“Because! I’ll be able to get your power soon! ”

Looking at the green mountains and clouds in front of you,

In Gao Siang’s gaze, there were no other emotions other than greed!

“Don’t you understand yet? Aoyama Liuyun~! ”

Gao Siang laughed wantonly,

“As long as you add your cellular strength, when the time comes, you will definitely be able to suppress the collapse of all biological cells!” The strongest creatures, so – will be born! ”

“So it is!”

The green mountains and clouds are clear,

No wonder, this Gao Siang is so painstakingly calculating,

For the sake of yourself!

“Since the target is me, let me see how you caught me!”

Now that everything has been understood,

Then next, there is nothing to waste time!


Cold snap!

Like white light, it quickly spread in the direction of the giant octopus,

It’s just a moment’s effort,

The entire giant octopus was completely frozen!

“It’s useless!”

Gao Siang smiled proudly,



The gray-white skin of the giant octopus suddenly began to turn red, and the temperature rose sharply,

The originally frozen cold ice was fused little by little in the face of such high temperatures!

“No matter what kind of trick, the God of the Sea has biological cells that can restrain it! This is the most perfect creature! ”

This is the strongest creature that I have researched!

If it weren’t for this perfect ability,

From the beginning, Gao Siang could not have been so confident!

“It’s over!”

Gao Siang, who had greedy eyes, did not hesitate for half a minute, and was directly ready to start!


Under the control of Gao Siang, the giant octopus rushed towards the direction of Qingshan Liuyun with a roar!

It’s just that

At the moment when it was close to the green mountains and flowing clouds,

It’s like a mouse meets a cat!

The giant octopus jumped down a few times and jumped away directly,

Keep a certain distance from Qingshan Liuyun, as if you dare not approach Qingshan Liuyun in front of you at all!


This situation makes Gao Siang a little confused!

Such a defying of his own will, this made Gao Siang’s spirit very uncomfortable!

But still strong, continue to use brain waves, control the actions of the giant octopus!

“Why run! What is there to run! Give me action! ”

Constantly controlling the giant octopus and letting it attack Qingshan Liuyun,

But this time,

The giant octopus is indeed huddled in a corner, and its state is very frightened,

I didn’t dare to have the slightest idea of attacking again!

“What the hell did you do?”

Even if Gao Siang is stupid, he can understand at this time that the current situation must have something to do with Qingshan Liuyun,


The strongest creature you have created cannot go against your will so much!

“Since you study biological cells, you can naturally understand that when facing natural enemies, living things will be afraid, isn’t that an instinct?”


Such a thing, Gao Siang naturally knows,


Things like ours happen to things like this in front of us.

How could this green mountain and flowing clouds be the natural enemy of the God of the Sea!

“Is it possible?”

Gao Siang thought,

Could it be that this green mountain and flowing clouds have what kind of power does it have that makes this sea god fearful?

Just when Gao Siang kept speculating,

Qingshan Liuyun did not mean to hide,

A hand, slowly raised,

At the palm position, the gray-white bone spurs gradually appeared, aiming in the direction of the giant octopus in front of him!

“That is?”

What kind of power is that?

“Corpse bone vein?”

Zhao Mei on the side looked a little curious,

After all

Once they had a blood succession family in Wuyin Village, and the corpse bone blood succession limit they had was to use their bones as a means of attack,

It is very similar to Qingshan Liuyun’s current means!

“Kind of like! But this is a total killing bone! ”


After Qingshan Liuyun said simply,

So he directly said the name of the common killing bone,

“At the same time, it is also the power that will make the ten-tailed instinct fear!”


This is the power of Kaguyahime Otsuki,

The Ten Tails will feel fear,

Isn’t that something to be taken for granted?

“Killing ashes together?”

Gao Siang’s whole person was a little confused,

After all

What is the matter of killing ashes, Gao Siang does not know ah,


Seeing that the strongest creature he has created, when facing the power of Qingshan Liuyun,

Like a mouse, he showed such fear,

This made Gao Siang very dissatisfied!

When even refuted,

“Nope! No way! When pigs fly! The God of the Sea is the most perfect creature in the world, and there is absolutely no power that can make the God of the Sea fear, absolutely! ”

Kosion will never admit it,

A power like Qingshan Liuyun will be the nemesis of the god of the sea!

While shouting,

Gao Siang constantly increases the power of brain waves,

Just to be able to regain control of the giant octopus in front of him and attack Aoyama Liuyun!

“Hurry up! Hurry up and get moving! ”

Gao Siang’s mental state is collapsing little by little,

If this continues,

I’m afraid that I don’t need Qingshan Liuyun to make a move, this Gao Siang, he will kill himself!

“Just let me help you!”

Since living is so painful, what is the point!

Be such a good person yourself, and send you down directly!

“Kill the ashes together!”

When the words fell, Qingshan Liuyun immediately used the power of killing ashes!


Palm position, gray-white bone spurs, quickly rushed out,

Towards the position of the giant octopus, flew out!


In instinctive fear,

The giant octopus jumped up in panic, trying to dodge,


Let’s not mention the common killing bones of Qingshan Liuyun, which has the characteristics of being in the middle,

Just the size of this giant octopus,

There is no possibility of being able to avoid!


