I Am the President of the University

Chapter 158 The choice between Peking University and Fudan

The latest website: # Other people’s universities! Guanghua University provides a monthly meal subsidy of 600 yuan to poor students during their studies! #

A topic suddenly appeared on Weibo, and many netizens commented on it.

The content is that Guanghua University has screened out more than 300 students who need meal subsidies, and provides them with subsidies every month.

As an Internet celebrity university, Guanghua University is naturally familiar to many netizens. However, in the past, hot searches about Guanghua University were caused by the president, high welfare, and talent introduction.

Regarding this topic, the comments below are surprisingly harmonious.

"Call for Guanghua University! This hot search must be highlighted!"

“In the past, my Guanghua University label was an Internet celebrity university. From now on, I think it should be labeled the most responsible university.”

"I want to apologize. I used to ridicule this school, but now I realize that my rank is low!"

"6666, I'm envious. It's really someone else's university. When will our school come too?"

"This subsidy is really great! I have a classmate from a poor family, and he saves money on food! He eats vegetarian dishes every meal, which makes me cry."

"The most important thing is that this subsidy is funded by the school itself. I remember that Guanghua University is a private university, which means that it is entirely paid for by the principal out of his own pocket! ??????"

If a few trolls appear below, they will be immediately criticized until the trolls dare not refute.

After all, Guanghua University’s behavior this time is completely politically correct and in line with socialist values.

With more than 300 people, the expenditure is 200,000 yuan a month, nearly 2 million yuan in nine months a year.

Say too much but not too much, say too little too much.

The most important thing is that Guanghua University is a private university with no national financial allocation and is responsible for its own profits and losses.

Not long after, various channels such as Douyin and Toutiao began to discuss Guanghua University’s new move.

It can be said that Chen Hao's unintentional move changed many netizens' views on the school.

At this moment, Chen Hao had a bright smile on his face.

It's not because of these discussions on the Internet, but because I just received a call from Zhou Hanqing.

The matters concerning the juvenile class and Ludao Medical College that we talked about on the phone before were approved by the higher-ups.

A huge boulder fell from my heart instantly.

The problems faced by Guanghua College and Medical College were easily solved.

Unless Guanghua College, he will open at least 3 new colleges next year!

Time waits not for us!

Chen Hao felt hot in his heart.

In the expert building.

There are two rooms on the first floor, and Chen Chong and Zhu Chen, who were the first to move in, are right across from each other.

As late night falls, the lights of the two households on the first floor become more and more obvious.

One of the rooms.

Li Jingya looked at Chen Chong who was busy in front of the computer and said distressedly: "Husband, it's almost 12 o'clock. Get ready to go to bed. Otherwise, you will have to get up early to go to the research institute again."

"Hurry, he'll be out soon."

Chen Chong didn't look back, his attention was on the computer.

According to Chen Hao's requirements, domestic scientific research teams under the age of 50 must be selected.

Chips belong to integrated circuits, and the majors most related to chips include electronic science and technology, computer science and technology, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation, materials science and automation, electronic information science and technology, microelectronics science and engineering, etc.

The most relevant one is microelectronics.

In this major, outstanding representatives are naturally Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology.

He had to find a suitable team according to these schools from high to low, and make a list and give it to Deng Hui.

"Can't we do it tomorrow?" Li Jingya started to have some objections to Chen Hao. This is completely treating people like cattle. Even if they work during the day, they will still work when they come back at night, and they won't let people rest!

But this was mainly Chen Chong's own initiative, and there was nothing she could do about it even if she was dissatisfied.

"Well, the school is in dire need right now, and the principal is under a lot of pressure. It would be nice if you could help share the burden."

Chen Chong sighed lowly, turned to look at Li Jingya, held her hand, and said softly: "It's been hard on you these days. I've been busy with work during the day, come home from work, and do housework. I don't have time to help. I'll wait a while." After we’re done, let’s go out and travel for a few days.”

