I Am the President of the University

Chapter 361 A breathtaking mission!

Not only Ali's family was interviewed by the three ministries, but also Qiandu and Bing Xixi who participated in the counterattack.

With this move, major bloggers immediately pretended to be ostriches.

What's the difference between blacking out at this time and directly hitting the muzzle of a gun?

Alibaba, which was already struggling due to its subsidiary Ant Group, saw its stock price plummet this time.

The stock prices of Qiandu and Bingxixi were not maintained. On the contrary, the stock price of Tengxun Company, which did not participate in the second choice this time, should have risen by 5 points in an instant!

Netizens were amazed. This guy Tengxun didn’t do anything and he became the final winner just by lying down?

There is no way, why Guanghua does not have a listed company.

"The principal is awesome, no wonder he doesn't take action, this is a big move once he takes action!"

"Those smart netizens believe whatever they read in the news, but they actually believe that Guanghua Security Center steals user data. Are their faces swollen?"

"If you ask me, Brother Ma has the brains. He was not involved in this matter from beginning to end. He kept himself out of the matter, so he was not affected by this matter. "

"Call the principal like crazy!! Why should I be a fan of celebrities? From now on, the principal will be my idol, and I will only be a fan of the principal!"

Zheng Tianyu looked at the chat records in the school group and couldn't help but smile.

From the night before yesterday to this morning, no matter how badly Guanghua was blackened, at least in the school, almost all students supported the school and the principal. Occasionally, a few claptrap clowns popped up, but they were so reviled that they dared not show up.

"Three ministries and commissions have interviewed each other. Ahli and the others are in big trouble this time!" Zheng Tianyu chuckled, who dared them to attack the school.

Zhang Lei and the others were also refreshed, but they had been very angry in the past two days.

Because some people on the Internet posted posts mocking Guanghua, Zhang Lei and others directly confronted each other and complained all night long.

While the whole school was rejoicing, Chen Hao, the principal, smiled bitterly.

"The elders have high hopes for you and your Guanghua University, so stop messing around and get the optical core out quickly!" Zhou Hanqing urged on the phone.

Chen Hao said helplessly: "Uncle Zhou, it is said that optical cores can be developed as soon as they are developed. This takes a cycle. I can only say that I will put more energy into optical cores in the near future."

"I don't care. Anyway, don't delay for too long. There are a lot of people watching the optical core. Time waits for no one!" Zhou Hanqing said meaningfully.

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Hao was stunned and didn't quite understand.

"Take care of yourself! Let's not say it anymore, Guangxin Guangxin! Don't forget it!" Even at the last sentence, Zhou Hanqing had to emphasize Guangxin again.

There was nothing he could do. He had been paying attention to the affairs of Guanghua Security Center. Yesterday, he even called to care about it. As a result, Chen Hao was not in a hurry at all.

Good guys, this morning the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Internet Society jointly took action.

Then...he received the news from the higher-ups.

Asking him to send a message to Chen Hao led to this conversation.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao shook his head.

Before noon, I got up and headed to the Optical Core Research Center.

Optical Core Research Center.

"This experiment was done well, but the data is still not rigorous enough. Wenyu, you can do a few more sets of experiments in a few afternoons, and then we will take a look at the data."

Just after Ren Hong finished instructing Dai Wenyu and others, he turned around and saw a very unexpected person. He said in surprise: "Principal Chen, why are you here?"

ps: I was exhausted from taking the train tonight. I just got home. In order to maintain perfect attendance, I waited for a while before reading. I haven’t finished writing yet.

I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone!

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