I Am the President of the University

Chapter 400 The fastest review in history!

The world's first paper in the field of optical cores was placed in front of him, but Owen looked embarrassed.

This paper was really hard for him to watch!

As an editor of three of the world's top academic journals, it goes without saying that his academic qualifications are not much different even if he is not from an Ivy League school. \b

The academic ability is also completely passable. Otherwise, how can I afford the ability to be the first examiner?

As someone who has read countless SCI articles, Irving can understand a little bit of articles written by other experts, but this article... he admitted that it was too difficult to read!

At this time, something seemed to come to mind, and the mouse quickly slid up and stopped in the name column.

"JianChang Ruan?"

Owen grinned slightly, scratched his head, and muttered:

"Isn't this Professor Ruan from Fudan University? It seems that this article should have been written by Professor Ruan's team."

Because of the matter of optical cores, the academic community is paying close attention to every move at Guanghua University. They also know that in order to promote the research and development of optical cores, China has mobilized teams from seven other prestigious universities to Guanghua University to conduct research and development of optical cores.

"It's amazing. It's worthy of being an ancient oriental country. What an amazing action."

To this day, Irving still sighs every time he thinks about this.

If it is a national institution or international organization, it is normal to attract researchers from various universities or countries.

But Guanghua University is just a private university!

It's like Harvard University has a laboratory that needs manpower. As a result, famous universities such as MIT, Caltech, Stanford University, and Yale University organize manpower to support Harvard University.

This kind of... is unlikely even if you think about it...

After all, most of the universities here in China are private universities. How could you harm your own interests to help others?

But China is different. It is a magical country...

In order to serve the motherland, many people will even give up their superior life and return to the country. Personal interests seem to be completely unimportant in front of the country.

For example, in order to return to serve the motherland, Professor Qian Xuesen of the California Institute of Technology was put under house arrest by the military for several years without compromising. His patriotism was truly admirable.

There are many scientists who have come out of China. Although many have settled in beautiful countries and have never returned, there are still many scientists who have returned after completing their studies.

Owen looked intently at Chen Hao's name.

At the time, Qian Xuesen was hailed as a man who could withstand five divisions, but the army establishments of China and the United States were different at that time. The divisions of the United States were actually equivalent to China's military-level units. The Army of the United States had a total of 11 divisions at that time.

A Professor Qian Xuesen ≈ half a beautiful Chinese Army.

Owen actually had a ridiculous idea at this moment. He felt that Chen Hao should have been retained just like Qian Xuesen. After Chen Hao returned to the East, the consequences might be more serious than Qian Xuesen.

But then he shook his head to get these somewhat ridiculous thoughts out of his mind.

Colleague John on the side was holding a cup and was getting up to get a cup of coffee. Seeing Owen holding the printed manuscript with a joyful expression, he looked over with curiosity, "Hi, Owen, are you so happy? Did you encounter a good article?"

"Once this article is published, it will bring a magnitude 9 earthquake to the academic world!" Owen's smile continued to grow, and he patted John on the shoulder with great emotion, "I know the contributor is Who?"

"Who?" John stood there confused, saying something so scary, is it true?

Could it be that some Nobel laureate has made a new breakthrough?

"President Chen from Guanghua University will publish the world's first optical core paper in Science, just like the photon screen article!" Owen was in a very happy mood. The photon screen can be said to be the most important article in the scientific community this year. It was a breakthrough for Pound, but the first paper was published in "Science".

This time, the first article of Optical Core will also be published by them!

In Owen's mind, he felt that the cooperation with the other party was going smoothly, and it shouldn't lead to "Nature", right?

A moment later, in the editor-in-chief's office.

Seeing that the editor-in-chief Myron was reading the paper seriously, although Owen didn't think anything would go wrong, he was still a little nervous inside.


Myron, a fat middle-aged man with a beard, put the printed copy of the paper submitted by Chen Hao on the table. He couldn't help but shake his head and praised:

“What a great piece of research!”

"God, Mr. Myron, can you understand?" Owen looked at his editor-in-chief in surprise.

"You can understand a little bit," Myron replied calmly.

Then he looked at his eyes, nose and heart to cover up his inner confusion.

Does it count if you can understand the summary part?

Listening to Editor Myron's words, Owen sighed in his heart, otherwise he would just be an editor, while the other person would be the editor-in-chief.

"The question is who should review this article? Professor Thompson from Caltech or Professor Rogers from Stanford?" Irving asked in confusion.

Normal submissions require peer review. The editor will send the article to industry experts for review, and then decide whether to pass or reject based on the review comments.

"These two professors are indeed qualified to serve as reviewers for this paper." Editor-in-Chief Myron nodded first, then chuckled and looked at Owen, "But do you think there is anyone better than Chen in the academic world? Do you understand optical core?”

Owen looked confused. Myron was right, so what should I do?

You can’t review a manuscript without reviewing it, right?

"What should we do?" Owen asked.

"Hire me directly!" Myron gritted his teeth and said firmly. \b

The person who knows the most about optical cores is the Optical Core Research Center of Guanghua University. It is the forefront of optical cores. If something can go wrong there, let alone other places.

Owen's shock was not over yet, because editor Myron said something else later.

"Hurry up and take down the cover article of the next issue and replace it with this one!"

Owen was stunned for a moment. Is this a bit exaggerated?

"Editor-in-Chief, wouldn't this be inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate? In Chinese terms, this is called special handling."

Editor-in-chief Myron groaned and moved his butt. What else should I consider about this matter? What should be considered is how to build a good relationship with the other party and prevent the other party from submitting articles to the competitor "Nature".

It took Professor Obashiharu of Sakura Country three days from submission to acceptance, which was already extremely fast.

As for this Optical Core paper, from submission to acceptance decision...

Not even for a day? ! !

Originally, the cover article of the next issue was an article by a prominent figure in South Korea, but this cover article has been canceled and changed to an optical core article submitted by Guanghua University today.

After Owen left, Myron let out a long sigh. For some reason, there was always an inexplicable sense of crisis surrounding him.

"God bless and may everything go well!"

That afternoon.

London, England.

"Nature" publishing house.

A sound suddenly sounded.

Champion Mandel is the editor-in-chief of Nature, the world's top academic journal.

At this moment, he was looking at the paper on the computer excitedly, and he was so excited that he couldn't help but slapped it hard on the table.

ps: It’s the 400th chapter~~ Check in as a souvenir, it’s really not easy, after half a year of writing, there are no eunuchs anymore!

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