In the face of these threats,

Hotaru didn’t care in the slightest,

Instead, his small face said seriously to Qingshan Liuyun and the others in front of him,

“If I don’t release my master, I’ll kill you!”


There was silence!

Aoyama Liuyun watched with interest, as for Qinghe and those ninjas of the Mist Shadow Village, after being silent for a while,

It’s more or less enduring,

A girl who is not even a ninja actually said that she would kill them?

Such a threat, there is really no feeling of being intimidated!

I said! You,,”

Qing immediately wanted to say something,

But at this time,

As if making up your mind,

Hotaru turned around and only showed his junior!

The girl’s back is not as beautiful as imagined, on the contrary, some raised blood veins make Hotaru’s juniors look very hideous!

Not only that,

Hotaru’s junior center is located, and there is a bead that looks special!

“The secret forbidden technique of the Earth Spider Clan is on my body, if I don’t release the master, I will use this metal to kill you all!”

Cover your back again,

Hotaru turned around, and looked seriously in the direction of Qingshan Liuyun with a small face,

Apparently, Hotaru also knows,

Among these people, it must be this green mountain and flowing clouds who take the lead,

Therefore, you must scare this green mountain and flowing clouds,

“The forbidden technique of the Earth Spider Clan?”

Qing frowned slightly, originally did not care, but after hearing such words, he had to care,

But honestly,

Although Qing knows that the earth spider clan has a special secret forbidden technique,

But what exactly this forbidden technique is, Qing doesn’t know,

There is no way, I can only look in the direction of Qingshan Liuyun, the rhinoceros is defeated by Qingshan Liuyun,

How to decide in the end, or depends on the opinion of Qingshan Liuyun!

“Fury day!”

Meeting Hotaru’s firm gaze, Qingshan Liuyun suddenly spoke,

“How do you know!”

However, after hearing this name,

Hotaru was suddenly stunned,

Why does the other party know this name,

“Lord Liuyun?”

Qing and the others on the side looked over curiously!

“The forbidden technique of the Earth Spider Clan, called Fu Fa Tian, is centered on 867 and erupts outward, which can completely destroy all substances with a radius of hundreds of kilometers!”

I haven’t remembered it before,

But after seeing this,

Qingshan Liuyun finally remembered the situation of this girl!

She was made into a forbidden vessel, simply put, a tool, and she was a relatively poor girl!



“It won’t!”

Qing and the others on the side, after hearing the effect of this angry day, couldn’t help but be surprised,

His eyes looked at this girl who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals!

I really didn’t expect that inside this girl’s body,

There is actually such a powerful forbidden technique hidden!

“If only you knew!”

Although I don’t know, how did this Qingshan Liuyun know the secret forbidden technique of their earth spider clan,

But it doesn’t matter anymore.

As long as you can save the master, this is enough,

“Since you know how angry it is, you will release my master soon!”


At this time, Qing couldn’t keep calm,

Hurriedly said,

“Use this angry word, you will die yourself! You also have to think clearly! ”

“What’s the matter!”

Hotaru’s face looked very firm,

Seriously said,

“As long as you can save the master, even if you die, it is enough!”


In the body of the rhinoceros dog, came the voice of Yu Gao,

I really didn’t expect it,

Hotaru will stand up at this time and save himself,

“Because the master has saved me, therefore, I also want to save the master once!”

After speaking,

Hotaru’s face became much more serious, looking at the posture, as if he was really ready to die!

“In that case! Then I,,”


Seeing that this Hotaru was really going to die with them, Qing hurriedly blocked it,

“Lord Liuyun!”

There is no way, I can only look at the green mountains and flowing clouds,

After all, they don’t want to die here with a little girl!

“I’m just here to do the mission anyway!”


Whether it is possible to recover (bdbg) the six tails does not mean much to Qingshan Liuyun,

Anyway, his purpose is just to verify his strength,

Now that the strength has been verified, then naturally there is no need,

As soon as his mind moved, the King Kong blockade that originally trapped the six-tailed rhinoceros was immediately lifted,

The six-tailed rhinoceros fled!


Yutaka is still shouting,

It’s a pity that now it is the six-tailed rhinoceros that controls the body, and does not pay attention to Yutaka’s attitude at all,

Escape quickly!


Looking at the back of his master gradually leaving, Hotaru was also much relieved,

Even if you can’t be together,

But as long as you see your master safe and healthy,

Hotaru’s heart settled down,

“Catch him!”

Taking advantage of this time, Qingdang even gave a direct order!

The dark part of the Mist Shadow Village behind him did not have the slightest hesitation, and when he grabbed Hotaru and helped the other party’s hands, he was relieved,

The forbidden art that destroys everything sounds terrifying!


Qing, who was at ease, said directly to Hotaru,

“Are you stupid, if you can catch Yutaka once, you can catch him a second time! Now that you’ve been caught, I’ll see who can take care of him next time!” ”


How so!

The girl doesn’t quite understand the sinister of the world now!

The little face looked at Qing unwillingly,

“Nope! If you continue to arrest the master, I will die with you with anger!” ”

“Now that your hands are helped, how can you use Fu Fa Tian?”

“I just can!”

Hotaru looked at Qing stubbornly, with the intention of dying at any time,


It’s a little bit of an egg pain,

How does it feel, this is like a hedgehog, touch it and prick people!

“You shouldn’t know how to use Fu Fa Tian!”

At this time, after looking at this Hotaru for a while, Qingshan Liuyun suddenly asked!


A sudden sentence,

Don’t say it’s Hotaru,

Even Qing on the side was full of incredulity!

“Can’t use it?”