"I don't blame you, I just feel sorry for you." Li Jingya's eyes were filled with spring water, and she kissed Chen Chong, her eyebrows curved, "Then I'll make you a loving supper, finish the work early and we can go to bed early."

At the same time, the neighbor Zhu Chen on the other side was not so lucky.

As a golden single, he just got up and made a bowl of instant noodles, eating it while looking at the computer.

The task assigned to him by Chen Hao was certainly not difficult. The main thing he was busy with was the digital analog competition.

The countdown to the competition has begun, and in the last few days, we have to find some difficult problems to train on.

After all, seeing that the principal attached so much importance to this competition and participated in it personally, he naturally had to help the school achieve good results.

"Let's ask this question tomorrow."

Zhu Chen looked at the question, thought about it, and made a decision.

The next day, Chen Hao came to the office and received the list from Deng Hui.

Looking at the scientific research teams from nine prestigious domestic universities, Chen Hao pondered for a moment and handed it to Zhou Hanqing.

As for another list about Huaxing, it was also sent to Ren Zonghua's assistant.

Huaxing is easy to transfer. After all, it is a company. Mr. Ren has spoken. Even if its employees have objections to going to Guanghua, they can only keep it in mind.

It's just that it's hard to do it in college.

A video conference was suddenly held.

The leader is the Ministry of Education, and the remaining nine are senior party officials from the nine schools on Chen Chong's list.

After the video conference ended, senior party officials from nine universities made phone calls one after another.

Peking University carbon-based chip team.

The person in charge was Professor Guo Xin. When he received a call from Secretary Chen, he was quite surprised.

But when he learned the reason from the phone call, he was stunned for a moment.

"What? Secretary, why do you want us to support Guanghua University? With their level of scientific research, do they still want to develop a chip?"

Professor Guo decisively refused and said firmly: "Secretary, don't worry, our carbon-based chip team has made a new breakthrough, and we don't have to worry about being blocked by foreign technology in the future."

Peking University's carbon-based chip team has received financial support of more than 100 million yuan from the National Natural Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology in recent years. It has published many papers and made some breakthroughs.

But the advent of chips has not been seen for a long time.

The Peking University team chose to continue independent research and development and refused to support Guanghua University.

At the same time, Professor Ruan Jianchang, head of the Core Cloud team at Fudan University, was on the other side.

After he listened to the secretary's words, he did not refuse immediately, but asked: "Secretary, I want to know whether the other party's optical chip is true."

A certain secretary assured with certainty: "Professor Ruan, don't worry about this. The National Academy of Sciences attaches great importance to this matter, and several ministries and commissions are involved. The optical core matter is true."

Ruan Jianchang did not speak, but fell into silence.

When the photon screen came out, he read the paper in that issue of "Science" countless times.

After dinner, I also discussed this matter with my colleagues.

Through speculation, they all agreed that the technological breakthrough of photonic screens would also be a great expansion for the research on optical chips.

Especially in the past two days, I obtained a Huaxing photon screen mobile phone through various means. After disassembling the screen and studying it, my idea was further strengthened.

But now, after the secretary finished speaking, he directly confirmed it!

The scientific research team of Guanghua University exceeded their imagination!

They are researching optical chips. Once developed, they will change the world's chip landscape!

Ruan Jianchang no longer hesitated and replied firmly: "Secretary, I agree to join."

"After sorting out the information in the past few days, I will lead my team to Ludao to support Guanghua University."

Huaxing’s supply cutoff is no longer a chip battle among domestic teams.

Only by putting aside differences and uniting as one.

Only by gathering all the top scientific research forces in the country can we hope to overcome this difficulty.

At this moment, their respective patterns revealed their true colors.

ps: Please give me recommendations and monthly votes!

There has been no reward for a day, and the author Jun, who was coding without even eating, fainted from crying in the toilet.

The next chapter will be updated at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

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