Chapter 473 Inspection

Huizhan Road, Lianqian Street, Siming District, Ludao.

Outside the Ludao International Conference Center, Wang Shan, who was wearing a police uniform, looked around and curiously asked the older policeman beside him: "Lao Li, do you think this forum is that important?"

"It's almost as strict as three years ago..." Wang Shan complained helplessly.

In the past half month, the entire island has been rectifying public order, and anyone who gets into fights will be in trouble.

Ludao is a tourist city, and its urban security is far ahead in the country. After all this trouble, sleeping with the door open is no problem...

It's really hard on them.

This intensity reminds Wang Shan of the BRICS Summit three years ago.

Ludao International Conference Center was completed and put into use in 2008. It has a total of 7 conference halls and 6 conference rooms, and has been used as the venue for many conferences.

For example, the 2010 Second World Investment Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the 8th Shanghai Cooperation Organization Attorney General Meeting...

"The city attaches great importance to it this time. Do you know what kind of meeting is being held this time?" Old Li glanced at Wang Shan and moved his neck, which was a little sore.

"I am also a person who went to college, okay?!" Wang Shan curled his lips and his eyes drifted towards the conference center.

"It seems to be an academic forum jointly sponsored by a top foreign journal and Guanghua University, right?"

"How could an academic forum make such a big fuss? I don't understand..." Wang Shan said still somewhat depressed.

"Academic forums are not unusual, but international academic forums are rare! And do you know how many scientists came to this China Forum?" Lao Li paused deliberately to show off.

"How much?" Wang Shan asked in a dignified manner.

"More than 500 scientists from home and abroad participated in this academic forum, and most of them are foreign scientists. There are more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners. Do you think they are awesome?" Lao Lizui He was talking relaxedly, but his heart was not at peace.

Although a veteran like him doesn't know much about these studies, as a layman he also knows how famous the Nobel Prize is.

Moreover, more than 500 scientists attended, and this formation... Wow, this is the first time that Ludao, a second-tier city in China, has seen such a grand gathering of international academic circles.

"More than five hundred scientists... so powerful!" Wang Shan was stunned for a moment. As an undergraduate who graduated from the Provincial Police Academy, he had never seen such a formation before.

"That's not all! Including some accompanying students, the number of people participating in the academic forum this time has exceeded a thousand." As he said this, Lao Li seemed to have thought of something, patted Wang Shandi on the shoulder and said with a smile, " This time, I heard from Team Huang that there will be many international media appearing.”

Finally, Old Li said leisurely: "It's rare for our Ludao to host such a major international forum. Once it is done, it will also be a good publicity for the city. Do you think the higher ups can ignore it?"

"Yes, but why is the organizer Guanghua University? Shouldn't it be Ludao University?" Wang Shan still couldn't figure out how such an important meeting could be held by Guanghua University. In terms of strength, Ludao University should not be underestimated. Guanghua University?

"You, a young man, don't have the eyesight of a middle-aged man like me." Old Li looked at Wang Shan as if he hated the iron, and his voice could not help but become louder.

"You're stupid! If Guanghua can't do it, it's just old history. How many times has Guanghua been in the news since July this year?"

"I see, Ludao is going to change. This Guanghua University is amazing~"

Before Lao Li could calm down, a word from beside him made his body tremble suddenly.

"I think you are the ones who are great. "

A slightly thick voice came from behind. Lao Li and Wang Shan knew who it was just by listening to the voice without turning around.

Lao Li shouted something bad in his heart, and quickly greeted with a smile, "Team Huang."

"Team Yellow." Wang Shan stood up straight and shouted quickly.

"That's pretty exciting, right? Are you done? If you haven't finished yet, do you want to go home now and continue?" Huang Anguo, who was wearing a police uniform, glared at the two of them.

"Enough is enough, I don't dare anymore."

"Do your duty well and don't desert again!"

Looking at Huang Anguo's retreating figure, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

But Wang Shan couldn't help but ask: "Where is Captain Huang going?"

"You are the only one who talks a lot!" Lao Li snorted, but he was also curious in his heart.

By the way, what on earth is Team Yellow going to do?

"Hello, Captain Huang, thank you for your hard work."

"Hello, Principal Chen, this is all for the development of Ludao, don't worry."

The two exchanged polite greetings. Chen Hao looked at each other, and the other party was also looking at this legendary young man.

"Principal Chen is really young and promising, he shouldn't be old, right?" Huang Anguo asked with a smile.

"You're not young anymore, you're already 26, and I'm going to be 30 soon." Chen Hao sighed slightly.

The corner of Huang Anguo's mouth twitched, he was actually 26. Just looking at his handsome and delicate appearance, he thought he was 22 or 23. \b

After chatting for a while, Chen Hao noticed the police car on the road beside him, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Team Huang, do we have enough police cars in the city bureau?"

"It's not bad, barely enough." Huang Anguo smiled bitterly. Nowadays, the involution is severe. There are more and more people taking public exams and public institutions. There are even a lot of auxiliary police officers with a monthly salary of two to three thousand. People rush to take advantage of it.

"It's all for the people, I understand." Chen Hao continued with a smile, "As a five-star good citizen, I feel it is necessary to dedicate a little love."

"I want to donate a batch of police cars to the city bureau. Isn't it convenient?" Chen Hao looked at Huang Anguo.

Huang Anguo, who had looked down on the secular world before, was shocked when he heard Chen Hao's last words.

The tone instantly became much more enthusiastic.

"This...this is so embarrassing. It's all our responsibility."

"This is obvious. As a Ludao native, I, Chen Hao, should make some contribution to the security of my hometown."

After several pushes, Huang Anguo and Chen Hao finally laughed with satisfaction.

Being a human being is an art, but it is also a science.

Although his background is tough enough, the more friends he has, the less trouble he will have.

After chatting with Captain Huang for a while, Chen Hao went to the venue to inspect, with Jiang Lin accompanying him throughout the process.

Everything was going smoothly at first, until Chen Hao saw some people nearby carrying spears and cannons.

"When did these reporters arrive?"

Chen Hao stood still, looking straight at the media not far away.

"They appeared near the venue yesterday, but they all had formal certificates. Team Huang also checked them, but there were a lot more people today." Jiang Lin explained.

"These guys move pretty fast." Chen Hao said lightly. He didn't like the media very much. Most of them were controlled by capital. What you can see is actually what they want you to see.

When he was about to leave, an exclamation sounded not far away.

"Mr. Chen!"

A blond reporter recognized him and ran over.

"Principal Chen, I am Smith, a reporter from the Daily Mail. Is it convenient for me to be interviewed now?" Smith asked quickly in less fluent Chinese.

"Yes, but I can only answer one question for you." Seeing that the other party had a good attitude, Chen Hao did not refuse.

The other party's face was overjoyed, and the microphone came closer.

"At this China Forum, President Chen, will you take the stage to give a special report? For example, photonic screens and optical cores?"

"Those are the two questions." Chen Hao waved his hand and responded: "I will be on stage. As for what I will say then, I will keep it secret for now."

After finishing speaking, Chen Hao was about to turn around and leave, but was delayed for a while because of his conversation with Smith. In such a short time, he was surrounded by many domestic and foreign media.

Chen Hao was tired of hearing a bunch of questions.

Security at the convention center also came up to separate the reporters.

Just an unfriendly voice sounded from the side, causing Chen Hao's expression to change.

He scanned the reporters in front of him and finally came across the owner of the source of the sound.

"This reporter wearing a black trench coat, can you repeat the question you just asked?"

ps: I wish our party a happy 100 years!

Just one chapter today. . . Can't get out of Chapter 2.

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