Qing was stunned,

“How do you,”

Just wanted to say how do you know,

After all, this forbidden technique was forcibly embedded on Hotaru by others, and Hotaru itself did not know how to use it,


“No, no, no! How could I not, you don’t talk nonsense! ”

The girl obviously can’t speak, which directly panicked!


What’s more panicked, in fact, there is Qing!

I was actually frightened by a silly girl,

And he also lost the six-tailed man pillar power that was just about to arrive!

Ah this!

If Lord Mizukage knew, he wouldn’t have killed himself directly!

Thinking of such a situation,

On Qing’s forehead, cold sweat couldn’t help but drip out,

Frankly! My heart has already begun to stir!

At this time, the only thing that can still settle down is Qingshan Liuyun,

“The method of using Fu Fa Tian is to charge power and absorb the natural Chakra in the air! The longer the charge, the stronger the burst of power! ”

Although it is powerful, but in the same way, Fu Fa Tian also has certain shortcomings,

For example, it’s a waste of time.

If there is less time to charge power, there is no point in anger,

But if you charge for a long time, if you are a ninja, you will have a chance to run away!

So this forbidden technique can only be used for sneak attacks, (read violent novels, just on Feilu Novel Network!) )

Going head-to-head, there is no point!

“Is that so?”

Hotaru looked confused, this is the first time I know such a thing!

“So, you don’t know anything?”

Seeing such a firefly,

On Qing’s forehead, green tendons have begun to tense,

Was he bluffed by such a guy?

Lose face! What a shame!

No way

If he hadn’t brought the six-tailed man Zhu Li Yutaka back in the end, he would definitely have been slaughtered by Lord Mizukage!

“Take her down!”

Qing no nonsense,

Directly waved his hand at the dark ninja beside him,

I took this firefly straight down,

Then looked at Qingshan Liuyun for help,

“Lord Liuyun! You see, the six-tailed man pillar force? ”

There’s really no way.

I can only hope that Qingshan Liuyun can strike again and seize the six-tailed human pillar force!

“It’s not early, let’s find a place to rest first!”

Qingshan Liuyun did not answer directly, but glanced at the sky and said with a casual face,

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Do not dare to have the slightest opinion,

Qing Lian nodded repeatedly,

“I will arrange comfort for Lord Liuyun, and ensure that Lord Liuyun can rest comfortably for a while!”

Here, the only one who has the strength to capture the six-tailed human pillar is Qingshan Liuyun,

Qing Don’t dare to have the slightest opinion!

“Finally left!”

After fleeing,

Seeing that no one was chasing after me,

The figure of the six-tailed rhinoceros began to slowly become smaller, returning to the height of the human pillar and feathers,

The previous battle made the six-tailed rhinoceros consume a lot of chakra,

Need to recover by resting,



The moment he changed back to the human pillar power, after Yu Gao’s consciousness returned, he immediately planned to rescue Hotaru!

The rhinoceros who understands the meaning of encountering,

Immediately said in Yugao’s mind,

“Are you doing this worthy of that girl’s good intentions?”


A simple sentence made Yu Gao immediately stop,

And the voice of the rhinoceros continues to come!

“You don’t know that we are not the opponent of that man at all, that girl gave up her life and rescued you, and you go back now, are you worthy of her?”


There are no words to refute it,

Oh, yes!

If he is captured again, then Hotaru’s choice is not meaningless?

“Give it up!”

Seeing Yugao’s hesitant attitude, the rhinoceros persuaded again,

“With our current strength alone, we are not that guy’s opponent at all, so we must cultivate hard and become stronger!”

“I know!”

That’s right, you must become stronger, otherwise, you will really live up to Hotaru’s wishes!

Over the years, Yu Gao has been neglecting his cultivation because he doesn’t like fighting,

But now,

Yu Gao has already made up his mind, he must cultivate seriously, he must become stronger,


After seeing Yu Gao’s mood stabilized,

The six-tailed rhinoceros has finally settled down,

That’s right

The six tails are fooling Yugao, revenge or something, just think about it,

That kind of monster, Rokuo doesn’t want to face it anymore!

Qing is still very sensible,

In the town, I found a very luxurious hotel for Qingshan Liuyun,

It is to make the green mountains and clouds comfortable,

I just didn’t expect it,

On the evening of the day,

Qing didn’t come over, but this Hotaru came over!

Maybe I don’t think there’s any threat.

So Qing didn’t arrange for someone to watch this firefly,

The timid Hotaru came to Aoyama Liuyun’s room, and said to Aoyama Liuyun a little timidly,

“I know you’re going to catch the master, can you, release the master!”

Hotaru is clear,

If he starts again, Yu Gao will still not be Aoyama Liuyun’s opponent,

It’s only a matter of time before you’re caught,

“Why do you think, agree?”

Somewhat unexpectedly,

I didn’t expect that Hotaru would find himself at this time,


Hotaru doesn’t know what he has,

The only thing that is more precious is it,

“I can give you the forbidden technique of the Earth Spider Clan!”

Anyway, that kind of thing, I didn’t want it in the first place!


I have to say,

This girl is really naïve enough.

What kind of forbidden technique is angry, Qingshan Liuyun definitely doesn’t care,

After glancing at this firefly, Aoyama Liuyun said directly,

“Get some sleep!”


Early the next morning,

When Qingshan Liuyun walked out of the hotel, he saw Qing, who had been waiting for a long time!

“Lord Liuyun!”

Originally, Qing wanted to ask when he could go after Yu Gao,


After seeing Hotaru who was walking out of the room with his head down,

Qing was stunned!

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