When the total killing bone hits one of the tentacles of the giant octopus,


“Wait! What kind of power is this! Aaaaaah! ”

Originally, Gao Siang didn’t care about anything,

What a threat can a small bone spur bring!

But in the next second,

Severe pain came from Gao Siang’s mind, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

I can feel that this is because the biological cells on the giant octopus are constantly collapsing,

The backlash brought by it made Gao Siang almost have a headache, and life is better than death!

“How is it possible! How is this possible! ”

Gosion has already calculated the time,

Even if this cell is about to collapse, it is definitely not now.

I should still have enough time, how could this be!

No way

Gaushi Dan estimated that the special helmet was taken off,

Although some pain was alleviated, the result of mental power regurgitation still made Gao Siang miserable!

“What the hell did you do!”

No matter how stupid you are, you can see it,

I will have such a situation, and it must be inseparable from the green mountains and clouds in front of me,

Angrily glared at the green mountains and clouds in front of him,

I would like to know what the other party has done!

“Just see for yourself!”


Qingshan Liuyun just said simply,

There is time to question me here, why don’t you look back for yourself!


Although I am still angry,

But after hearing such words, Gao Siang still endured the pain and turned his head,

The picture you see in the next second,

But it made Gao Siang directly round his eyes, looking unbelievable!

“This, how is this possible!”


The body of the giant octopus, centered on the place where the co-killing bones were hit, suddenly began to decay and collapse!

The giant octopus at this moment seems to know that he is going to die!

The figure is constantly twisting and rolling!

It is a pity that even this cannot stop the spread of the power of decay,

I can only look at my body little by little, how it keeps collapsing!

Until it completely dissipates!

“What a powerful force this is!”

At this moment,

Gao Siang was completely dumbfounded,

0 ask for flowers

I never imagined that the strongest creature that he fused would actually be solved by such a strange means by the green mountains and clouds in front of him!

I can’t believe it!

But after the amazement,

But as if he had lost his heart, the whole person fell directly backwards!

“It’s gone! Everything is gone! ”

His own hard work, his own sacrifice of everything, the things that have been researched, are just gone!

Coupled with the pain caused by mental power reaction,

Let all the emotions of Gao Siang turn into the last roar!


That’s how to lose! Unwillingly! Unwilling!

With the last reluctance!

Gao Siang’s whole person fell to the ground!

Completely lost its life!

“Already dead!”

At this time, the red sand scorpion that instantly came to Gao Siang’s side, after observing it,

Raised his head and looked at the green mountains and clouds!

In the gaze,

It’s a shock that can’t be concealed, how can I never imagine that it will end like this!

The power displayed by that giant octopus, even the red sand scorpion, felt very tricky,

If you really have to let yourself deal with it,

I’m afraid that at this time, I don’t have any good way to deal with it, so I can only choose to run away and dodge!

But what about the green mountains and flowing clouds,

Just a simple, what is the ability to kill ashes together, just solved,

The simpler it is,

The more it can reflect the strength of Qingshan Liuyun, what a terrifying realm it has reached!

“Time to go!”

With this kind of amazed eyes, Qingshan Liuyun just smiled without care,

After saying a simple sentence,

Ready to leave!

Everything has already been worked out, there is no point in continuing to stay!


Whether it is Zhao Mei Xi or the Red Sand Scorpion, there is no objection,

After answering the sound, he followed the footsteps of Qingshan Liuyun!

“Can’t you just stay a few more days?”

On the boat, Terumei, dressed in civilian clothes, looked at the green mountains and clouds in front of him,

The eyes are full of reluctance!

I hope that Qingshan Liuyun can stay for a while!

“Haven’t I stayed long enough?”

Meeting Zhaomei’s gaze, Qingshan Liuyun couldn’t help laughing,

Sure enough, they are all greedy!


“Moreover, you are a water shadow after all, these days, cold and silent documents, it is estimated that there are a lot of things!”

As a water shadow, even at this time, there are many fewer things to deal with in the village,

But there are still many things,

You need to shine on this water shadow to be able to solve it!


His eyes were resentful, but Terumi also knew that his free time was not as much as he imagined!

At present, the Wuyin Village still needs its own water shadow!


Of course

In comparison,

What Zhao Mei thinks more is this green mountain and flowing clouds in front of her!

“After dealing with the affairs of the external stage, I will start to select the next Water Shadow, and by then, we must have a lot of time to be together!”


Qingshan Liuyun nodded with a smile and did not refuse!

Speaking of which,

After Terumi, there is the sixth generation of Mizukage, Chojuro!


That’s all the way it was.

At that time, in the village of Mist, among the new generation, there were no ninjas who could be useful,

Therefore, in the end, he chose Chojuro and became the sixth generation of Mizukage,

But the current Wuyin Village is different,

If nothing else,

Just dry the strength of the persimmon ghost mackerel, become a water shadow, I’m afraid that no one will have an opinion!

Chojuro is not decisive enough,

If they become water shadows, those ninjas who return to Mist Shadow Village will not be convinced at all!


For the future Fog Shadow Village, Qingshan Liuyun is still very curious!


Aoyama Liuyun still left, and got on the ship that returned to the realm of the Land of Fire,

“Don’t worry! Feel relieved! ”

On deck,

Helpless Qingshan Liuyun, even waved his hand and said,

“When I return to Konoha, the materials promised to give you will definitely not be missing you!”

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