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Chapter 85: Superpowers from the Second Awakening

“I do have a solution, but not now, because I can’t do it now.” Luo An said directly, the method he thought of was the No. 5 potion, that is, the elixir of life, Elvis would lose his life, then having the No. 5 potion constantly replenished his vitality, but although Grinolan found the shadow of the No. 5 potion, but one could not refine it, so Luo An said that he has no way now, it seems that after going back, he has to urge Grenolan to develop the No. 5 potion as soon as possible, and strive to research it as soon as possible.

Elvis said positively: “So, I hope to be able to follow you and be loyal to you until the end of my life.” ”

“Huh?” This time it was Luo An’s turn to be surprised: “Are you telling the truth?” ”

Through brainwave sensing, Ron knew that Elvis was not lying, he genuinely wanted to follow him.

“Of course it’s true.” Elvis confirmed: “Don’t get me wrong, the reason why I did this is to thank you for your help, and on the other hand, to urge you to solve this matter as soon as possible, but you can rest assured that even if you fail in the end, I will not blame you.” ”

Luo An wanted to shake his head and said: “I’m not worried about failure, I’m just curious, you offered your freedom for a little intuition, will this price be too great?” ”

Elvis sighed and said: “No way, Pfister is the country that gave birth to me and raised me, I absolutely do not want her to perish, as long as there is a slight possibility I will not give up, even if I pay my freedom for this.” What’s more, this is not a renunciation of freedom, I have long been tired of staying on Rainbow Island, very yearning for the outside world, here is the real loss of freedom, in fact, I have long wanted to go out, before just because of lack of life, so I can’t do it, but now with your protection, I can just follow you out to open my eyes. ”

“Okay, let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about the last topic.” Luo An interrupted the topic and looked at Elvis: “I just heard from you that you seemed to have acquired new abilities during your second awakening?” ”

“I thought you would endure not asking.” Elvis smiled and said, “This is true, how important is the second awakening?” What consumes vitality, how can it only add to physical fitness? This effort is obviously disproportionate to the return, and it is also very unreasonable. During my second awakening, I gained a very magical ability, which gave me qualifications comparable to the phantom beast species. ”

Luo An was even more curious: “Now I want to see it even more.” ”

“I was originally going to be loyal to you, this is what I should have taken the initiative to show you, my ability is to protect the wind.” Elvis said, his right hand slowly turned into a cat’s claw, and with a wave forward, the four wind-like blades quickly formed a separate body, and became larger and larger, and when they flew to the coffee table, it was no different from the coffee table.


The wind blade slashed straight on the coffee table, and the tea table made of precious wood was cut and cut off in an instant, and the wind blade did not disappear, but after crossing the coffee table, it fell to the ground, and only disappeared after cutting a few deep scratches on the ground.

“It’s kind of interesting.” Luo An clearly concluded that these four wind blades are really blades condensed by the wind, not a vacuum slash like Arashi Foot, although the attack power of that vacuum slash is powerful, but it is very fragile in itself, as long as it is blocked, it will immediately shatter, and this wind blade is different, this is invisible real air condensed, tangible and qualitative, and the structure is completely opposite to the vacuum slash, and because it is controlled by Elvis, it is much stronger than Arashi in terms of agility.

And because the essence of the wind blade is air, it has little friction with the air when flying, and basically does not produce sound, which is stronger than Arashi, which is almost equivalent to tearing the air, and the sound is very loud and easy to be detected.

Elvis also said a little proudly: “This is just a general application, I have experimented once, with full output, I can even form a powerful tornado storm and cut an entire island into pieces.” ”

“That’s awesome.” Betty exclaimed even more, she also knew something about the Devil Fruit during this time, and knew that ordinary animal Devil Fruit abilities did not have special ability bonuses.

For example, Luqi’s cat fruit leopard form, is to transform into a leopard, although it is also very powerful, but there is no special ability, such as controlling flames or having shock waves and the like, at most it is the ability of the animal system itself, such as leopards run faster, birds devil fruit ability can fly, but these are ordinary abilities, within the scope of the animal’s own ability – of course, everything is not absolute, some animals themselves have superpowers. For example, electric eels, if there is an electric eel fruit ability, then he can have the ability to discharge, if he has chameleon fruit, he can have the ability to change color stealth, the ultrasonic ability of bat fruit, the liquefaction ability of sea cucumber fruit… But this is a minority after all, and most of the animal Devil Fruit abilities only add bonuses to the body.

This is also the reason why the phantom beast species demon fruit is so popular, because the phantom beast species demon fruit is equivalent to the fusion of the superhuman line and the animal line, not only has the physical quality of the animal line, but also has the special superpower of the superhuman line, which is equivalent to having two abilities, which is simply not too profitable.

But Betty didn’t expect that the prince in front of him actually broke this convention, and used a half-wasted devil fruit, cat cat fruit, and Persian cat form to develop the ability of the phantom beast species. But think of it, this is people’s lives in exchange, think about it is normal, just like he said, consumed so many lives, if in the end only in exchange for a little physical fitness bonus, then the input and income are inevitably too disproportionate, which is obviously not in line with the normal development of things.

“It’s really powerful.” Luo An praised, “If I give you the Seeing Sound, I wonder if you can teach me the ability of Devil Fruit Awakening?” ”

Luo An is really hungry, and Elvis can single-handedly develop the Devil Fruit to the degree of double awakening, which in itself proves that he is a powerful Devil Fruit development expert, with his guidance, I think he should awaken more quickly, right?

“Of course there is no problem, it is my honor, my sovereign.” Elvis suddenly knelt down on one knee and performed a standard knightly salute: “I said before that from today onwards, I will be loyal to you until the day my life ends.” ”

“Hahaha… I have to Alves, like a tiger with wings…” Roan laughed three times, and he was rarely hit by a second. _

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