I Am Louis XIV

Chapter 87: Lonely Mary

   Chapter 87 Lonely Mary

In the Thirty Years' War, France lost at Corby, but won at Rocroix, Arras, Reims and Perpignan, but it was a pity that after years of civil strife, such a victory came to nothing , and the reason why Bishop Mazarin has been reluctant to give up the rebellious Cromwell that the king hates is because he intends to pull England to France, but Louis has never been optimistic about Cromwell. After all, in the hearts of people at this time, monarchy God's right and proper, and Cromwell is bad without a suitable heir, and now England and Ireland are almost entirely dependent on his majesty and past achievements to maintain a strange balance, once he is questioned, impeached or Get assassinated, or die, and Britain will be turned upside down overnight.

   But Bishop Mazarin would not accept these ideas, which Louis felt he could understand. He had only been involved in politics for a few years, and in some matters, he could also be said to be quite emotional.

   Of course, the Spanish envoys are not only here for the former queen of Sweden, they are also exerting pressure on France and snooping on secrets, specifically targeting the British Protector. The Prime Ministers of Spain were in touch with Cromwell to get the best out of the Protector, for which they promised Cromwell their willingness to help him occupy Calais - a very important event. The city is located in the middle of France and England, which can be called the gate to Paris. The intention of the Spaniards is self-evident; and the solution of the bishop of Mazarin is to put Dunkirk in front of Cromwell, now Dunkirk Erke belonged to the Habsburg dynasty of Spain - this city is really ill-fated, it was originally part of the counties of Flanders, and later belonged to the Duke of Burgundy as a dowry, the last duke of Burgundy His daughter married Maximilian I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and when Charles V of the Habsburg Dynasty divided his domain again, it fell into the hands of King Philip II of Spain - but for the For Cromwell, Dunkirk is undoubtedly a bridge between Britain and Flanders.

To put it simply and bluntly, it was the Spaniards who were instigating the British to fight France, and the French were also inciting the British to fight Spain. Cromwell may have noticed or not, but he was really immersed in the two. In the flattering delight of a mighty nation vying for the first—like a "name" being fought over by two mighty knights, Philip, Duke of Anjou, commented so harshly, that Louis laughed out loud, but even the bishop would It must be admitted that he was right.

Although Louis never made any statement, perhaps because the bait offered by Bishop Mazarin was really attractive, Cromwell finally preferred France, or because he was interested in taking Mexico from Spain, but was rejected by Spain For this reason, his generals William Bean and Robert Venables still took Jamaica Island (Santiago) from Spain - this island is very important, the British can further expand their routes to the New World - so Spain Stalled with Cromwell.

But for Louis, the most abhorrent thing in the face of such an arrogant man is that he does have arrogant capital - not pleasant, Cromwell, in his letter to the king, called him my brother, His secretary signed the treaty first, and the king's plenipotentiary ambassador had to sign it behind. If that wasn't enough, then he, as an elder and mentor, ordered Louis to cut off relations with Charles II, and even expel him. They, that would be too much.

It's just that these are nothing to national affairs and even the whole world. The Spanish people could not get the support of Cromwell, so they ordered Prince Condé to lead his army to attack Calais. Viscount Turenne and Prince Condé were there. A place called Arras was fought, Turenne was victorious, and Monsieur Bishop went with Louis to Arras—his purpose made Louis hardly know whether to laugh or cry, because Monsieur Bishop wanted to This crown of honor was worn on the king's head. God **** it, when Prince Kongdai retreated in embarrassment, they were still thousands of feet away from Arras.

On the contrary, Bishop Mazarin and Viscount Turenne didn't care. The former was because he never cared about anyone other than the king, and the latter was because he was grateful to the king for giving him complete trust and love, so he didn't mind letting him. The king acts as the honorary leader—well, if it was just the honorary leader, Louis took over the kindness of Viscount Turenne, but in the face of the people, Viscount Turenne’s credit was not obliterated. This was Louis’ last insistence.

   What they didn't notice was that Sebastian Vauban, who was serving under Viscount Turenne, seemed to have discovered something and understood something.

   But that's all for the future.


  The king and bishop in Arras, in the Louvre in Paris, only the Queen Mother Anne, and those we are familiar with.

The court without a king was dead silent. Because of the previous events, the former Queen of Sweden, Lady Christina, stayed in Fontainebleau and lived in seclusion; because Cromwell's letters were eventually leaked, so the Queen Mother of England, Mary and Henrietta The princess no longer appeared in front of everyone easily; it was the Duchess of Montpensier and her female companions who often appeared beside the Queen Mother.

Marie Mancini was not at all happy about this, because the Duchess of Montpensier was said to be the first to be considered as Louis's wife. Although she is no longer eligible, in the court, except for the Queen Mother , she was indeed the first of the noble daughters—similarly, the Duchess of Montpensier did not like Marie, and everyone knew that Bishop Mazarin came from a humble background, and that the family into which his sister married, although ancient, Just one of the many low-ranking nobles in Italy. As for richness, who can be richer than the Duchess of Montpensier?

The most annoying thing for the ladies is that Marie Mancini's posture is obviously to take the king as his own. Not to mention a foreign woman who has so far had no title - when Felipe Mancini was executed for an unspeakable crime, the king, in order to appease the bishop, promised the daughters of the Mancini family three prominent The marriage is even more irritating.

Because the king had mediated between Marie and the Duchess of Montpensier before, the ladies would not want to offend Your Majesty, but they could isolate and ignore Marie. The Queen Mother also noticed this, but it was also because Felipe, the Queen Mother did not hesitate to take out her anger on Marie, even if she was by her side, she would not speak to her, and of course would not tell her to do things, even if Marie boldly asked to know about Louis , and could not get any response.

  Also, Mary thought that Felipe's father would punish her fiercely, or abuse or beat her, but no, she seemed to be forgotten by her father.

  Her uncle never saw her again, even though he often came to see the king.

  Hidden herself in the drapery, Mary raised her hands, hugged her knees, and buried her head between her legs.

   In the palace, there are more than hundreds of noble servants and servants, but she is always only one.

   (end of this chapter)

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