“Pocket! Take Tsunade, it’s time for us to leave! ”

Chi Zesheng changed, Zilaiye’s news, the big snake pill also received,

“Yes! Lord Orochimaru! ”

Put away the shuriken,

The medicine master walked in the direction of Tsunade!

“Don’t, don’t come here!”

Under the fear of blood, Tsunade at this moment looks extremely weak!

I can only watch the medicine master come step by step,


The voice of the green mountains and flowing clouds seemed to appear again,

The trembling began to slowly lessen, and the head was lowered, so that people could not see the expression,

“Come with me! Tsunade-sama! ”

At this moment, the medicine master pocket has come to the front of Senju Tsunade,

Prepare to forcibly take each other away,

“Unexpectedly, in the end, I was still taught by you! Bro! ”

This is the first time Tsunade has called Aoyama Ruyun a junior disciple,

“What? 08”

not waiting for the pharmacist’s reaction,

“Monster Fist!”

Tsunade’s fist directly bombarded over,

Like a rag scattered in the air, the figure of the medicine master was directly blasted out!

Abandoned for so many years,

At this moment, Tsunade’s momentum regained its former hideousness,


The change in Tsunade made the pupils of the big snake pill shrink slightly, but it was not difficult to accept,

After all, it is his former companion, and it is only a matter of time before he can overcome his fear of blood!

“I didn’t expect it to be at such a time!”

Tsunade, who overcame his fear of blood, is no longer something he can take away at will!

“Lord Orochimaru!”

The medicine man’s pocket still has some hole cards,

At least this punch will not kill the medicine master,

But there is not much Chakra left, extremely weak, and looks embarrassed!

“Time to go!”

Then it’s time to go back and find other ways to fix your hands!

Right now!

“You can’t go anywhere!”

The figure of Qingshan Liuyun blocked the retreat path of the Great Snake Pill and the Medicine Master’s Pocket!

“It’s you!”

Obviously, the big snake pill has already recognized Qingshan Liuyun,


“You guy, all the time?”

Tsunade also discovered that Aoyama was flowing clouds, wouldn’t that say,

Just now he was embarrassed, this green mountain and flowing clouds have seen it?

“Well! I still care about the situation of Senior Sister, so I followed! ”

Aoyama Liuyun has indeed been secretly following Tsunade,

The reason why he didn’t appear just now is also to help Tsunade overcome his fear of blood!


Dissatisfied pouted,

I am not a child again, what else to worry about!

However, in my heart, I still feel warm!

“The other party is a big snake pill, be careful yourself!”

Even though he knew that Aoyama Liuyun’s talent and strength were extraordinary, Tsunade couldn’t help but remind him!

“I know!”

Qingshan Liuyun became serious,

“After all, it is the murderer who mutilated Grandpa Naruto, I know it very well!”

After speaking,

Looking at the big snake pill, there was a solemn killing intent in his gaze!

“What a nice look!”

Even in the face of the siege of Aoyama Liuyun and Tsunade,

But on the face of the big snake pill, he still couldn’t see the slightest panic,

Instead, he grinned and smiled slightly,

“Aoyama Liuyun! Konoha is too small, with your talent, there should be a bigger stage! ”

After the Chu Ninja Exam,

The big snake pill began to collect intelligence about Qingshan Liuyun, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu novel network!) )

This does not collect without knowing,

Does Konoha still have this kind of genius? The big snake pill was shocked at that time! And then comes greed.

If you can use such a body as a container, then you will definitely be more powerful!

“Follow me! I can leave it all to you! ”

“Is that your last words?”

Qingshan Liuyun’s answer was as crisp as ever!

Make Tsunade laugh!


The big snake pill did not speak, but his eyes were slightly gloomy,


“Yes! Lord Orochimaru! ”

Hearing the call, the medicine master immediately understood the meaning of the big snake pill,

No nonsense, when even the beginning of the sealing,

Although losing his hands,

But the big snake pill can still be sealed through the medicine master’s pocket and perform ninjutsu!

“Your ninjutsu will fail!”

At this time, Qingshan Liuyun suddenly spoke,

Not to mention the big snake pill and the medicine master’s pocket, even the Tsunade on the side was full of strangeness,

What are you talking about?

“Pocket! Summon the snakes, it’s time for us to leave! ”

For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly arose in the heart of the big snake pill,

Immediately urged,

The medicine master did not dare to hesitate, and immediately began to seal!

“Ninjutsu – psychic art!”


Fierce white smoke rises,

Originally, Tsunade was also going to use psychic arts at the same time,

But in the next second, the situation in front of him made Tsunade directly stunned,


I saw that a small snake with a snake letter and a body of less than one meter appeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

Don’t talk about fighting,

As soon as you slip through the smoke, you will run away!

“Great, Lord Orochimaru?”

The medicine master looked dazed497,

Impossible! You can’t even fail to perform psychic arts!

“One more time!”

The big snake pill had an ugly face, staring in the direction of Qingshan Liuyun, obviously thinking of something!


The medicine master did not dare to hesitate and sealed again,

And this time,

“Crooked feet!”

Qingshan Liuyun’s words were much simpler, and he said to the big snake pill,

Tsunade, who was also aware of something, watched with interest,



The medicine master was just about to use the blood of the Great Snake Pill to summon ten thousand snakes,


The big snake pill suddenly stumbled, stepped on the right foot with his left foot, and directly slipped and fell to the ground!


Tsunade, who was not patient, laughed directly!

“Big Snake Pill, you’re too humiliated!”


Orochimaru, who got back on his feet, did not care about Tsunade’s taunt,

Instead, his eyes looked at the green mountains and flowing clouds,

“What kind of ninjutsu is this?”

At this time, even Tsunade followed and looked at the green mountain flowing clouds,

And not stupid,

Naturally, I can realize that such a thing is done by Qingshan Liuyun,

“This is not ninjutsu! It’s an illusion! Holy Word! ”


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