Chapter 39 of the younger brother determines the goal of life, another plot point


Luo An was directly punched out by the furious Karp, and even the house of the Dadan House was knocked through a big hole by Luo An’s body.

“Luo An…” Luffy’s three brothers were in a hurry, and they were about to rush out.

“And the mind to care about others? Abominable little devils, give me all to die. Karp kicked one by one, and suddenly Luffy and Ace followed in Luoan’s footsteps.

Saab shivered next to him, “Is this the terrible grandfather in Ace and Luffy’s mouth?” It’s really scary like a demon. ”

As for Marcino and the village chief, who didn’t know when they appeared, they couldn’t bear to close their eyes.

Originally, Karp did not notice Saab, but this time Saab spoke up, which immediately attracted Karp’s attention: “Little ghost, you seem to have said that you want to go to sea or something, right?” ”

Luffy added loudly outside, “He’s not a ghost, his name is Saab, we drank the wine together, and we vowed to be pirates.” ”

Ace was speechless: “Say some nonsense again…”

Karp smiled, broke his wrist, and said slowly: “Oh? That means that the little bastards who want me to educate have increased to four, right? ”


Luffy: “o((⊙_⊙))o.”

Ace: “Σ(△|||) ︴”

Saab: “ヽ(*. ;)o゜”

Roan: “…”

“Ah…” The three brothers scattered, and Luo An also acted out the play.

“Don’t try to run…” Karp chased after him….





By the time Karp finally finished venting, the four of them were no longer human, and the surrounding environment was even more messy, and two mountains were destroyed.

Karp lived in the Dadan House for several days, and Luo An did not return to the terminal station, but honestly accompanied Karp, but Karp’s idea of letting the four people participate in the Navy has never been extinguished, but it is not as strong as before, and he does not mention the intention of bringing the four back to the Navy headquarters.

It wasn’t until a few days later that Karp left, and after sending Karp away, Roan also said goodbye to Luffy and the Dadan’s family, returned to the terminal of uncertainty, and began to prepare for his future.

That’s right, after Kapu’s lesson, Luo An also figured out that if he stayed in the Goya Kingdom, he would not be able to escape Karp’s tracking, and only by going to sea as soon as possible could he avoid Kapu.

And after detailed consideration, Luo An also decided his future, on this sea, pirates and navy are the mainstream, other professions are lower than these two professions, bounty hunters are too one-sided, the revolutionary army can only hide in the secret at present, other professions are not combat professions, and they are far inferior to these four professions.

Therefore, Luo Ansi thought about it, and finally thought of a profession that is very suitable for himself – that is, mercenary, as long as there is money, then you can hire me, we can do anything except kill ourselves, treasure hunting, assassination, theft, war, etc., but any work that can make money can be done, this is a mercenary.

There is just a problem, mercenaries do not exist in this world, or in this world, mercenaries are subdivided, for example, bounty hunters are a type of mercenaries, and the same treasure hunters also belong to the branch of mercenaries.

But the bounty hunter is a straggler, the largest bounty hunter organization is the Baroque Work Society, as for the treasure hunter is even rarer and pitiful, as far as Roan knows, there is currently only one treasure hunter, that is, Mad Torrega and his companions who appear in the theatrical version of “Heart of Gold”, such people are even more fragmented.

Therefore, in this world, there is no concept of mercenaries (Jerma 66 is more like a warmonger than a mercenary), if Roan wants to grow this career, it is almost equivalent to creating a career, and if you want to develop this career to the same level as pirates, it takes a hundred times more effort.


That’s interesting, isn’t it?

Compared with killing a bloody road among countless pirates, and finally ascending to the throne, compared to this, it is obviously more exciting to create a profession, and then develop it to the same level as the pirates, and then ascend to the position of the king of mercenaries, reigning in the world.

If Luo An can achieve this goal in his lifetime, then his reputation will far surpass Roger, and even surpass all the people who have appeared in the world for eight hundred years, and become the most influential powerhouse in the world – and this is what Luo An wants most.

Besides, Dorag can create a revolutionary army, he himself is no worse than him, why can’t he create mercenaries? Maybe in the future, the mercenaries they created can still cooperate with the revolutionary army, after all, war mercenaries are also a kind of mercenaries.

As soon as Roan returned to the terminal of uncertainty, Groot sent a message: “God, someone has come to us today and hired us to do something. ”

“What’s going on?”

Groot respectfully said, “Someone wants to hire us to set fire to the Uncertain Terminal. ”

“Oh? Has the plot come here? Luo An nodded slowly, it seems that the Draco will come soon, and the nobles of the Goya Kingdom, in order to give a good impression to the Draco, intend to set fire to the terminal of uncertainty.

Originally, it was supposed to be Brujam who did this, but he had been killed by Grenolan half a year ago, and the terminal of uncertainties had become his own territory, so these nobles found themselves.

“What kind of conditions did they give?” Roan asked.

Groot said, “Five hundred thousand Baileys, plus residency in the center of the city.” ”

“Cut, actually only give such a little, send Hanako?” Roan said disdainfully, really thought he was Brujam’s idiot? What’s more, even Brujam gave a promise of a noble title, although he didn’t get what he wanted in the end, because the nobles had no intention of keeping their promises. But they have more control over the terminal of uncertainty, but the nobles are only willing to give half a million Baileys – what is going on in their heads?

Groot asked, “So, the subordinates reject them?” ”

Luo An nodded: “Of course, you have to refuse, in the future, if the nobles send people again, just blast away, not only must you refuse, but also spread the news that the nobles plan to set fire to the garbage mountain.” ”

“Yes, your servant understands.” Groot immediately understood and bowed until he reached the door before turning to leave.

The reason why Luo An wanted to spread the news was mainly to block the nobles, but also to prevent the nobles from finding others to set fire, to wake up the residents of the garbage mountain, so that they could have a psychological preparation.

ps: I don’t know what everyone thinks of the goal of mercenaries, if it doesn’t work, I can modify it.

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