I Am the President of the University

Chapter 420 Sun Yat-sen University was picked off the peach

Chapter 421 The Sun Yat-sen University that was plucked

The signing ceremony was in full swing. Chen Hao and Mandel signed their names, stood up and held hands with smiles. At the same time, there were bursts of flashes of light.

Many media reporters had a little surprise on their faces, while the domestic media in China were a little excited.

As one of the three top academic journals in the world, "Nature" has become quite popular in recent years. Its reputation and reputation are even worse than those of the other two journals.

And the first high-level academic conference held jointly by this world-class journal in China is actually Guanghua University? \b

If it were Tsinghua University or Peking University, it would be more in line with the situation. Even Ludao University would be able to accept it.

And Guanghua University...

The host's voice on the stage then remembered, "This 2020 Nature China Forum will be held on the 22nd of next month. All media friends are welcome to attend!"

This was followed by a question and answer session.

The first one is a domestic reporter.

"Hello Mr. Mandel, as far as I know this is the first high-level academic conference held by Nature magazine and Huaxia University. What is the reason why Nature chose Guanghua University instead of Tsinghua University and Peking University? "

Facing the reporter's question, Chen Hao shrugged and let Mandel answer.

Mandel smiled and replied: "This choice was made after careful consideration by our magazine. Guanghua University has made major breakthroughs in photonic screens and in the research and development of optical cores. There is no doubt that Guanghua University It is world-class in the field of materials..."

Anyway, Mandel's whole answer was focused on praising Guanghua University. To put it bluntly, he was bragging about Guanghua University, which made Chen Hao feel a little embarrassed.

The person who was called up for the second time was Blair, the BBC's China correspondent from the United Kingdom.

Not only was Blair's voice a bit sharp, but his questions were also average.

"President Chen, is it true that Professor Kim Hye-hye from South Korea recently accused you of using your power to suppress the other party academically?"

BBC reporter Blair's remarks directly attracted the attention of other media present.

Chen Hao had no expression on his face after hearing this, and without even looking at the other person, he said calmly: "The theme of today's press conference is the cooperation between Guanghua University and "Nature". Please don't ask irrelevant questions. The next one "

Perhaps feeling a little dissatisfied with being ignored by Chen Hao, Blair shouted directly: "Principal Chen, why don't you answer my questions? Are you afraid? I even doubt your four Ph.D.s at MIT. How did the degree come about?”

Chen Hao, who originally had a lazy expression, suddenly straightened his face when he heard Blair's words and looked at him with some mockery.

"Isn't your BBC in a crisis recently due to scandals involving the royal family? Why are you still dancing so happily?"

The BBC has been having a hard time recently, because in 1995 it obtained an exclusive interview with Princess Diana through deception, which caused turmoil in the British royal family. Princess Diana and Prince Charles ended up divorcing.

Domestic keyboard warriors like to criticize the Beijing News and Southern Metropolis Daily, but among the "rumor media", these two are dwarfed by the BBC!

The BBC not only denigrates China and Asia, but also ignores its own royal family. It is simply a scum and scum in the media circle.

"I would like to give a unified reply here. The matter of Professor Kim in South Korea has nothing to do with me. Do I need to do such a thing??"

After Chen Hao finished speaking, he glanced at Blair and said calmly:

"By the way, I would like to announce another piece of news. The BBC is strictly prohibited from participating in any media interviews in our school in the future, because I have great doubts about the authority, authenticity and accuracy of the BBC!"

When Chen Hao said this, the scene was in an uproar. No matter how bad the reputation of the BBC is, it is still the BBC!

Blair's expression changed. The other party's words were quite harsh, and a surge of anger surged directly to his head. He stood up and prepared to refute.

Unfortunately, before he could open his mouth, he was escorted out by the security guards who were standing by.

Without the famous rumor media behind the BBC, the scene was harmonious and the press conference ended successfully.

That night, many media outlets wrote the press release and immediately sent it back to the editorial office. Even worse, like the CCTV team, they directly broadcast it on the evening news.

the next morning.

In the cafeteria of Sun Yat-sen University.

Meng Wen is a doctoral student at the State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology at Sun Yat-sen University, and his supervisor Yu Hongyuan is a leading figure in ophthalmology in China.

While eating breakfast, Meng Wen likes to browse the Little Tree Worm Forum to learn about the latest scientific research developments.


As soon as he took a sip of soy milk, he was stunned for a second, and the bun he was holding in his left hand fell from his fingertips to the table.

"No? Real or fake?"

In front of me is a hot post on the Little Tree Worm Forum.

[The official publication of "Nature" jointly held a high-level academic conference with a domestic university for the first time, and this school turned out to be... Guanghua University! 】

When I clicked on it, I saw that it was a report from last night. Today, the number of replies to posts alone is as high as 185.

"Guanghua is really getting better and better. This high-level academic conference is very valuable. I didn't expect it to be won by Guanghua University. It's really amazing!"

"Thinking back to Professor Kim's condemnation from South Korea...his, looking at it now, it's hard to say that Guanghua's President Chen will really win the top ten scientific figures of the year selected by Nature this year."

"Do you still need to think about it? Just a photon screen is already so awesome. Who can beat it?"

"But looking at this news, it mainly invites domestic and foreign experts in the fields of materials, semiconductors and physics. It's a pity. If it's biology, I can still go there with the tutor."

“Guanghua University is indeed one of the best in terms of materials!”

Most of the comments were positive, but Meng Wen was shocked when he saw it!

"Oops, isn't the professor's idea ruined?" Meng Wen's heart beat rapidly and his face looked a little ugly.

As early as the beginning of this year, Professor Yu Hongyuan began planning to cooperate with Nature to jointly organize an international high-level academic conference to discuss cutting-edge subjects such as stem cell manipulation, cell reprogramming, tissue engineering, and genome editing. Discussion and communication in the field of translational medicine.

I never expected that most of the hard work of the past six months would be in vain!

Meng Wen had no intention of eating the rest of the breakfast, so he put the plate directly in the recycling area, then stepped down quickly and rode his bicycle back to the laboratory.

"Professor, no, something big has happened!"

Because it was still early and there were only three or four people in the laboratory, Meng Wen rushed directly to Professor Yu Hongyuan's office.

In the office.

Before Meng Wen could begin, Professor Yu Hongyuan raised his head and smiled bitterly at Meng Wen.

"Xiao Meng, you don't need to say anything, I have already seen the news..."

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