising

The leader of the seventh class is Kakashi, but Kakashi, who is known as a copy of the ninja

“So, was it specially arranged?”

Specially arranged for Kiki Kakashi to teach himself!

Just when Aoyama Liuyun was thinking

Jing Ye on the side suddenly pulled the corners of his clothes

“What’s wrong?”

Under the doubtful gaze of Qingshan Liuyun

Ino said solemnly with a small face

“Liuyun! You must be careful! ”

“Be careful?”

Be careful of what?

Then, Aoyama Ruyun noticed that Ino’s gaze couldn’t stop looking at Sasuke and Naruto

Remembering the kiss of fate between the two just now

Qingshan Liuyun was silent

Is this the fear that you will fall into it too?


Decisively raised his hand,

Knocked on Ino’s forehead

“What is the little head thinking?”

The entanglement of fate between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha has begun

I don’t have the idea of joining in!

“Hey, hey!”

Ino smiled happily, not caring


“Second shift! Come with me! ”

“What about the people in the sixth class?”

“Fourth shift!”


At the beginning, some of the leading team Shinobu came forward and led his squad to leave!

The first to leave are the motley squads, followed by the elite squads!

“Liuyun, I’ll go first!”

Seeing that his leader was actually a bearded uncle, Ino was even more desperate

After saying goodbye to Aoyama Liuyun, he left

“Don’t worry! After becoming a ninja, you can continue to meet! ”

After seeing Yamanaka Ino leave

Qingshan Liuyun still comforted!


All squads are gone!

Only Aoyama Rukumo, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno are left!

I know who led the Shinobi flag Kakashi to be

So Qingshan Liuyun doesn’t feel strange about this at all!

Feel free to move your wrists

Continue to improve your cultivation experience!



An hour later

Naruto Uzumaki, who couldn’t sit still, still couldn’t help it!

“This point hasn’t come yet, is our leader Shinobu intentional? No, be sure to give him some color and see! ”

Naruto Uzumaki started his own prank!

“Naruto! Don’t go too far, that’s Shangnin after all! ”

Sakura on the side couldn’t help but persuade

But in my heart, I believe I have begun to cheer!


Sasuke Uchiha doesn’t care as always!


Sakura couldn’t help but look at Sasuke Uchiha

“We’ll be a squad from now on, Sasuke!”

Able to assign to a squad with his sweetheart

Sakura was undoubtedly happy

It’s a pity,

In the face of Sakura’s words, the indifferent Sasuke didn’t care about the idea at all

Turning his head sideways, his eyes burned towards Qingshan Liuyun

“After becoming a ninja, I will become stronger, and sooner or later, I will defeat you, and then defeat that man!”

Sasuke has already regarded Aoyama Ruyun as his opponent!

“It’s okay to cultivate hard, but you should also pay attention to the people around you!”

Aoyama Liuyun just smiled

Gestured to Sasuke to Sasuke beside Sakura Haruo

To be honest, Sakura has a lot of things to do, and there is nothing to give Sass to give a lot of criticism

But the only thing that is undeniable is that Sakura is indeed single-minded

Since the ninja school days, I have loved Sasuke, from the beginning!


Sakura looked grateful, but she didn’t expect Aoyama Liuyun to be able to speak for herself

Sakura hopes too

Sasuke was able to focus more on himself because of this


“Hmph! There are no people around me who deserve my care anymore! ”

At this time, Uchiha Sasuke was doomed

Sasuke Uchiha, who thinks himself an avenger, will never care about anything other than revenge!


The face that was originally expected froze slightly!

Sakura was silent!


At this moment,

The classrooms suddenly opened! The blackboard is right in the head!

Naruto Uzumaki’s prank succeeded


Seeing his success in pranking, Naruto Uzumaki laughed happily!


Kakashi didn’t care about this, but just wiped the blackboard off his head

I looked at the situation in the classroom

“Hmm! How to say, the first impression of you is quite annoying! ”


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